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Economic Profile and Trends
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State-Level Information
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State-Level Information

Most metalcasting facilities are concentrated in the Midwest, Southeast, and California, with the majority of the capacity (77%) located in 10 states: Alabama, California, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin. Two states, Illinois and Ohio, are home to more than 200 foundries each; six others have 100 to 200 foundries within their borders (California, Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin). Foundry locations have traditionally been sited close to raw materials, water, and transportation. More recently, new foundries have been built near inexpensive supplies of scrap metal and electricity as well as local markets for cast products. [AFS 2001, DOC 2001b]

Value of Shipments for Top Five States – 2000

State Value of Shipments
(billion dollars)
Percentage of Total
Gross State Product
Ohio 3.9 27.0 0.52%
Wisconsin 3.2 22.0 0.72%
Michigan 3.0 19.1 0.50%
Indiana 2.9 17.7 0.56%
Illinois 1.8 13.6 0.17%

Source: DOC 2001b, BEA 2002

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