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Business Opportunity Sessions

Business Opportunity Sessions

Our Business Opportunity Sessions bring small business owners and Departmental small business advocates together to talk about the best ways we can be partnering with the small business community. Small businesses are where ideas are born, innovation is born, and where people get hired.Small businesses are at the top of President Obama's agenda because they are the engine of growth for our Nation. Our job is to reduce barriers for your small business, listen, and get ideas. Our Business Opportunity Sessions are a great way for us to meet in person with small businesses and open up the doors to the Department of Energy procurement process. At these events, we run through a complete 101 of working with us, and bring in speakers from our program offices to talk about opportunities to contract with our office.

Download presentations from our most recent Business Opportunity Sessions: 

December 14, 2011, Chicago, IL 

March 3, 2011 - Washington, D.C. 

For additional information, please email or call our office at (202) 586-7377.