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2002 Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey Forms

EIA-846A this link is in adobe acrobat format (1MB) This form encompasses the vast majority of the establishments in the Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS).  These establishments are in industries that are generally less energy intensive.  The list of industries that complete the EIA-846A include: Food (311), Beverage and Tobacco Products (312), Textile Mills (313), Textile Product Mills (314), Apparel (315), Leather and Allied Products (316), Printing and Related Support (323), Plastics and Rubber Products (326), Nonmetallic Mineral Products (327), Primary Metals (331, excluding 331111), Fabricated Metal Products (332), Machinery (333), Computer and Electronics Products (334), Electrical Equipment, Appliances, and Components (335), Transportation Equipment (336), Furniture and Related Products (337), and Miscellaneous (339)

EIA-846B this link is in adobe acrobat format (1MB) This is the shortest of the three MECS forms because the Energy Information Administration (EIA) does not want to duplicate data that it has already collected.  Only those establishments in the Petroleum Refining Industry (324110) complete the EIA-846B

EIA-846C this link is in adobe acrobat format (1MB) This form is the longest MECS form, and consists of establishments in industries that are usually very energy intensive.  The list of industries that complete the EIA-846C include: Wood Products (321), Paper (322), Petroleum and Coal Products (324, excluding 324110), Chemicals (325), and Iron and Steel Mills (331111)
  To view or print one or all of these parts will require you to download Adobe Reader.

Robert Adler
Survey Manager
Phone: 202-586-1134
Fax: 202-586-0018

Tom Lorenz
Phone: 202-586-3442
Fax: 202-586-0018

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