Energy Information Administration



1998 MECS User Needs

Mail/Electronic Survey Results

A mail/electronic survey was conducted as part of the process to collect information on the data needs of MECS customers. The collection time frame was May 1 through July 31, 1998. The survey portion has been completed, and the total results are now available.

During this three-month period, the electronic user-needs survey received about 207 hits. Yet, only 15 of those hits resulted in the transmission of a completed survey.

Exactly 239 surveys were mailed to customers on the mailing list of the MECS publication. A total of 50 completed surveys (21% response rate) were returned, 32 of which resulted from a follow-up mail request.

Only two surveys were returned by the 11 trade associations that were identified as MECS users. Where appropriate, the replies of those two TRADE ASSOCIATIONS have been duly noted by the use of capitalization.

Of the 17 mail surveys in which Mr. Dwight French, Energy Consumption Division Director, signed personalized salutations on the cover letter, 11 were returned.

Following are the results of the 15 electronic and 50 mail surveys (total count of 65). When respondents identified themselves or their employers, it's been duly noted in the write-in responses.


1A) Have customers ever used the MECS web site?


1B) Did electronic customers find the information that was needed from the MECS web site?


2) What types of MECS information are customers seeking?


3A) Was MECS information easy for customers to understand?


3B) Why wasn't the MECS information easy for customers to understand?


4A) What are customer concerns if the MECS eliminates fuel-switching questions?


4B) What are customer concerns if the MECS eliminates motor questions?


5A) What are customer concerns if the MECS adds purchased-electricity questions?


5B) What are customer concerns if the MECS adds greenhouse-gas questions?


6) What is customers' trade-off preference: SIC detail vs. geographic detail


7) In customers' opinion, how useful are ... (from 65 returns)

7A) Establishment Counts:

7B) End-Use Consumption:

7C) Floor-Space Footage:

7D) Energy-Management Activities:

7E) Cogeneration Technologies:

7F) General Technologies:

7G) Specific Technologies:


8) What type of customers (by type of employer) responded to the MECS user-needs survey?


9) What additional suggestions or comments were received from customers?

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File Last Modified: 4/1/99

Robert Adler
Project Manager
Phone: (202) 586-1134
Fax: (202) 586-0018

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