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David Sandalow - Under Secretary of Energy (Acting) and Assistant Secretary for Policy & International Affairs

David Sandalow

As Under Secretary of Energy (Acting), David Sandalow helps oversee the Department’s renewable energy, energy efficiency, fossil energy, nuclear energy and electricity delivery programs. As Assistant Secretary for Policy & International Affairs, he helps coordinate policy and manage international activities at the Department. Prior to being confirmed as Assistant Secretary, Mr. Sandalow was Energy & Environment Scholar and a Senior Fellow in the Foreign Policy Studies Program of the Brookings Institution, as well as Energy & Climate Change Working Group Chair at the Clinton Global Initiative. He is the author of Freedom from Oil (McGraw-Hill, 2008) and editor of Plug-In Electric Vehicles: What Role for Washington? (Brookings Press, 2009). Mr. Sandalow has written widely on energy and environmental policy, including op-eds in the New York Times, Washington Post, Financial Times and other publications. Previously, he served as Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans, Environment & Science, a Senior Director on the National Security Council staff, an Associate Director on the staff of the White House Council on Environmental Quality and Executive Vice President, World Wildlife Fund - U.S.  Mr. Sandalow is a graduate of the University of Michigan Law School (JD) and Yale College (BA Philosophy).