U.S. Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Advanced Manufacturing Office

Energy Analysis by Sector

Manufacturers often rely on energy-intensive technologies and processes. AMO conducts a range of analyses to explore energy use and trends by sector.

Energy & Environmental Profiles describe selected U.S. industries in terms of their energy and material consumption, market trends, and environmental performance. These detailed reports benchmark the energy and environmental characteristics of the key technologies that are used in the major processes of each selected industry.

AluminumPDF (1997)
ChemicalsPDF (2000)
Forest ProductsPDF (2005)
GlassPDF (2002)

MetalcastingPDF (1999)
Mining (2002)
Petroleum RefiningPDF (2007)
SteelPDF (2000)

Bandwidth Studies analyze the energy use and potential for savings in various processes used by a particular industry. They estimate potential energy savings as the difference between the amount of energy typically consumed in a specific process using commercially available technology versus the minimum amount of energy conceptually needed to achieve those same results. Bandwidth studies are available for the following sectors:

AluminumPDF (2007)
ChemicalsPDF (2006)
Forest ProductsPDF (2006)
GlassPDF (2007)

MiningPDF (2007)
Petroleum RefiningPDF (2006)
SteelPDF (2004)

Visit our Energy Resource Center to learn about software tools, training, and technical publications to help with energy analysis of plant systems. For more sector-specific resources, see our Industries and Technologies page. Learn from other industry-specific resources available to improve energy efficiency from DOE and EPA's ENERGY STAR® for Industry.