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Archive for March, 2009

New Jersey’s First Statewide Health Literacy Summit

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

The Literacy Volunteers of New Jersey ( announce New Jersey’s first statewide health literacy summit. The summit is scheduled for April 3 at the Enterprise Center, Mount Laurel, NJ. An agenda and a registration form are available here.

Award Report-Buffalo Mercy Hospital Uses NN/LM MAR Tech Improvement Grant for PCs for New Library

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009


A Blessing and Re-Dedication of the John J. O’Brien, M.D., Health Sciences Library was held on Wednesday, October 29, 2008, in Buffalo, New York. The Library was recently moved to a new, higher traffic location adjacent to the Physician Lounge on the Hospital’s third floor. The Physician Lounge/Library suite features new computers and printers, wireless Internet access, three new study carrels in the Library, new flooring, furniture, window treatments, high definition flat screen TV and food service area. A bronze plaque with Dr. O’Brien’s etched photo now graces the entrance to the new Library.  Funding for the renovations was provided by the Mercy Hospital Foundation, Administration and Medical Staff, and through a Technology Improvement Grant from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region. The NN/LM MAR grant paid for new PCs and a printer for the new library. Grace Di Virgilio submitted the grant on behalf of Mercy Hospital. Grace has served as Mercy Hospital’s circuit librarian since 1999 and is the Hospital Library Services Program Coordinator for the Western New York Library Resources Council. Lisa M. Humphrey is the Library Assistant at Mercy Hospital.

The late Dr. John J. O’Brien was a well-respected and beloved Mercy Hospital physician who served as Director of Medical Education from 1951 through 1985. Dr. O’Brien was a strong advocate for the library and lifelong library user. The Library was re-dedicated in his name to recognize the countless contributions he made to Mercy Hospital. Dr. O’Brien’s wife, Barbara O’Brien, and family members attended the ceremony. The blessing was performed by Sister Peggy Gorman, R.S.M., Chief Development Officer, Sisters of Mercy, New York, Pennsylvania, Pacific West Community. Speakers included Joseph A. Prezio, M.D., Honorary Staff, Department of Nuclear Medicine; Thomas A. Raab, M.D., Chair, Department of Medicine; and Timothy F. Gabryel, M.D., F.A.C.P., Vice President of Medical Affairs.

Grace DiVirgilio- Mercy Hospital- Health Sciences Library.  Buffalo, NY.

MAR Hosts MLA Webcast on March 25,”Finding Work-Life Balance: Strategies for You and Your Institution”

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

Join your colleagues on March 25 as NN/LM MAR hosts Medical Library Association’s spring webcast, “Finding Work-Life Balance: Strategies for You and Your Institution.” More information about the webcast is available here:

Take advantage of this national continuing education event. Share ideas with your colleagues about current topics, learn techniques from MLA member experts, and earn MLA CE contact hours.

Date: Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Time: 2:00 pm-4:00 pm

Location: Ehrman Medical Library Conference Room, New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, NY

*NOTE: You are invited to join us in person in New York City for the webcast. We cannot offer free remote access to the webcast from your own library.*

RSVP to rml (at) Space is limited, so sign up early. You will be sent a confirmation e-mail with directions to the site by Friday, March 20. There is no charge for this event.

The RML has also purchased a DVD for loan after the webcast.

We look forward to having you join us!

H.R. 801, Open Access and John Conyers

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

Lawrence Lessig, the founder of the Creative Commons movement, has written a piece on his blog about H.r.801, the legislation that representative John Conyers is trying to get passed into law.  This would effectively forbid NIH from requiring that research funded with NIH funds be freely accessibly after 12 months.

Several organizations have banded together to state their opposition to this legislation; ALA being one of them.  Read more about how this law would effect access to information and essentially charge taxpayers twice to read an article on Lawrence Lessig’s blog.

March NIH News in Health Now Online

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

NIH News in Health, the monthly newsletter bringing you practical health news and tips based on the latest NIH research, is now on Facebook!  Please join us there and post comments on our wall or start a discussion.  Share your ideas about how you use the newsletter and suggest topics you’d like us to cover.  Go to and become a fan.

The March issue of NIH News in Health is now online. In this edition:

A Loved One’s Substance Abuse Problem
What You Can Do
Your brother has been irritable, angry and anxious. Sometimes he acts depressed. You start to suspect he may be on drugs. What can you do?

full story

Too Hot to Handle?
Facts About Fevers
You’re achy and run down. Something’s not quite right. When you finally reach for the thermometer, you find that your temperature’s above normal. You have a fever-a sign that something is out of balance in your body.
full story

Health Capsules:

Click here to download a PDF version for printing.