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Archive for the ‘Funding’ Category

Subscribe to the MAR Quarterly Newsletter

Friday, September 14th, 2012

MAR announced the inaugural issue of our quarterly newsletter–The MAReport.

Our goal is…

  • to spotlight various aspects of our services and NLM resources
  • to highlight a Network member
  • to announce classes and training for the next quarter, and
  • to touch on any number of possible topics in future issues

Make sure to sign-up to receive future issues using the Subscribe feature. Also, please share the newsletter with colleagues and friends:

MAR Announces New Round of Funding Available

Friday, September 7th, 2012

MAR is accepting applications until October 1, 2012 for up to $10,000 to support 6-month outreach, technology improvement, and “new roles” projects (period of performance = November 1, 2012 – April 30, 2013).

  • Would you like support to be recognized within your institution by offering a new clinical information service?
  • Perhaps you would like to provide evidence to support the development of clinical guidelines or patient order sets?
  • Or, maybe you have wanted to offer a health information service to a target population in your area?

Consider applying for an award to help support your efforts.  Visit our funding page and read through the Potential Projects section of each award for more ideas.

Renae Barger
NN/LM MAR Executive Director

Subscribe to the MAR Quarterly Newsletter

Friday, September 7th, 2012

MAR announced the inaugural issue of our quarterly newsletter–The MAReport.

Our goal is…

  • to spotlight various aspects of our services and NLM resources
  • to highlight a Network member
  • to announce classes and training for the next quarter, and
  • to touch on any number of possible topics in future issues

Make sure to sign-up to receive future issues using the Subscribe feature. Also, please share the newsletter with colleagues and friends:

Subscribe to the MAR Quarterly Newsletter

Friday, August 31st, 2012

MAR announced the inaugural issue of our quarterly newsletter–The MAReport.

Our goal is…

  • to spotlight various aspects of our services and NLM resources
  • to highlight a Network member
  • to announce classes and training for the next quarter, and
  • to touch on any number of possible topics in future issues

Make sure to sign-up to receive future issues using the Subscribe feature. Also, please share the newsletter with colleagues and friends:

Award Recipient Project Reports (Lunch with the RML Session)

Friday, August 31st, 2012

Location:  Free, Online: (the URL is posted the morning of each session)

Date:  September 27, 2012

Awardee: Kristina Flathers, Alfred I. DuPont Hospital for Children of The Nemours Foundation
Project: iRound: Bringing EBM to Family Centered Clinical Teaching Rounds
Description: The project outfited three General Pediatrics Residency teams with iPads; one each will be distributed to the senior resident, the attending physician, the librarian and the nurse. Each team member was given the capability to access electronic medical records (EMRs) through the iPad on the Nemours secure network and perform their own searches within the library portal for access to electronic EBM and library resources.

Awardee: Bruce Johnston, Robert Morris University
Project: Advancing Technology in Nursing Education: Integrating iPads into Clinical Practice and Patient Education
Description: Robert Morris Library and the School of Nursing and Health Sciences, along with UPMC Passavant, used state-of-the-art technology to augment and improve nursing education as well as patient education activities. By adding iPad2 devices and relevant apps, this project improved the technology mix for accessing health information. Nursing students were the target audience, along with clinical instructors working with the student nurses on patient care units, as well as the RMU Clinical Faculty Instructor and Health Sciences Librarian.

Awardee: Joey Nicholson, New York University School of Medicine
Project: Pilot Project using Anatomy Apps and Mobile Resources to Improve Learning in the Anatomy Lab
Description: NYU purchased an iPad for the Education and Curriculum Librarian to support and demonstrate new anatomy teaching technology, as well as 30 copies of the Netter’s Anatomy Atlas iPad application and Grant’s Dissector through Inkling to be used on 30 NYU School of Medicine iPads supplied to the anatomy lab. At the beginning of their anatomy course, students received a demonstration from the Librarian of how to access and use the iPads that included an overview of what is in each of the apps and how they can be used to support anatomy education. Students were able to go back and forth between the 3D visualization and the reference applications in real time as they dissected cadavers to support their learning and retention.

Awardee: Cristina Pope, Upstate University Health System, Health Sciences Library
Project: Emergency Preparedness: Enhancing Communication and Access to Health Information Resources
Description: The pilot project’s primary objective was to determine whether the incorporation of an iPad loaded with emergency preparedness resources and an online synchronous communication application would enhance the Emergency Preparedness Regional Partnership’s ability to prepare for catastrophic events through planning; provide a forum to strengthen collaboration among emergency preparedness partners throughout the healthcare system; facilitate the development of exercises and evaluations; facilitate the delivery of emergency preparedness training and education; provide information sharing and communication between preparedness partners and build emergency response capability.

Women’s Health Funding Opportunity

Friday, August 31st, 2012

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) and the Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH), as part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), are partnering to increase the awareness and access to sex and gender differences research resources available from NIH and their 27 Institutes and Centers through the Women’s Health Resources Portal ( through a funding opportunity.

The purpose of the Women’s Health Resources Dissemination Project is to design programs for creating and improving access to and use of sex and gender differences information for university and college students, faculty, librarians and health professionals.  Emphasis is on providing information or access to health and medical information that is relevant and usable by the intended audience, and increasing the awareness and utilization of high-quality, professional-level online medical and public health information resource on sex and gender difference basic science, sex-specific studies, disparities, and inclusion research, including the NLM Women’s Health Resources Portal ( that serves as an access point to all NIH sex and gender differences resources.

The purpose is also to promote new and creative collaborations between university/college and their library, specifically medical and Health libraries, to students and faculty to increase the knowledge and awareness of sex and gender differences in research design and reporting.  University and colleges libraries may also increase information access to existing partnerships with outside organizations that are primarily focused on health and medical research.

All proposals must be received by September 10, 2012 at 12:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time).  To find more information about this funding opportunity, see:

1)       NIHLM2012431A-Partial Small Business Set-Aside
2)       NIHLM2012431B-Full and Open

Janice E. Kelly
Chief, Outreach and Special Populations Branch
National Library of Medicine
Specialized Information Services
6707 Democracy Blvd
Two Democracy Plaza, Suite 510
Bethesda, MD 20892-5467
Phone: 301-443-5886

I Love My Librarian Award

Friday, August 24th, 2012

I Love My Librarian Award

Nominations for the 2012 Carnegie Corporation of New York/New York Times “I Love My Librarian Awards” are open through September 12.  Ten librarians each will receive a $5,000 cash award, a plaque and $500 travel stipend to attend an awards reception in New York.  In addition, a plaque will be given to each award winner’s library.

Recognize the accomplishments of your exceptional public, school, college, community college, or university librarian.

Please note:  You’ll need to submit the entire application in one session.  To make the process easier, we’ve provided a list of the questions so you can prepare your answers in advance.

Mid-Atlantic Chapter (MAC) Scholar Award

Friday, August 10th, 2012

The Membership and Recruitment Committee of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter (MAC) of the Medical Library Association invites new librarians to apply for a conference scholarship to attend the 2012 MAC Annual Meeting:

This year’s meeting will be part of the MLA Quad Chapter Meeting held at the Tremont Plaza Hotel in Baltimore, MD, October 13-16.


One scholarship will be awarded. The selected recipient will receive complimentary conference registration, which includes most meals, lodging at the conference hotel, and a one-year MAC/MLA membership.

Eligibility Criteria:

Scholarship applicants must be:

  • A MAC member with 5 or less years of post-MLS experience
  • A first-time attendee at the MAC/MLA Annual meeting
  • Currently employed in a hospital or academic medical center library in the MAC/MLA region:  District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, and Western Pennsylvania
  • Willing to submit a one-page report detailing their experience and impression of the meeting to appear in MAC Messages Blog.
  • Committed to attend ENTIRE meeting from October 13-16, 2012.

Submission Guidelines

To be considered for this award, you must:

  • Obtain a letter of recommendation from your supervisor or library director
  • Submit an essay, NO MORE THAN 500 WORDS, describing your interest in participating in the 2012 Conference Scholar Program, your interest in health sciences librarianship, and how attending the MAC/MLA meeting will contribute to your professional development.
  • Submit a current resume and cover letter.

Deadline for Submission

Applicants should email their completed applications to the MAC Conference Scholars Program at by Friday, August 24, 2012.

All scholarship applicants will be notified via e-mail by Friday, August 31, 2012.

Please Contact Ryan Harris, MAC Membership and Recruitment Committee Chair, if you have any further questions,, 410-706-315

Note: The selection committee requests that applicants not register for the MAC Annual Meeting until notified of their status to avoid the need for refunds.

Deadline Extended for NLM Disaster Health Information Outreach Contract Proposals

Friday, August 10th, 2012

The deadline is extended to Monday, August 20, 2012 for applications for the “Disaster Health Information Outreach and Collaboration Project 2012” funding.


NLM must extend the deadline due to a required change in a classification code used on this contract to describe the nature of the work.  There are NO OTHER CHANGES to this solicitation.  The code change is a technicality that will not require any change in the content of proposals.


The previous deadline WAS Wednesday, August 8, 2012.  You now have until August 20 to submit applications. Please see the announcement below for further information and links about this project.


If you have already submitted an application, the NLM Office of Acquisitions will contact you with instructions.


The National Library of Medicine (NLM) announces a funding opportunity for small projects to improve access to disaster medicine and public health information for health care professionals, first responders and others that play a role in health-related disaster preparedness, response and recovery.

NLM is soliciting proposals from partnerships that include at least one library and at least one non-library organization that has disaster-related responsibilities, such as health departments, public safety departments, emergency management departments, prehospital and emergency medical services, fire/rescue, or other local, regional, or state agencies with disaster health responsibilities; hospitals; faith-based and voluntary organizations active in disaster; and others.

NLM encourages submission of innovative proposals that enhance mutually beneficial collaboration among libraries and disaster-related agencies. For example, projects may increase awareness of health information resources, demonstrate how libraries and librarians can assist planners and responders with disaster-related information needs, show ways in which disaster workers can educate librarians about disaster management, and/or include collaboration among partners in developing information resources that support planning and response to public health emergencies.  Summaries of the seven projects  funded for 2011-2012 can be viewed at

Contract awards will be offered for a minimum of $15,000 to a maximum of $30,000 each for a one-year project.

The deadline for proposals is Wednesday, August 8, 2012  Monday, August 20, 2012 at 2 pm ET. Proposals are limited to six pages plus supplemental materials such as resumes, letters of support, and a budget.

The Request for Proposal (RFP) for this requirement has been split into two solicitations; one Partial Small Business Set-Aside (RFP No.: NIHLM2012411) and; one Full and Open (RFP No.: NIHLM2012412). The solicitation notices are on as follows:

Partial Small Business Set-Aside

Full and Open

For more information and instructions about the “Disaster Health Information Outreach and Collaboration Project 2012”, please visit .

The National Library of Medicine ( is the world’s largest biomedical library and provides extensive online health information resources. Visit the NLM Disaster Information Management Research Center site ( ) to learn more about disaster-related health information from WISER (hazardous materials information for emergency responders), REMM-Radiation Emergency Medical Management, CHEMM-Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management, and other resources.

Center for Sharing Public Health Services: Shared Services Learning Community / Calls for Proposals

Saturday, July 28th, 2012
Center for Sharing Public Health Services: Shared Services Learning Community
2012 Call for Proposals: