Repositories in Science & Technology: Preserving Access to the Record of Science

A One-Day Workshop Co-sponsored by CENDI and NFAIS
Hosted by FLICC at the Library of Congress

The Mumford Room, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Avenue, SE,  Washington, DC 20540
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 
*  9:00 am - 4:30 pm  *


Click Here to see who attended the Conference.

Click Here to view speaker biographies.

9:00am - 9:15am Welcome and Opening Remarks Jill O’Neill, NFAIS
9:15am - 10:00am Opening Keynote

Clifford Lynch, Director, Coalition for Networked Information
(No presentation; spoke from notes)

  The opening session provided an overview of the current repository landscape with examples of the different types that currently exist. It addressed the differences between libraries, repositories and archives.
10:00am - 10:15am Break and Networking Opportunity
10:15am - 10:45am Case Studies: Experiences and Lessons Learned ~ Part 1
  Moderated by Jerry Sheehan, Executive Board, International Council of Scientific and Technical Information and Assistant Director for Policy Development, National Library of Medicine
  This session highlighted three different types of repositories – their objectives, challenges and lessons learned.


Speakers: Jane Greenburg [presentation], Professor, and Director of The SILS Metadata Research Center, Dryad; Dr. Ian Bruno [presentation], Head of External Applications at Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre; and Dr. H. K. Ramapriyan [presentation], Asst. Project Manager, Earth Science Data & Information System Project, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

11:45am - 12:30pm Lunch (Box lunch provided)
12:30pm - 1:30pm Case Studies: Experiences and Lessons Learned ~ Part 2
  Moderated by Lynn Willis, Content Development Manager, PsycINFO.
  This session highlighted two different types of repositories – their objectives, challenges and lessons learned.

Speakers: Sean Thomas [presentation], Product Manager, Dspace@MIT; and Ed Sequeira [presentation], Project Manager from NLM, PubMed Central

1:30pm - 2:00pm Case Study: A Repository in Development
  Moderated by Don Hagen, Associate Director, Office of Product and Program Management, NTIS
  This session focused on the importance of requirements gathering as the basis for a successful repository project, supporting the creation of success criteria, criteria for decision making about technologies, and system implementation.

Speaker: Leslie Johnston [presentation], Chief of Repository Development, Library of Congress

2:00pm - 2:15pm Break and Networking Opportunity
2:15pm - 3:15pm Ancillary Tools
  Moderated by Sharon Jordan, Assistant Director for Program Integration, DOE-OSTI, and CENDI Deputy Chair
  This session focused on DataCite and ORCID and how they help in the identification, archiving, preservation, and linking of information.

Speakers: Laine Farley [presentation], Executive Director from the California Digital Library, DataCite; and Brian Wilson [presentation], VP and Chief Architect at Thomson Reuters, ORCID

3:15pm - 4:15pm Repositories and the Future of Scientific Research: Issues to be Resolved, Closing Keynote
  Judith Russell, Dean of University Libraries at the University of Florida, Dr. Christopher Greer, Associate Director, Information Technology Laboratory, NIST (No presentations; spoke from notes)
  The closing session included a proposal for interoperability followed by a wrap-up and facilitated discussion of the key issues regarding interoperability, information sharing and collaboration across repositories. Consideration was given to what inter-sector cooperation is most important and how it can be encouraged.
4:15pm - 4:30pm Conclusions and Next Steps
  Bonnie C. Carroll, CENDI Secretariat Executive Director