General Information

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For Entrepreneurs and Investors

For Investors

Entrepreneurs looking to form a start-up company around Brookhaven technologies and investors seeking to partner in the development of Brookhaven's intellectual assets are encouraged to contact a TCP professional to discuss your specific commercialization and partnership needs.

New Venture Formation

Technologies offered to potential licensees are often early-stage technologies that need considerable development.  As a result, the start-up needs to focus much of its resources to “productize” the technology and launch it into the market.  In light of that, we accept equity in a new venture as partial consideration for technology licensing-related transactions, so as to diminish the cash burden faced by the entrepreneurs. We understand the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and strive to develop partnership strategies that build value into BNL's equity portfolio.

Sponsored Research

BNL has numerous ways of collaborating with industry on emerging technologies that are geared toward bringing new technologies to the market place.  The collaboration is multifaceted in nature. Learn More

Research Facilities

Each year, researchers from Brookhaven, industry and academic institutions use the Laboratory’s state of the art facilities to conduct research and development in such diverse fields as biology and medicine, chemistry and environmental sciences, physics and material science. 
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