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1998 Energy Consumption by Manufacturers

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Energy Consumed as Fuel Quantities RSE
by Manufacturing Industry and Region (trillion Btu) Excel Html Printable Excel
by Manufacturing Industry and Region (physical units) Excel Html Printable Excel
by Value of Shipments and Employment Size Category and Region Excel Html Printable Excel
Number of Establishments Using Energy Consumed as a Fuel Excel Html Printable Excel
Byproducts in Fuel Consumption by Manufacturing Industry and Region Excel Html Printable Excel
Selected Wood and Wood-Related Products in Fuel Consumption Excel Html Printable Excel
Energy Used as a Nonfuel (Feedstock) Quantities RSE
by Manufacturing Industry (trillion Btu) Excel Html Printable Excel
by Manufacturing Industry (physical units) Excel Html Printable Excel
by Value of Shipments and Employment Size Category Excel Html Printable Excel
Number of Establishments Using Energy Consumed as a Nonfuel Excel Html Printable Excel
Consumption of Energy for All Purposes (First Use) Quantities RSE
by Manufacturing Industry and Region (trillion Btu) Excel Html Printable Excel
by Manufacturing Industry and Region (physical units) Excel Html Printable Excel
by Value of Shipments and Employment Size Category and Region Excel Html Printable Excel
by Further Classification of "Other" Energy Sources Excel Html Printable Excel
Number of Establishments Using Energy Consumed for All Purposes Excel Html Printable Excel
Offsite-Produced Fuel Consumption Quantities RSE
by Manufacturing Industry (trillion Btu) Excel Html Printable Excel
by Manufacturing Industry (physical units) Excel Html Printable Excel
by Value of Shipments and Employment Size Category Excel Html Printable Excel
Number of Establishments Using Offsite-Produced Fuel for Consumption Excel Html Printable Excel
Total Consumption of Electricity Quantities RSE
by Manufacturing Industry  Excel Html Printable Excel
by Value of Shipments and Employment Size Category Excel Html Printable Excel
Components of Onsite Generation of Electricity Quantities RSE
by Manufacturing Industry  Excel Html Printable Excel
by Value of Shipments and Employment Size Category Excel Html Printable Excel
Electricity Sales to Utility and Nonutility Purchasers Quantities RSE
by Manufacturing Industry  Excel Html Printable Excel
by Value of Shipments and Employment Size Category Excel Html Printable Excel
Ratios of Manufacturing Fuel Consumption to Economic Characteristics Quantities RSE
by Manufacturing Industry and Region  Excel Html Printable Excel
by Value of Shipments or Employment Size Category and Region Excel Html Printable Excel
by Manufacturing Industry and Value of Shipments Excel Html Excel
by Manufacturing Industry and Employment Size  Excel Html Excel
Energy Consumed as a Fuel by End Use Quantities RSE
by Manufacturing Industry with Net Electricity (physical units) Excel Html Excel
by Manufacturing Industry with Net Electricity (trillion Btu) Excel Html Excel
by Manufacturing Industry with Total Consumption of Electricity (physical units) Excel Html Excel
by Manufacturing Industry with Total Consumption of Electricity  (trillion Btu)  Excel Html Excel
by Region with Net Electricity (physical units) Excel Html Printable Excel
by Region with Net Electricity (trillion Btu) Excel Html Printable Excel
by Region with Total Consumption of Electricity (physical units) Excel Html Printable Excel
by Region with Total Consumption of Electricity (trillion Btu) Excel Html Printable Excel
Energy Management Activities and Energy-Savings Technologies Quantities RSE
Number of Establishments Participating in Energy Management Activities  Excel Html Printable Excel
Number of Establishments with General Technologies Excel Html Excel
Number of Establishments with Cogeneration Technologies Excel Html Excel
Number of Establishments with Energy-Saving Technologies for Specific Industries  Excel Html Excel
Average Prices of Purchased Energy Sources Quantities RSE
All Collected Energy Sources by Manufacturing Industry and Region (dollars per physical units) Excel Html Excel
All Collected Energy Sources by Manufacturing Industry and Region (dollars per million Btu) Excel Html Excel
Purchased Electricity, Natural Gas, Steam by type of Supplier, Manufacturing Industry, and Region (dollars per physical unit) Excel Html Printable Excel
Selected Energy Sources by Region and Employment or Value of Shipments Size Categories (dollars per physical unit) Excel Html Printable Excel
Selected Energy Sources by Region and Employment or Value of Shipments Size Categories (dollars per million Btu) Excel Html Printable Excel
Quantity of Purchased Energy Quantities RSE
Selected Energy Sources by Manufacturing Industry and Region (physical units) Excel Html Printable Excel
Purchased Electricity, Natural Gas, Steam by type of Supplier, Manufacturing Industry, and Region Excel Html Printable Excel
Number of Establishments by Purchased Electricity, Natural Gas, Steam by type of Supplier, and Manufacturing Industry Excel Html Excel
Expenditures for Purchased Energy (Millions of Dollars) Quantities RSE
Selected Energy Sources by Manufacturing Industry and Region Excel Html Printable Excel
Purchased Electricity, Natural Gas, Steam by type of Supplier, Manufacturing Industry, and Region Excel Html Printable Excel
Floorspace and Building Counts Quantities RSE
Enclosed Floorspace and Number of Establishment Buildings Excel Html Printable Excel
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Tables Quantities RSE
Energy Consumed as a Fuel (physical units) Excel Html Printable Excel
Energy Consumed as a Fuel (trillion Btu) Excel Html Printable Excel
Energy Used as a Nonfuel (Feedstock)  (physical units) Excel Html Printable Excel
Energy Used as a Nonfuel (Feedstock)  (trillion Btu) Excel Html Printable Excel
Consumption of Energy for All Purposes (First Use)  (physical units) Excel Html Printable Excel
Consumption of Energy for All Purposes (First Use)  (trillion Btu) Excel Html Printable Excel
Offsite-Produced Fuel Consumption (physical units) Excel Html Printable Excel
Offsite-Produced Fuel Consumption (trillion Btu) Excel Html Printable Excel
Byproducts in Fuel Consumption Excel Html Printable Excel

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For specific questions about manufacturing consumption of energy sources, please contact:

Robert Adler

Phone: 202-586-1134
Fax:  202-586-0018

For general questions about energy, please contact:

The National Energy Information Center:

Phone: (202) 586-8800

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Release Date:  February 6, 2001
File Last Modified:  August 14, 2001