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Weather Station at Sunrise

BARC Weather

History and Information

Farm Operations has been recording the weather here at BARC since the 1930's. Until 1995 all stations recorded the temperature, humidity and rainfall on strip charts and hand typed forms. In the first months of 1995, seven electronic stations were installed beside six existing stations and at one new location on the farm.

All seven stations are logging data every fifteen minutes.
Archived Daily Summaries
(Hosted by the Crops Systems And Global Change Laboratory, Plant Sciences Institute)
Stations that are displaying real time information
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Liability Disclaimer
The user assumes the entire risk related to the use of data from this site. Farm Operations is providing this data "as is." In no event will Farm Operations nor Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, be liable to you or to any third party for any direct, indirect, consequential, special or exemplary damages or lost profit from any use or misuse of this data.

Questions about this site and more detailed information from the weather stations here at BARC should be directed to George Meyers

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