Current Announcements  
You may experience network slowness when accessing ECOS applications both secure and public. FWS is in the process of upgrading the network; the upgrade will not be completed until sometime in November. During the upgrade some network lines will be out of commission and other networks lines will be taking the extra load which will cause slowne...
Success Story Karner HCP
Office GREEN BAY ESFO Status Active
The Wisconsin Karner blue butterfly (KBB) Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP), approved in 1999, is a model for federal, state, and local collaboration with regard to the conservation of a federally listed species on private land. Thirty-nine major land managers participate as partners, including representation from the forest industry, utilities, and roadway management authorities. The partnership works with volunteer groups and concerned citizens to incorporate consideration of the KBB in land use decisions. The HCP lets private landowners participate in KBB conservation voluntarily with automatic coverage under the permit for take, but without the encumbrances of regulation. The Partners for Fish and Wildlife program has assisted nearly 100 landowners to carry out proactive conservation measures for the KBB under this HCP. The pressure free working environment created by the voluntary participation strategy has built trust between government agencies and private landowners. ... [Learn More]
Endangered Species  
Search for endangered species by County name
Critical Habitat  
The Critical Habitat portal is an online service for information regarding Threatened and Endangered Species final Critical Habitat designation across the United States.
Improving Fish Passage  
The Jim Woodruff Lock & Dam on the Apalachicola River, site of an FWS Fish Passage study. The GeoFIN mapper is an interactive mapping tool that allows you to view barriers to fish pasage across the U.S. as well as model their removal in your watershed. It also generates profiles and reports for a given geographic area and can search the FWS fish passage barrier database.
Interactive Maps  
The ECOS Mapper is a tool used to visualize information related to Environmental Conservation. It allows access to a number of interactive mapping utilities, as well as Web Mapping Services (WMS).