Proceedings of the Twelfth Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting

ARM-CONF-2002, April 2002
St. Petersburg, Florida

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* Poster abstract only; an extended abstract was not provided by the author(s).

Ackerman, S.A.
Cloud Phase Determination in the Arctic Using AERI Data
ERBE OLR and Cloud Type by Split Window*
Ackerman, T.P.
A Climatology of Shortwave Cloud Radiative Forcing Using Ground-Based Broadband Radiometric Time-Series*
An Assessment of MWR Retrievals of Liquid Water Path Using Clear-Sky Data*
Brightness Fields in Statistically Inhomogeneous Clouds
Broadband Longwave Radiative Cooling Rates in Inhomogeneous Stratocumulus Clouds
Climatology of Stratus Clouds at the SGP: A Radiation Based Study*
Comparison of ARM AERI with Trent FTS Spectra for Measurement of Greenhouse Radiative Fluxes
Comparison of Cirrus Cloud Radiative Properties and Dynamical Processes at Two Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Sites in the Tropical Western Pacific
CRYSTAL FACE: An Intensive Field Campaign for the Study of Tropical Cirrus
Field Tests of the Cloud-Surface Interaction Based Broken Cloud Field Optical Depth Retrieval: Forthcoming Upgrades to the ARM MMCRs: Improved Radar Processor and Dual-Polarization*
Lidar Remote Sensing of Cirrus Clouds at the Southern Great Plains Site: Comparisons of Extinction and Backscatter Coefficients Derived Using Raman and Backscatter Lidar Technique*
MISR-Derived Statistics of Cumulus Geometry at TWP Site
Relative Importance of Size Distribution and Liquid Water Path to Solar Radiation in the Presence of Continental Stratus*
The Effect of Fair-Weather Cumulus Cloud Field Anisotropy on Radiative Surface Fluxes
The Role of Cloud Scale Resolution on Radiative Properties of Oceanic Low-Level Cloud*
Variability Across the ARM SGP Area by Temporal and Spatial Scale
Albrecht, B.A.
Fair - Weather Cumuli Climatology at the TWP ARM Site*
Large Eddy Simulations of Fair-Weather Cumulus Case at SGP Site*
Processing of ARM Millimeter Wave Cloud Radar Signals at Low Signal to Noise Conditions
Radar Observations of Large-Eddy Circulations and Turbulence in Boundary Layer Clouds
The Parameterization of Shallow Cumulus Convection*
Alexandrov, M.
Integrated Study of MFRSR-Derived Parameters of Atmospheric Aerosols and Trace Gases Over the ARM CART Site: Comparison with Satellite and Other Ground-Based Measurements
Ananasso, C.
Regional Variation in Cloud Radiaitive Forcing at the Arctic Surface*
Anderberg, M.H.L.
Procedure for Generating Data Quality Reports for SIRS Radiometric Measurements
Andreas, A.M.
Improved Methods for Broadband Outdoor Radiometer Calibration (BORCAL)*
Andrew, K.
Interactive Uses of the NSDL: Atmospheric Visualization Collection
Andrews, E.
Raman Lidar Profiling of Aerosols and Water Vapor Over the Southern Great Plains*
Anikin, P.P.
Estimation of the Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo over ZSS from MFRSR Data
Ankilov, A.N.
Instrumental and Technical Approach to Prompt Field Measurements of Size Distributions of Aerosol Absorbing and Scattering Characteristics
Anthony, H.M.
Interactive Uses of the NSDL: Atmospheric Visualization Collection
Arnott, W.P.
A Tale of Two Cirrus*
Testing of the Modified Anomalous Diffraction Approximation with Laboratory Measurements and T-Matrix Calculations
Austin, R.T.
Remotely Controlled, Continuous Observations of Infrared Radiance With the CSIRO/ARM Mark II Radiometer at the SGP CART Site
Baez-Cazull, S.E.
Land Use/Land Cover Map of the Central Facility of ARM in the Southern Great Plains Site using DOE's Multi-spectral Thermal Imager Satellite Images
Bahrmann, C.P.
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program Data Quality Inspection and Assessment Activities: A Streamlined Approach
DQ.ARM.GOV: Future Development of the ARM Data Quality Health and Status Website*
Interactive Uses of the NSDL: Atmospheric Visualization Collection
Radiosonde Scaling Using a Chilled Mirror Hygrometer*
Baklanov, A.M.
Instrumental and Technical Approach to Prompt Field Measurements of Size Distributions of Aerosol Absorbing and Scattering Characteristics
Baldwin, T.
Darwin: The Third DOE ARM TWP ARCS Site
Baran, A.J.
Testing of the Modified Anomalous Diffraction Approximation with Laboratory Measurements and T-Matrix Calculations
Barker, H.W.
CIMEL Measurements of Zenith Radiances at the ARM SGP Site
Field Tests of the Cloud-Surface Interaction Based Broken Cloud Field Optical Depth Retrieval: Forthcoming Upgrades to the ARM MMCRs: Improved Radar Processor and Dual-Polarization*
Numerical Tests of the Cloud-Surface Interaction Based Broken-Cloud Field Optical Depth Retrieval: Sensitivity to Surface Albedo, Droplet Phase Function, Aerosol, and Instrument Noise*
Barnard, J.C.
Simultaneous Spectral Albedo Measurements near the ARM SGP Central Facility
The ARM Aerosol Optical Thickness VAP
Barnes, F.J.
ARM's Climate Change Educational Outreach On the North Slope of Alaska
Barrick, J.
LASE Characterization of Water Vapor Over the ARM SGP During AFWEX*
Baum, B.A.
On the Detection and Analysis of Multilayered Clouds: Comparison of MODIS Analyses with ARM CART Site Cloud Products*
Beaulne, A.
Numerical Tests of the Cloud-Surface Interaction Based Broken-Cloud Field Optical Depth Retrieval: Sensitivity to Surface Albedo, Droplet Phase Function, Aerosol, and Instrument Noise*
Benson-Troth, S.
The March 9, 2000, Cirrus Cloud System: A 4D Illustration of Jet Stream Cirrus Observed by Scanning and Airborne Cloud Radar
Bergmann, D.J.
Aerosol Simulations by LLNL IMPACT and Comparisons with Field Measurements
Bergstrom, R.
Spectral Characterization of the Scattering and Absorption of Solar Radiation by Aerosols and Clouds: Results from Several Recent Field Studies*
Berkoff, T.A.
MPL-net at ARM Sites*
Berndt, J.L.
Characterization and Calibration of the Commercial RSS Slated for Permanent Deployment at SGP*
Photon Pathlength Distributions Derived from a High Resolution Spectrometer (AWS)*
Spectral Diffuse Irradiance in UV, VIS, and NIR During the 2001 Diffuse IOP*
Berry, J.
From Crops to Boundary Layer and Back Down Again: the ARM Carbon Project in the Southern Great Plains*
Spatial Heterogeneity in Mid-Summer Fluxes of Carbon, Water and Energy in Agricultural Plots Near the SGP Central Facility*
Beus, S.J.
ARM Core PC Configuration*
Billesbach, D.
From Crops to Boundary Layer and Back Down Again: the ARM Carbon Project in the Southern Great Plains*
Spatial Heterogeneity in Mid-Summer Fluxes of Carbon, Water and Energy in Agricultural Plots Near the SGP Central Facility*
Blanchet, J.P.
Numerical Tests of the Cloud-Surface Interaction Based Broken-Cloud Field Optical Depth Retrieval: Sensitivity to Surface Albedo, Droplet Phase Function, Aerosol, and Instrument Noise*
Bondarenko, S.L.
Reconstruction of Paleobehavior of Ozonosphere Based on Response to UV-B Radiation Effect in Dendrochronologic Signal
Bosenberg, J.
LASE Characterization of Water Vapor Over the ARM SGP During AFWEX*
NASA/GSFC Scanning Raman Lidar Measurements of Water Vapor and Cirrus Clouds During WVIOP2000 and AFWEX*
Bottone, S.
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program Data Quality Inspection and Assessment Activities: A Streamlined Approach
Data Quality of Quality Measurement Experiments (QME)
DQ.ARM.GOV: Future Development of the ARM Data Quality Health and Status Website*
NCVweb - An Interactive Web-Based Tool for Viewing ARM Data
Boudala, F.S.
A GCM Parameterization of Ice Particle Mean Effective Sizes for High Latitude Cirrus Clouds and its Comparison with Midlatitude Parameterization
Boukabara, S.
An Update on Radiative Transfer Model Development at Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc.
The Physical Retrieval of PWV and CLW with MonoRTM Using ARM MWR Data*
Boyle, J.S.
CCPP-ARM GCM Analysis of Tendency Errors (CAGATE): Part I Method*
CCPP-ARM GCM Analysis of Tendency Errors (CAGATE): Part II Results*
Brackett, V.
LASE Characterization of Water Vapor Over the ARM SGP During AFWEX*
Brandt, C.C.
A "Make-a-Difference" Experiment to Assess the Value of ARM Data in Carbon Cycle Models
Brasseur, L.H.
Evaluation of Terra Aerosol and Water Vapor Measurements Using ARM SGP Data*
LASE Characterization of Water Vapor Over the ARM SGP During AFWEX*
Raman Lidar Profiling of Aerosols and Water Vapor Over the Southern Great Plains*
Braun, J.
GPS Water Vapor Projects within the ARM Southern Great Plains Region
Browell, E.V.
LASE Characterization of Water Vapor Over the ARM SGP During AFWEX*
NASA/GSFC Scanning Raman Lidar Measurements of Water Vapor and Cirrus Clouds During WVIOP2000 and AFWEX*
Brower, R.
ARM's Climate Change Educational Outreach On the North Slope of Alaska
Brown, P.
Evaluation of Cirrus Cloud Simulations Using ARM Data - Development of a Case Study Data Set*
Bush, B.
Comparison of Diffuse Shortwave Irradiance Measurements
Cady-Pereira, K.E.
An Update on Radiative Transfer Model Development at Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc.
Analysis of the AERI/LBLRTM QME
The Physical Retrieval of PWV and CLW with MonoRTM Using ARM MWR Data*
Cahalan, R.F.
Broadband Longwave Radiative Cooling Rates in Inhomogeneous Stratocumulus Clouds
Cloud Thickness from Offbeam Returns - Thor Lidar*
Consistency of ARESE II Cloud Absorption Estimates and Sampling Issues*
Satellite Observations of Solar Irradiance and Sun-Climate Impacts
The International Intercomparison of 3-Dimensional Radiation Codes
Large-Eddy Simulation of PBL Stratocumulus: Comparison of Multi-dimensional and IPA Longwave Radiative Forcing
Campbell, J.R.
MPL-net at ARM Sites*
Cairns, B.
Integrated Study of MFRSR-Derived Parameters of Atmospheric Aerosols and Trace Gases Over the ARM CART Site: Comparison with Satellite and Other Ground-Based Measurements
Carlson, B.E.
Integrated Study of MFRSR-Derived Parameters of Atmospheric Aerosols and Trace Gases Over the ARM CART Site: Comparison with Satellite and Other Ground-Based Measurements
Parameterization of Hygroscopic Aerosols in a Climate GCM*
Cederwall, R.T.
CCPP-ARM GCM Analysis of Tendency Errors (CAGATE): Part I Method*
CCPP-ARM GCM Analysis of Tendency Errors (CAGATE): Part II Results*
Comparison of Aerosol Properties Within and Above the Atmospheric Boundary Layer at the ARM SGP Site*
Comparison of Cloud-Resolving with Single Column Simulations of Summertime Midlatitude Convection*
Developing Continuous SCM/CRM Forcing Using NWP Products Constrained by ARM Observations
Integrated Measurements from ARM SCM IOPs Relevant to GCM Parameterizations*
The Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP
Chakrapani, V.
Cloud Thickness Estimation from GOES-B Satellite Data Over the ARM-SGP Site
Nighttime Cloud Detection over the Arctic using AVHRR Data
Chanders, C.
Forthcoming Upgrades to the ARM MMCRs: Improved Radar Processor and Dual-Polarization
Chang, F.-L.
Evaluate the Effect of Upper-Level Cirrus Clouds on Satellite Retrievals of Low-Level Cloud Droplet Effective Radius
Validation of Satellite-Deduced Vertical Profile of Cloud Droplet Effective Radius Using Ground-Based Radar Measurements
Charlock, T.P.
Aircraft Measurements of Spectral and Broadband Shortwave Albedo from the NASA Langley OV-10*
Interannual Variation In The Observed Shortwave Record from ARM/SGP*
The Surface and Atmospheric Radiation Budget and Aerosol Forcing with a New Formulation for Ocean Surface Albedo
Chen, Y.
A New Parameterization of Droplet Nucleation*
Cheng, A.
Cloud-Resolving Simulations of Boundary-Layer Cloud Regimes with a Third-Order Turbulence*
Chepfer, H.
SIRTA: A French Observation Site for Atmospheric Remote Sensing*
Christy, J.E.
Interpolation Uncertainties Across the ARM SGP Area
Variability Across the ARM SGP Area by Temporal and Spatial Scale
Chuang, C.C.
A Calculation of Forcing by Carbonaceous Aerosols*
Aerosol Simulations by LLNL IMPACT and Comparisons with Field Measurements
Cialella, A.T.
ARM External Data: Recent Developments and Future Plans*
Land Use/Land Cover Map of the Central Facility of ARM in the Southern Great Plains Site using DOE's Multi-spectral Thermal Imager Satellite Images
Cihlar, J.
Towards Development of a Synthesized Database of Spatial and Temporal Surface Spectral Reflectivity Over the ARM SGP CART Area
Cimini, D.
Ground-Based Microwave Radiometer Measurements and Radiosonde Comparisons During the WVIOP2000 Field Experiment
Recent Progress in Retrieving Air Temperature Profiles and Air-Sea Temperature Differences from Infrared and Microwave Scanning Radiometer Data
Clark, K.A.
Forthcoming Upgrades to the ARM MMCRs: Improved Radar Processor and Dual-Polarization
Clayton, M.B.
Evaluation of Terra Aerosol and Water Vapor Measurements Using ARM SGP Data*
LASE Characterization of Water Vapor Over the ARM SGP During AFWEX*
Raman Lidar Profiling of Aerosols and Water Vapor Over the Southern Great Plains*
Clements, B.
Darwin: The Third DOE ARM TWP ARCS Site
Clothiaux, E.E.
Climatology of Stratus Clouds at the SGP: A Radiation Based Study*
Field Tests of the Cloud-Surface Interaction Based Broken Cloud Field Optical Depth Retrieval: Forthcoming Upgrades to the ARM MMCRs: Improved Radar Processor and Dual-Polarization*
Numerical Tests of the Cloud-Surface Interaction Based Broken-Cloud Field Optical Depth Retrieval: Sensitivity to Surface Albedo, Droplet Phase Function, Aerosol, and Instrument Noise*
Relative Importance of Size Distribution and Liquid Water Path to Solar Radiation in the Presence of Continental Stratus*
Stratus Cloud Structure from mm-Radar Transects and Satellite Images: Scaling Properties and Artifact Detection with Semi-Discrete Wavelet Analyses
The Effect of Fair-Weather Cumulus Cloud Field Anisotropy on Radiative Surface Fluxes
Clough, S.A.
An Update on Radiative Transfer Model Development at Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc.
Analysis of the AERI/LBLRTM QME
Cloudy Sky RRTM Shortwave Radiative Transfer and Comparison to the Revised ECMWF Shortwave Model
The Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP
The Physical Retrieval of PWV and CLW with MonoRTM Using ARM MWR Data*
Coakley, J.A., Jr.
Evaluate the Effect of Upper-Level Cirrus Clouds on Satellite Retrievals of Low-Level Cloud Droplet Effective Radius
Cole, J.N.S.
A Climatology of Shortwave Cloud Radiative Forcing Using Ground-Based Broadband Radiometric Time-Series*
Comstock, J.M.
Comparison of Cirrus Cloud Radiative Properties and Dynamical Processes at Two Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Sites in the Tropical Western Pacific
CRYSTAL FACE: An Intensive Field Campaign for the Study of Tropical Cirrus
Lidar Remote Sensing of Cirrus Clouds at the Southern Great Plains Site: Comparisons of Extinction and Backscatter Coefficients Derived Using Raman and Backscatter Lidar Technique*
NASA/GSFC Scanning Raman Lidar Measurements of Water Vapor and Cirrus Clouds During WVIOP2000 and AFWEX*
Reconciling Infrared Absorption Parameterizations for Midlatitude Cirrus Clouds
Connell, P.S.
Aerosol Simulations by LLNL IMPACT and Comparisons with Field Measurements
Cribb, M.
Developing a Multi-Year Surface Radiation Budget Dataset in Support of Model Development*
Towards Development of a Synthesized Database of Spatial and Temporal Surface Spectral Reflectivity Over the ARM SGP CART Area
Cruz-Pol, S.
Sample Observations from the 2001 Multi-Frequency Radar IOP
Curry, J.A.
Parcel Model Simulations of Crystalline Clouds Using a New Treatment of Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation Development of the Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation Theory and Applications for the Clouds*
Performance of Radiative Transfer Codes Under Arctic Conditions*
Daum, P.H.
ARM Aerosol IOP May 2003*
Davies, R.
MISR Cloud Results: Global-to-Local Comparisons*
Davis, A.B.
Broadband Longwave Radiative Cooling Rates in Inhomogeneous Stratocumulus Clouds
CIMEL Measurements of Zenith Radiances at the ARM SGP Site
Stratus Cloud Structure from mm-Radar Transects and Satellite Images: Scaling Properties and Artifact Detection with Semi-Discrete Wavelet Analyses
Large-Eddy Simulation of PBL Stratocumulus: Comparison of Multi-dimensional and IPA Longwave Radiative Forcing
Dean, A.R.
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program Data Quality Inspection and Assessment Activities: A Streamlined Approach
DQ.ARM.GOV: Future Development of the ARM Data Quality Health and Status Website*
Dedecker, R.G.
Introducing WEB_MADS*
Delamere, J.S.
An Update on Radiative Transfer Model Development at Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc.
Cloudy Sky RRTM Shortwave Radiative Transfer and Comparison to the Revised ECMWF Shortwave Model
Comparisons Between Measured and Modeled Longwave Irradiances During Arctic Winter: Results from the Second International Pyrgeometer and Absolute Sky-Scanning Radiometer Comparison (IPARSC-II)*
The Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP
Delaval, A.
SIRTA: A French Observation Site for Atmospheric Remote Sensing*
Del Genio, A.D.
Observations of Mid-level Convective Clouds During Nauru99*
Observed Regimes of Midlatitude and Tropical Cirrus Microphysical Behavior
Preferred Modes of Surface-Atmosphere Interaction in the Polar Regions*
Radiative Properties of Precipitating Anvils in the Tropical Western Pacific*
Delle Monache, L.
Comparison of Aerosol Properties Within and Above the Atmospheric Boundary Layer at the ARM SGP Site*
Demoz, B.B.
Evaluation of Cirrus Cloud Simulations Using ARM Data - Development of a Case Study Data Set*
NASA/GSFC Scanning Raman Lidar Measurements of Water Vapor and Cirrus Clouds During WVIOP2000 and AFWEX*
DeSlover, D.H.
AERI and Raman Lidar Cirrus Cloud Optical Depth Retrieval to Validate Aircraft-Based Cirrus Measurements*
AERI-Lidar Retrievals of Ice Cloud Physical Properties, Including the First Estimates of Photon Tunneling Contributions to Absorption*
Di Girolamo, P.
NASA/GSFC Scanning Raman Lidar Measurements of Water Vapor and Cirrus Clouds During WVIOP2000 and AFWEX*
Dignon, J.E.
Aerosol Simulations by LLNL IMPACT and Comparisons with Field Measurements
Diner, D.J.
Availability and Status of MISR Geophysical Data Products
Diskin, G.
LASE Characterization of Water Vapor Over the ARM SGP During AFWEX*
Djalalova, I.
Further Estimates of the Error in the Retrieval of Cloud Radar Effective Radius
Doelling, D.R.
A Climatology of Cloud & Radiative Properties Derived from GMS-5 Data Over the Tropical Western Pacific*
Cloud Thickness Estimation from GOES-B Satellite Data Over the ARM-SGP Site
Evaluation of a 5-Year Cloud and Radiative Property Dataset Derived from GOES-8 Data over the Southern Great Plains
Nighttime Cloud Detection over the Arctic using AVHRR Data
Dolce, R.
Comparison of Diffuse Shortwave Irradiance Measurements
Dong, X.
An Integrated Algorithm for Retrieving Low-Level Stratus Cloud Microphysical Properties Using Millimeter Radar and Microwave Radiometer Data*
Arctic Stratus Cloud Properties and Radiaitve Forcing Derived From Ground-Based Data Collected at ARM NSA Site and SHEBA Ship*
Effect of Subgrid Cloud Variability on Parameterization of Indirect Aerosol Effect in Large-Scale Models
Validation of CERES/MODIS Cloud Property Retrievals Using Ground-Based Measurements Obtained at the DOE ARM SGP Site*
Validation of Satellite-Deduced Vertical Profile of Cloud Droplet Effective Radius Using Ground-Based Radar Measurements
Doty, K.J./dt>
Web-Based Tools for IOP Administration Tasks and IOP Questionnaire Handling*
Drobinski, P.
SIRTA: A French Observation Site for Atmospheric Remote Sensing*
Dubovik, O.
Clear-Sky Model and Measurement Comparisons from the First Diffuse Irradiance IOP - Fall 2001*
Use of AERONET Aerosol Retrievals to Calculate Clear-Sky Irradiance at the Surface
Dufresne, J.-L.
Importance and Parameterization of Longwave Radiative Scattering by Mineral Aerosols*
Dutton, E.
Comparisons Between Measured and Modeled Longwave Irradiances During Arctic Winter: Results from the Second International Pyrgeometer and Absolute Sky-Scanning Radiometer Comparison (IPARSC-II)*
Comparison of Diffuse Shortwave Irradiance Measurements
Dvoryashin, S.N.
Remote Spectroscopic Determination of Liquid Water Path in Thick Clouds in Winter Conditions*
Edqvist, E.
Infrared Cloud Imager Deployment at the North Slope of Alaska During Early 2002
Eide, H.A.
Comparisons Between Measured and Modeled Longwave Irradiances During Arctic Winter: Results from the Second International Pyrgeometer and Absolute Sky-Scanning Radiometer Comparison (IPARSC-II)*
Representing a Spheroidal Particle by a Collection of Equal Volume to Surface Area Spheres: A Comprehensive Study of the Applicability to Radiative Transfer*
Einfeld, W.
The North Slope of Alaska CART and Arctic Change 2002*
Ellingson, R.G.
Analysis Interface for Nighttime Aerosol Optical Depth Assessment with ARM WSI*
Broadband Longwave Radiative Cooling Rates in Inhomogeneous Stratocumulus Clouds
Initial Testing of Longwave Parameterizations for Broken Water Cloud Fields - Accounting for Transmission*
On the Uncertainty of Inferring Absolute Cloud Fraction from Time Series of Narrow Field of View Observations*
The Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP
Large-Eddy Simulation of PBL Stratocumulus: Comparison of Multi-dimensional and IPA Longwave Radiative Forcing
Eloranta, E.W.
A High Spectral Resolution Lidar for the Arctic - A Progress Report*
Lidar Multiple Scattering Determinations of Particle Size in Cirrus Clouds*
Evans, K.F.
CIMEL Measurements of Zenith Radiances at the ARM SGP Site
Evaluation of Broadband Surface Flux Closure Under Cloudy Skies at Nauru*
Exploration of Statistical Angular Radiance Closure in Cloudy Skies*
NASA/GSFC Scanning Raman Lidar Measurements of Water Vapor and Cirrus Clouds During WVIOP2000 and AFWEX*
The Effect of Fair-Weather Cumulus Cloud Field Anisotropy on Radiative Surface Fluxes
Using Time-Height Cross-Sections of Cumulus Cloud Fields for Solar Radiative Transfer
Evans, W.F.J.
Comparison of ARM AERI with Trent FTS Spectra for Measurement of Greenhouse Radiative Fluxes*
Fairall, C.W.
Radiometric Observations at 20, 30, and 90 GHz During EPIC*
Farrara, J.
Parameterization of Cloud/Radiation Processes in the UCLA General Circulation Model*
Feingold, G.
Investigation of the Aerosol Indirect Effect at the Southern Great Plains Using Ground Based Remote Sensors and Modeling*
Quantifying the Aerosol Indirect Effect Using Ground-based Remote Sensors and Models
Feltz, W.F.
AERIplus Retrieval Algorithm Improvements: Increased Vertical Resolution, Automated Moisture Flux, and Turbulence LES Studies
Comparisons of a Cloud Resolving Model and ARM Data*
Validation of GOES and MODIS Atmospheric Products and Radiances Using Department of Energy Atmospheric Radiation (DOE ARM) Measurement Data*
Ferrare, R.A.
A Satellite-Based Assessment of Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor Measurements During AFWEX*
ARM Aerosol IOP May 2003*
Evaluation of Terra Aerosol and Water Vapor Measurements Using ARM SGP Data*
LASE Characterization of Water Vapor Over the ARM SGP During AFWEX*
NASA/GSFC Scanning Raman Lidar Measurements of Water Vapor and Cirrus Clouds During WVIOP2000 and AFWEX*
Raman Lidar Profiling of Aerosols and Water Vapor Over the Southern Great Plains*
The Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP
Fiorino, M.
CCPP-ARM GCM Analysis of Tendency Errors (CAGATE): Part I Method*
CCPP-ARM GCM Analysis of Tendency Errors (CAGATE): Part II Results*
Fisher, M.L.
Spatial Heterogeneity in Mid-Summer Fluxes of Carbon, Water and Energy in Agricultural Plots Near the SGP Central Facility*
Fisher, M.L.
From Crops to Boundary Layer and Back Down Again: the ARM Carbon Project in the Southern Great Plains*
Flynn, C.J.
ARM Core PC Configuration*
CRYSTAL FACE: An Intensive Field Campaign for the Study of Tropical Cirrus
The ARM Aerosol Optical Thickness VAP
Forgan, B.
Darwin ARCS3
Freitag, P.
The TAO Buoy Solar Radiation Array - Implementation, Calibration, and Results*
Frisch, M.L.
Further Estimates of the Error in the Retrieval of Cloud Radar Effective Radius
Frisch, S.
The March 9, 2000, Cirrus Cloud System: A 4D Illustration of Jet Stream Cirrus Observed by Scanning and Airborne Cloud Radar
Stratus Cloud Drizzle Retrieval During SHEBA from MMCR Doppler Moments
Fu, Q.
A GCM Parameterization of Ice Particle Mean Effective Sizes for High Latitude Cirrus Clouds and its Comparison with Midlatitude Parameterization
Lidar Remote Sensing of Cirrus Clouds at the Southern Great Plains Site: Comparisons of Extinction and Backscatter Coefficients Derived Using Raman and Backscatter Lidar Technique*
Gabriel, P.
Assessing Cloud Overlap Parameterizations of Global Climate Models Using ARM Data
Gage, K.S.
Automated W-band/S-band Radar Profilers for the ARM SGP 2001
Characterization of Radar Boundary Layer Data Collected During the Multi-Frequency Radar IOP
Sample Observations from the 2001 Multi-Frequency Radar IOP
Gao, B.C.
Evaluation of Terra Aerosol and Water Vapor Measurements Using ARM SGP Data*
Garcia, J.
A High Spectral Resolution Lidar for the Arctic - A Progress Report*
Introducing WEB_MADS*
Gaustad, K.L.
An Evaluation of Cloud Cover, Cloud Effect, and Surface Radiation Budgets at the SGP and TWP ARM Sites
Gautier, C.
A Final Analysis of the Comparison Between Theoretical and Observed Estimates of Broadband Absorptance During ARESE II*
A Statistical Analysis of the Coupling Between Subgrid Cloud Structure and Grid-Scale Dynamic-Hydrological Processes*
Aerosol Properties During the Cerro Grande Fire and the Mongolian Dust Event of April 2001*
Importance and Parameterization of Longwave Radiative Scattering by Mineral Aerosols*
Georgesco, M.
Towards Parameterization of Frontal Mesoscale Circulations and Cloudiness in GCMs Based on ARM Observations*
Ghan, S.J.
ARM Aerosol IOP May 2003*
Effect of Subgrid Cloud Variability on Parameterization of Indirect Aerosol Effect in Large-Scale Models
Testing a Cloud Condensation Nuclei Remote Sensing Method
Giles, L.
From Crops to Boundary Layer and Back Down Again: the ARM Carbon Project in the Southern Great Plains*
Gobble, T.R.
Interactive Uses of the NSDL: Atmospheric Visualization Collection
Goldsmith, J.E.M.
A Satellite-Based Assessment of Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor Measurements During AFWEX*
LASE Characterization of Water Vapor Over the ARM SGP During AFWEX*
NASA/GSFC Scanning Raman Lidar Measurements of Water Vapor and Cirrus Clouds During WVIOP2000 and AFWEX*
Raman Lidar Profiling of Aerosols and Water Vapor Over the Southern Great Plains*
Golitsyn, G.S.
Aerosol Radiative Forcing Under Cloudless Conditions in Winter ZCAREX-2001
On the Results of Measurements of the Direct Sun Radiation Flux by Actinometer and Maximal Polarization of Sky Brightness
Golitsyn, G.S.
Instant Temperature Profiles in Winter and Summer Conditions and their Connection to the Variation of Radiation Field*
Investigation of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Thermal Regime Above Urban Area on the Base of Microwave Remote Sensing
Remote Spectroscopic Determination of Liquid Water Path in Thick Clouds in Winter Conditions*
Some Statistical Regularities of Variations of Optical and Microphysical Characteristics for the Surface Aerosol
Gorchakova, I.A.
Aerosol Radiative Forcing Under Cloudless Conditions in Winter ZCAREX-2001
Gordon, N.D.
Towards Parameterization of Frontal Mesoscale Circulations and Cloudiness in GCMs Based on ARM Observations*
Gotseff, P.A.
Effects of Radiometer Cleaning Frequency on the Accuracy of SIRS Measurements*
Gregory, L.
ARM External Data: Recent Developments and Future Plans*
Gu, Y.
Parameterization of Cloud/Radiation Processes in the UCLA General Circulation Model*
Ha, S.Y.
GPS Water Vapor Projects within the ARM Southern Great Plains Region
Haeffelin, M.
Clear-Sky Model and Measurement Comparisons from the First Diffuse Irradiance IOP - Fall 2001*
SIRTA: A French Observation Site for Atmospheric Remote Sensing*
Comparison of Diffuse Shortwave Irradiance Measurements
Hagan, D.E.
A Preview of the EOS Atmospheric Infrared Sounder*
Halter, T.D.
The ARM Aerosol Optical Thickness VAP
Hamm, K.G.
Comparison of Daily Broadband Surface Albedos Measured at Six Extended Facilities in the ARM Southern Great Plains Cloud and Radiation Testbed*
Han, Y.
Ground-Based Microwave Radiometer Measurements and Radiosonde Comparisons During the WVIOP2000 Field Experiment
Hanafin, J.A.
Regional Variation in Cloud Radiaitive Forcing at the Arctic Surface*
Hannay, C.
Cloud Resolving Models as Scaffolding for Cloud Parameterizations in Large-Scale Models*
Using Time-Height Cross-Sections of Cumulus Cloud Fields for Solar Radiative Transfer*
Hargrove, W.W.
A "Make-a-Difference" Experiment to Assess the Value of ARM Data in Carbon Cycle Models
Harrison, L.C.
Characterization and Calibration of the Commercial RSS Slated for Permanent Deployment at SGP*
Photon Pathlength Distributions Derived from a High Resolution Spectrometer (AWS)*
Spectral Diffuse Irradiance in UV, VIS, and NIR During the 2001 Diffuse IOP*
The Clear-Sky Diffuse 'Problem' at SGP: RSS Data & Analysis
Hawkinson, J.
Validation of GOES and MODIS Atmospheric Products and Radiances Using Department of Energy Atmospheric Radiation (DOE ARM) Measurement Data*
Haynes, J.M.
A Composite and Microphysical Study of Jet Stream Cirrus Over the ARM Site
Hazen, D.A.
Radiometric Observations at 20, 30, and 90 GHz During EPIC*
Heck, P.W.
An Improved Technique for Retrieval of Cloud Properties at Night and in Low Sun Conditions*
Near-Real-Time Retrieval of Cloud Properties Over the ARM CART Area from GOES Data
Use of Multi-Resolution Imager Data to Account for Partially Cloud-Filled Pixels
Hedrick, J.
A High Spectral Resolution Lidar for the Arctic - A Progress Report*
Helliker, B.
From Crops to Boundary Layer and Back Down Again: the ARM Carbon Project in the Southern Great Plains*
Heymsfield, A.J.
3D Remote Sensing of Cirrus Cloud Parameters Using AVHRR and MODIS Data Coupled With Radar and Lidar Measurements*
Retrievals of Vertical Profiles of Cloud Ice Mass and Particle Characteristic Size from MMCR Data*
The March 9, 2000, Cirrus Cloud System: A 4D Illustration of Jet Stream Cirrus Observed by Scanning and Airborne Cloud Radar
Hickey, J.
Comparison of Diffuse Shortwave Irradiance Measurements
Hinkelman, L.M.
The Effect of Fair-Weather Cumulus Cloud Field Anisotropy on Radiative Surface Fluxes
Hnilo, J.J.
CCPP-ARM GCM Analysis of Tendency Errors (CAGATE): Part I Method*
CCPP-ARM GCM Analysis of Tendency Errors (CAGATE): Part II Results*
Hodges, G.B.
ARM Sites in the BSRN Database*
Holz, R.
A High Spectral Resolution Lidar for the Arctic - A Progress Report*
Horvath, A.
MISR Cloud Results: Global-to-Local Comparisons*
Howard, S.
Spectral Characterization of the Scattering and Absorption of Solar Radiation by Aerosols and Clouds: Results from Several Recent Field Studies*
Howell, H.B.
AERIplus Retrieval Algorithm Improvements: Increased Vertical Resolution, Automated Moisture Flux, and Turbulence LES Studies
Hudach, D.P.
Mining the ARM Data Set: A WWW-Staged Prototype Relational Database of ARM Data*
Hwang, B.
Atmospheric Correction of Satellite Signal In Solar Domain: Impact of Improved Molecular Spectroscopy
Towards Development of a Synthesized Database of Spatial and Temporal Surface Spectral Reflectivity Over the ARM SGP CART Area
Iacobellis, S.F.
Sensitivity of Radiative Fluxes and Heating Rates to Cloud Microphysics
Sensitivities of SCMs to New Parameterizations of Cloud-Radiative Interactions
Iacono, M.J.
Cloudy Sky RRTM Shortwave Radiative Transfer and Comparison to the Revised ECMWF Shortwave Model
Inoue, T.
ERBE OLR and Cloud Type by Split Window*
Intrieri, J.M.
The Influence of Clouds on the Arctic Surface
Isaac, G.A.
A GCM Parameterization of Ice Particle Mean Effective Sizes for High Latitude Cirrus Clouds and its Comparison with Midlatitude Parameterization
Isakov, A.A.
Some Statistical Regularities of Variations of Optical and Microphysical Characteristics for the Surface Aerosol
Ismail, S.
LASE Characterization of Water Vapor Over the ARM SGP During AFWEX*
NASA/GSFC Scanning Raman Lidar Measurements of Water Vapor and Cirrus Clouds During WVIOP2000 and AFWEX*
Ivanova, D.C.
Retrieval of Ice Water Path, Ice Particle Size, and Shape*
Jager, H.I.
A "Make-a-Difference" Experiment to Assess the Value of ARM Data in Carbon Cycle Models
Jakob, C.
Darwin ARCS3
Jeffries, W.Q.
Nighttime Offset and Capping Experiment Results for the Isothermal Pyranometer at the 2001 Diffuse Shortwave IOP
Comparison of Diffuse Shortwave Irradiance Measurements
Jensen, M.P.
Observations of Mid-level Convective Clouds During Nauru99*
Radiative Properties of Precipitating Anvils in the Tropical Western Pacific*
Jin, Z.
The Surface and Atmospheric Radiation Budget and Aerosol Forcing with a New Formulation for Ocean Surface Albedo
Johnson, D.
Interactive Uses of the NSDL: Atmospheric Visualization Collection
Johnson, K.L.
A Continuous Initial Estimate of Cloud Microphysical Structure Using Surface-Based Remote Sensors and Parameterized Microphysics*
The Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP
Jones, L.
Darwin: The Third DOE ARM TWP ARCS Site
Joseph, E.
Photon Pathlength Distributions Derived from a High Resolution Spectrometer (AWS)*
Kabanov, D.M.
Some Results of Joint Measurements of Aerosol Extinction of Solar Radiation on Horizontal and Slant Paths
Kadygrov, E.N.
Investigation of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Thermal Regime Above Urban Area on the Base of Microwave Remote Sensing
Kassianov, E.I.
ARM Total Sky Imager: Monte Carlo Simulations
Brightness Fields in Statistically Inhomogeneous Clouds
MISR-Derived Statistics of Cumulus Geometry at TWP Site
The Role of Cloud Scale Resolution on Radiative Properties of Oceanic Low-Level Cloud*
Kato, S.
Clear-Sky Model and Measurement Comparisons from the First Diffuse Irradiance IOP - Fall 2001*
Incorporating Correlations Between Optical Thickness and Direct Incident Radiation in a One-Dimensional Radiative Transfer Algorithm*
Keenan, T.D.
Darwin ARCS3
Key, E.L.
Regional Variation in Cloud Radiaitive Forcing at the Arctic Surface*
Khairoutdinov, M.F.
Similarity of Deep Convection During the ARM Summer 1997 IOP: CRM Study
Khaiyer, M.M.
A Climatology of Cloud & Radiative Properties Derived from GMS-5 Data Over the Tropical Western Pacific*
Evaluation of a 5-Year Cloud and Radiative Property Dataset Derived from GOES-8 Data over the Southern Great Plains
Near-Real-Time Retrieval of Cloud Properties Over the ARM CART Area from GOES Data
Use of Multi-Resolution Imager Data to Account for Partially Cloud-Filled Pixels
Khandwalla, A.
Automated W-band/S-band Radar Profilers for the ARM SGP 2001
Characterization of Radar Boundary Layer Data Collected During the Multi-Frequency Radar IOP
Khvorostyanov, V.I.
Parcel Model Simulations of Crystalline Clouds Using a New Treatment of Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation Development of the Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation Theory and Applications for the Clouds*
Kiedron, P.N.
Characterization and Calibration of the Commercial RSS Slated for Permanent Deployment at SGP*
Photon Pathlength Distributions Derived from a High Resolution Spectrometer (AWS)*
Spectral Diffuse Irradiance in UV, VIS, and NIR During the 2001 Diffuse IOP*
The Clear-Sky Diffuse 'Problem' at SGP: RSS Data & Analysis
Kiehm, S.
Ground-Based Microwave Radiometer Measurements and Radiosonde Comparisons During the WVIOP2000 Field Experiment
Klaus, C.M.
Interactive Uses of the NSDL: Atmospheric Visualization Collection
Klein, S.A.
Cloud Resolving Models as Scaffolding for Cloud Parameterizations in Large-Scale Models*
Using Cloud Resolving Model Simulations of Deep Convection to Inform Cloud Parameterizations in Large-Scale Models
Towards Parameterization of Frontal Mesoscale Circulations and Cloudiness in GCMs Based on ARM Observations*
Knuteson, R.O.
AERI and Raman Lidar Cirrus Cloud Optical Depth Retrieval to Validate Aircraft-Based Cirrus Measurements*
AERIplus Retrieval Algorithm Improvements: Increased Vertical Resolution, Automated Moisture Flux, and Turbulence LES Studies
Analysis of the AERI/LBLRTM QME
Comparisons of a Cloud Resolving Model and ARM Data*
Quantifying the Aerosol Indirect Effect Using Ground-based Remote Sensors and Models
Knyazikhin, Y.
CIMEL Measurements of Zenith Radiances at the ARM SGP Site
Kogan, Y.L.
Broadband Longwave Radiative Cooling Rates in Inhomogeneous Stratocumulus Clouds
Simulation of Post-Frontal Boundary Layers Observed During the ARM 2000 Cloud IOP
Variability of Low Stratus Over the ARM SGP CART Based on Cloud Radar Data and LES Simulations*
Large-Eddy Simulation of PBL Stratocumulus: Comparison of Multi-dimensional and IPA Longwave Radiative Forcing
Kogan, Z.N.
Variability of Low Stratus Over the ARM SGP CART Based on Cloud Radar Data and LES Simulations*
Kolasinski, J.
Cloud Thickness from Offbeam Returns - Thor Lidar*
Kollias, P.
Fair - Weather Cumuli Climatology at the TWP ARM Site*
Processing of ARM Millimeter Wave Cloud Radar Signals at Low Signal to Noise Conditions
Radar Observations of Large-Eddy Circulations and Turbulence in Boundary Layer Clouds
The Role of Cloud Scale Resolution on Radiative Properties of Oceanic Low-Level Cloud*
Kooi, S.A.
LASE Characterization of Water Vapor Over the ARM SGP During AFWEX*
Koontz, A.S.
The ARM Aerosol Optical Thickness VAP
Koprov, B.M.
Instant Temperature Profiles in Winter and Summer Conditions and their Connection to the Variation of Radiation Field*
Korolev, A.V.
Retrievals of Vertical Profiles of Cloud Ice Mass and Particle Characteristic Size from MMCR Data*
Kovacs, T.A.
Cloud Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) Quid Pro Quo Validation
Kozlov, A.S.
Instrumental and Technical Approach to Prompt Field Measurements of Size Distributions of Aerosol Absorbing and Scattering Characteristics
Kozlov, V.S.
Instrumental and Technical Approach to Prompt Field Measurements of Size Distributions of Aerosol Absorbing and Scattering Characteristics
Investigations of the Absorption Properties of Near-Ground Aerosol by the Methods of Optical-Acoustic Spectrometry and Diffuse Extinction
Krueger, S.K.
An Intercomparison of MMCR and NCEP Global Model Cloud Fraction and Cloud Overlap at the ARM SGP, NSA, and TWP Sites*
Comparison of Cloud-Resolving with Single Column Simulations of Summertime Midlatitude Convection*
Evaluation of Cirrus Properties Simulated by a Single-Column Model Using Cloud Radar Observations and Results from a Cloud-Resolving Model Simulation*
Kuehn, R.E.
A High Spectral Resolution Lidar for the Arctic - A Progress Report*
Lidar Multiple Scattering Determinations of Particle Size in Cirrus Clouds*
Kuznetsova, I.N.
Investigation of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Thermal Regime Above Urban Area on the Base of Microwave Remote Sensing
Lacis, A.A.
Integrated Study of MFRSR-Derived Parameters of Atmospheric Aerosols and Trace Gases Over the ARM CART Site: Comparison with Satellite and Other Ground-Based Measurements
Parameterization of Hygroscopic Aerosols in a Climate GCM*
Lane, D.E.
Development of a Stochastic Cloud-Radiation Parameterization*
Investigation of the Aerosol Indirect Effect at the Southern Great Plains Using Ground Based Remote Sensors and Modeling*
Performance of Radiative Transfer Codes Under Arctic Conditions*
Quantifying the Aerosol Indirect Effect Using Ground-based Remote Sensors and Models
Lare, A.
Evaluation of Cirrus Cloud Simulations Using ARM Data - Development of a Case Study Data Set*
Latifovic, R.
Towards Development of a Synthesized Database of Spatial and Temporal Surface Spectral Reflectivity Over the ARM SGP CART Area
Lazarus, S.M.
An Intercomparison of MMCR and NCEP Global Model Cloud Fraction and Cloud Overlap at the ARM SGP, NSA, and TWP Sites*
Leitner, A.S.
Further Analysis of the Thermal Offset in Pyranometers*
Comparison of Diffuse Shortwave Irradiance Measurements
Leon, L.
Sample Observations from the 2001 Multi-Frequency Radar IOP
Lesht, B.M.
Correction of Sonde Upper Tropospheric Humidity Through Radiance Assimilation*
Radiosonde Scaling Using a Chilled Mirror Hygrometer*
The Vaisala Radiosonde Dry-Bias Correction Redux
Leuski, V.
Combination of Temperature and Humidity Profiles from a Scanning 5-mm Radiometer and MWR-Scaled Radiosondes During the 1999 Winter NSA/AAO Radiometer Experiment*
Li, L.
Automated W-band/S-band Radar Profilers for the ARM SGP 2001
Li, Z.
Atmospheric Correction of Satellite Signal In Solar Domain: Impact of Improved Molecular Spectroscopy
Developing a Multi-Year Surface Radiation Budget Dataset in Support of Model Development*
Evaluate the Effect of Upper-Level Cirrus Clouds on Satellite Retrievals of Low-Level Cloud Droplet Effective Radius
Towards Development of a Synthesized Database of Spatial and Temporal Surface Spectral Reflectivity Over the ARM SGP CART Area
Validation of Satellite-Deduced Vertical Profile of Cloud Droplet Effective Radius Using Ground-Based Radar Measurements
Liang, X.-Z.
Radiative Effects of Cloud Inhomogeneity and Geometric Association over the Tropical Western Pacific Warm Pool
Liljegren, J.C.
Continued Evaluation of the Microwave Radiometer Profiler*
Status, Accomplishments and Recent Developments at the Southern Great Plains (SGP) Cloud and Radiation Testbed (CART)*
The Physical Retrieval of PWV and CLW with MonoRTM Using ARM MWR Data*
Web-Based Tools for IOP Administration Tasks and IOP Questionnaire Handling*
Lin, R.-F.
Evaluation of Cirrus Cloud Simulations Using ARM Data - Development of a Case Study Data Set*
Liou, K.N.
3D Remote Sensing of Cirrus Cloud Parameters Using AVHRR and MODIS Data Coupled With Radar and Lidar Measurements*
Detection of Thin Cirrus Using MODIS 1.38 Micron Reflection*
Parameterization of Cloud/Radiation Processes in the UCLA General Circulation Model*
Long, C.N.
A Climatology of Shortwave Cloud Radiative Forcing Using Ground-Based Broadband Radiometric Time-Series*
A Comparison of the TSI/WSI Cloud Fraction Estimates at the SGP*
An Evaluation of Cloud Cover, Cloud Effect, and Surface Radiation Budgets at the SGP and TWP ARM Sites
ARM Total Sky Imager: Monte Carlo Simulations
Interpolation Uncertainties Across the ARM SGP Area
Nauru Island Effect Study - Installation and Preliminary Data
Results of the Dutton et al. IR Loss Correction VAP: Statistical Analysis of Corrected and Uncorrected SW Measurements
Techniques and Methods used to Determine the Best Estimate of Radiation Fluxes at the SGP Central Facility
The Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP
Variability Across the ARM SGP Area by Temporal and Spatial Scale
Los, A.
Comparison of Diffuse Shortwave Irradiance Measurements
Luo, Y.
Evaluation of Cirrus Properties Simulated by a Single-Column Model Using Cloud Radar Observations and Results from a Cloud-Resolving Model Simulation*
Towards Development of a Synthesized Database of Spatial and Temporal Surface Spectral Reflectivity Over the ARM SGP CART Area
Ma, L.L.
ARM External Data: Recent Developments and Future Plans*
Ma, Y.-T.
On the Uncertainty of Inferring Absolute Cloud Fraction from Time Series of Narrow Field of View Observations*
Mace, G.G.
3D Remote Sensing of Cirrus Cloud Parameters Using AVHRR and MODIS Data Coupled With Radar and Lidar Measurements*
A Tale of Two Cirrus*
An Integrated Algorithm for Retrieving Low-Level Stratus Cloud Microphysical Properties Using Millimeter Radar and Microwave Radiometer Data*
Arctic Stratus Cloud Properties and Radiaitve Forcing Derived From Ground-Based Data Collected at ARM NSA Site and SHEBA Ship*
CRYSTAL FACE: An Intensive Field Campaign for the Study of Tropical Cirrus
Evaluation of Cirrus Cloud Simulations Using ARM Data - Development of a Case Study Data Set*
Interactive Uses of the NSDL: Atmospheric Visualization Collection
Mining the ARM Data Set: A WWW-Staged Prototype Relational Database of ARM Data*
Observed Regimes of Midlatitude and Tropical Cirrus Microphysical Behavior
On the Detection and Analysis of Multilayered Clouds: Comparison of MODIS Analyses with ARM CART Site Cloud Products*
The March 9, 2000, Cirrus Cloud System: A 4D Illustration of Jet Stream Cirrus Observed by Scanning and Airborne Cloud Radar
Using ARM Radar Data to Parameterize the Moments of Cirrus Cloud Properties in Terms of Cloud Layer Thickness and Temperature
Validation of CERES/MODIS Cloud Property Retrievals Using Ground-Based Measurements Obtained at the DOE ARM SGP Site*
Validation of Satellite-Deduced Vertical Profile of Cloud Droplet Effective Radius Using Ground-Based Radar Measurements
Sensitivities of SCMs to New Parameterizations of Cloud-Radiative Interactions
Major, G.
Comparison of Diffuse Shortwave Irradiance Measurements
Malyshkin, S.B.
Automated W-band/S-band Radar Profilers for the ARM SGP 2001
Characterization of Radar Boundary Layer Data Collected During the Multi-Frequency Radar IOP
Instrumental and Technical Approach to Prompt Field Measurements of Size Distributions of Aerosol Absorbing and Scattering Characteristics
Marchand, R.T.
An Assessment of MWR Retrievals of Liquid Water Path Using Clear-Sky Data*
Brightness Fields in Statistically Inhomogeneous Clouds
CRYSTAL FACE: An Intensive Field Campaign for the Study of Tropical Cirrus
MISR-Derived Statistics of Cumulus Geometry at TWP Site
Simultaneous Spectral Albedo Measurements near the ARM SGP Central Facility
Marsden, D.
Comparison of Diffuse Shortwave Irradiance Measurements
Marsh, L.K.
ARM's Climate Change Educational Outreach On the North Slope of Alaska
Marshak, A.
CIMEL Measurements of Zenith Radiances at the ARM SGP Site
Consistency of ARESE II Cloud Absorption Estimates and Sampling Issues*
Field Tests of the Cloud-Surface Interaction Based Broken Cloud Field Optical Depth Retrieval: Forthcoming Upgrades to the ARM MMCRs: Improved Radar Processor and Dual-Polarization*
Numerical Tests of the Cloud-Surface Interaction Based Broken-Cloud Field Optical Depth Retrieval: Sensitivity to Surface Albedo, Droplet Phase Function, Aerosol, and Instrument Noisese*
Stratus Cloud Structure from mm-Radar Transects and Satellite Images: Scaling Properties and Artifact Detection with Semi-Discrete Wavelet Analyses
Martner, B.E.
Forthcoming Upgrades to the ARM MMCRs: Improved Radar Processor and Dual-Polarization
Marty, C.
Cloud Properties Over the North Slope of Alaska: A Comparison of Ground-Based and Space-Based Retrievals*
Comparisons Between Measured and Modeled Longwave Irradiances During Arctic Winter: Results from the Second International Pyrgeometer and Absolute Sky-Scanning Radiometer Comparison (IPARSC-II)*
Use of NSA/ARM Data to Validate/Improve the Retrieval of Arctic Cloud and Surface Properties from AVHRR
Mather, J.H.
Comparison of Cirrus Cloud Radiative Properties and Dynamical Processes at Two Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Sites in the Tropical Western Pacific
CRYSTAL FACE: An Intensive Field Campaign for the Study of Tropical Cirrus
Mathias, D.
Comparison of Diffuse Shortwave Irradiance Measurements
Matrosov, S.Y.
An Annual Cycle of Arctic Cloud Microphysics
Retrievals of Vertical Profiles of Cloud Ice Mass and Particle Characteristic Size from MMCR Data*
May, P.T.
Darwin ARCS3
McArthur, B.
Comparison of Diffuse Shortwave Irradiance Measurements
McCollum, T.
Interactive Uses of the NSDL: Atmospheric Visualization Collection
McCord, R.A.
A "Make-a-Difference" Experiment to Assess the Value of ARM Data in Carbon Cycle Models
McFarlane, S.A.
Evaluation of Broadband Surface Flux Closure Under Cloudy Skies at Nauru*
McFarquhar, G.M.
Sensitivity of Radiative Fluxes and Heating Rates to Cloud Microphysics
Sensitivities of SCMs to New Parameterizations of Cloud-Radiative Interactions
McGill, M.
Cloud Thickness from Offbeam Returns - Thor Lidar*
Mcikalski, J.
AERIplus Retrieval Algorithm Improvements: Increased Vertical Resolution, Automated Moisture Flux, and Turbulence LES Studies
McPhaden, M.
The TAO Buoy Solar Radiation Array - Implementation, Calibration, and Results*
Mechem, D.B.
Broadband Longwave Radiative Cooling Rates in Inhomogeneous Stratocumulus Clouds
Simulation of Post-Frontal Boundary Layers Observed During the ARM 2000 Cloud IOP
Variability of Low Stratus Over the ARM SGP CART Based on Cloud Radar Data and LES Simulations*
Large-Eddy Simulation of PBL Stratocumulus: Comparison of Multi-dimensional and IPA Longwave Radiative Forcing
Mechoso, C.R.
Parameterization of Cloud/Radiation Processes in the UCLA General Circulation Model*
Mecikalski, J.
Comparisons of a Cloud Resolving Model and ARM Data*
Michalsky, J.J.
Characterization and Calibration of the Commercial RSS Slated for Permanent Deployment at SGP*
Comparisons Between Measured and Modeled Longwave Irradiances During Arctic Winter: Results from the Second International Pyrgeometer and Absolute Sky-Scanning Radiometer Comparison (IPARSC-II)*
Simultaneous Spectral Albedo Measurements near the ARM SGP Central Facility
Spectral Diffuse Irradiance in UV, VIS, and NIR During the 2001 Diffuse IOP*
The ARM Aerosol Optical Thickness VAP
Comparison of Diffuse Shortwave Irradiance Measurements
Miller, M.A.
A Continuous Initial Estimate of Cloud Microphysical Structure Using Surface-Based Remote Sensors and Parameterized Microphysics*
CIMEL Measurements of Zenith Radiances at the ARM SGP Site
The Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP
Miloshevich, L.M.
Impact of Vaisala Radiosonde Humidity Corrections on ARM IOP Data
Observed Regimes of Midlatitude and Tropical Cirrus Microphysical Behavior
Min, Q.
Evaluation of a 5-Year Cloud and Radiative Property Dataset Derived from GOES-8 Data over the Southern Great Plains
Investigation of the Aerosol Indirect Effect at the Southern Great Plains Using Ground Based Remote Sensors and Modeling*
Photon Pathlength Distributions Derived from a High Resolution Spectrometer (AWS)*
Simultaneous Spectral Albedo Measurements near the ARM SGP Central Facility
Spectral Diffuse Irradiance in UV, VIS, and NIR During the 2001 Diffuse IOP*
The Clear-Sky Diffuse 'Problem' at SGP: RSS Data & Analysis
Minnett, P.J.
A New Hyperspectral Imaging Interferometer for Measurements of Surface Albedo*
Regional Variation in Cloud Radiaitive Forcing at the Arctic Surface*
Minnis, P.
A Climatology of Cloud & Radiative Properties Derived from GMS-5 Data Over the Tropical Western Pacific*
An Improved Technique for Retrieval of Cloud Properties at Night and in Low Sun Conditions*
Cloud Thickness Estimation from GOES-B Satellite Data Over the ARM-SGP Site
Evaluation of a 5-Year Cloud and Radiative Property Dataset Derived from GOES-8 Data over the Southern Great Plains
Near-Real-Time Retrieval of Cloud Properties Over the ARM CART Area from GOES Data
Nighttime Cloud Detection over the Arctic using AVHRR Data
Use of Multi-Resolution Imager Data to Account for Partially Cloud-Filled Pixels
Validation of CERES/MODIS Cloud Property Retrievals Using Ground-Based Measurements Obtained at the DOE ARM SGP Site*
Mishchenko, M.I.
Parameterization of Hygroscopic Aerosols in a Climate GCM*
Mitchell, D.L.
AERI-Lidar Retrievals of Ice Cloud Physical Properties, Including the First Estimates of Photon Tunneling Contributions to Absorption*
Retrieval of Ice Water Path, Ice Particle Size, and Shape*
Sensitivity of Radiative Fluxes and Heating Rates to Cloud Microphysics
Testing of the Modified Anomalous Diffraction Approximation with Laboratory Measurements and T-Matrix Calculations
Mitchell, R.
Darwin ARCS3
Mizutani, K.
Infrared Cloud Imager Deployment at the North Slope of Alaska During Early 2002
Mlawer, E.J.
An Update on Radiative Transfer Model Development at Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc.
Cloudy Sky RRTM Shortwave Radiative Transfer and Comparison to the Revised ECMWF Shortwave Model
The Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP
Mokhov, I.I.
Aerosol Radiative Forcing Under Cloudless Conditions in Winter ZCAREX-2001
Moore, S.T.
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program Data Quality Inspection and Assessment Activities: A Streamlined Approach
Data Quality of Quality Measurement Experiments (QME)
DQ.ARM.GOV: Future Development of the ARM Data Quality Health and Status Website*
NCVweb - An Interactive Web-Based Tool for Viewing ARM Data
Moorthi, S.
Evaluation of Cirrus Properties Simulated by a Single-Column Model Using Cloud Radar Observations and Results from a Cloud-Resolving Model Simulation*
Moran, K.P.
Forthcoming Upgrades to the ARM MMCRs: Improved Radar Processor and Dual-Polarization
Morcette, J.-J.
Cloudy Sky RRTM Shortwave Radiative Transfer and Comparison to the Revised ECMWF Shortwave Model
The Surface Longwave Radiation in the ECMWF Forecast System
Musat, I.C.
Analysis Interface for Nighttime Aerosol Optical Depth Assessment with ARM WSI*
Myers, D.R.
Establishing the Clear Sky Diffuse Reference for BORCAL Using EPLAB Model 8-48 Pyranometers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Improved Methods for Broadband Outdoor Radiometer Calibration (BORCAL)*
Nasiri, S.L.
On the Detection and Analysis of Multilayered Clouds: Comparison of MODIS Analyses with ARM CART Site Cloud Products*
Nguyen, L.
An Improved Technique for Retrieval of Cloud Properties at Night and in Low Sun Conditions*
Evaluation of a 5-Year Cloud and Radiative Property Dataset Derived from GOES-8 Data over the Southern Great Plains
Near-Real-Time Retrieval of Cloud Properties Over the ARM CART Area from GOES Data
Use of Multi-Resolution Imager Data to Account for Partially Cloud-Filled Pixels
Nitschke, K.
Darwin: The Third DOE ARM TWP ARCS Site
Nordeen, M.L.
A Climatology of Cloud & Radiative Properties Derived from GMS-5 Data Over the Tropical Western Pacific*
Norris, J.R.
Towards Parameterization of Frontal Mesoscale Circulations and Cloudiness in GCMs Based on ARM Observations*
Ogren, J.E.
ARM Aerosol IOP May 2003*
Raman Lidar Profiling of Aerosols and Water Vapor Over the Southern Great Plains*
O'Hirok, W.
A Final Analysis of the Comparison Between Theoretical and Observed Estimates of Broadband Absorptance During ARESE II*
A Statistical Analysis of the Coupling Between Subgrid Cloud Structure and Grid-Scale Dynamic-Hydrological Processes*
Oreopoulos, L.
Consistency of ARESE II Cloud Absorption Estimates and Sampling Issues*
Ou, S.C.
3D Remote Sensing of Cirrus Cloud Parameters Using AVHRR and MODIS Data Coupled With Radar and Lidar Measurements*
Ovtchinnikov, M.
ARM Total Sky Imager: Monte Carlo Simulations
Brightness Fields in Statistically Inhomogeneous Clouds
Broadband Longwave Radiative Cooling Rates in Inhomogeneous Stratocumulus Clouds
Effect of Subgrid Cloud Variability on Parameterization of Indirect Aerosol Effect in Large-Scale Models
Large-Eddy Simulation of PBL Stratocumulus: Comparison of Multi-dimensional and IPA Longwave Radiative Forcing
Pan, H.-L.
Evaluation of Cirrus Properties Simulated by a Single-Column Model Using Cloud Radar Observations and Results from a Cloud-Resolving Model Simulation*
Panchenko, M.V.
Instrumental and Technical Approach to Prompt Field Measurements of Size Distributions of Aerosol Absorbing and Scattering Characteristics
Investigations of the Absorption Properties of Near-Ground Aerosol by the Methods of Optical-Acoustic Spectrometry and Diffuse Extinction
Papakyriakou, T.N.
Regional Variation in Cloud Radiaitive Forcing at the Arctic Surface*
Park, W.
Towards Development of a Synthesized Database of Spatial and Temporal Surface Spectral Reflectivity Over the ARM SGP CART Area
Paukkunen, A.
Impact of Vaisala Radiosonde Humidity Corrections on ARM IOP Data
Pavloski, C.F.
CIMEL Measurements of Zenith Radiances at the ARM SGP Site
Field Tests of the Cloud-Surface Interaction Based Broken Cloud Field Optical Depth Retrieval: Forthcoming Upgrades to the ARM MMCRs: Improved Radar Processor and Dual-Polarization*
Numerical Tests of the Cloud-Surface Interaction Based Broken-Cloud Field Optical Depth Retrieval: Sensitivity to Surface Albedo, Droplet Phase Function, Aerosol, and Instrument Noise*
Penner, J.E.
A Calculation of Forcing by Carbonaceous Aerosols*
A New Parameterization of Droplet Nucleation*
Peppler, R.A.
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program Data Quality Inspection and Assessment Activities: A Streamlined Approach
DQ.ARM.GOV: Future Development of the ARM Data Quality Health and Status Website*
Perry, K.D.
Comparison of Aerosol Properties Within and Above the Atmospheric Boundary Layer at the ARM SGP Site*
Petrov, N.P.
Stratus Cloud Structure from mm-Radar Transects and Satellite Images: Scaling Properties and Artifact Detection with Semi-Discrete Wavelet Analyses
Petrushin, A.G.
Mixed-Phase Clouds: Simulation of Optical and Radiative Properties
Philipona, R.
Comparisons Between Measured and Modeled Longwave Irradiances During Arctic Winter: Results from the Second International Pyrgeometer and Absolute Sky-Scanning Radiometer Comparison (IPARSC-II)*
Comparison of Diffuse Shortwave Irradiance Measurements
Phillips, T.J.
CCPP-ARM GCM Analysis of Tendency Errors (CAGATE): Part I Method*
CCPP-ARM GCM Analysis of Tendency Errors (CAGATE): Part II Results*
Pilewskie, P.
Simultaneous Spectral Albedo Measurements near the ARM SGP Central Facility
Spectral Characterization of the Scattering and Absorption of Solar Radiation by Aerosols and Clouds: Results from Several Recent Field Studies*
Pincus, R.
Cloud Resolving Models as Scaffolding for Cloud Parameterizations in Large-Scale Models*
Using Cloud Resolving Model Simulations of Deep Convection to Inform Cloud Parameterizations in Large-Scale Models
Using Time-Height Cross-Sections of Cumulus Cloud Fields for Solar Radiative Transfer*
Pinto, J.O.
Performance of Radiative Transfer Codes Under Arctic Conditions*
Pkhalagov, Ku.A.
Some Results of Joint Measurements of Aerosol Extinction of Solar Radiation on Horizontal and Slant Paths
Platt, M.
Darwin ARCS3
Platt, C.M.R.
Reconciling Infrared Absorption Parameterizations for Midlatitude Cirrus Clouds
Remotely Controlled, Continuous Observations of Infrared Radiance With the CSIRO/ARM Mark II Radiometer at the SGP CART Site
Podolske, J.
LASE Characterization of Water Vapor Over the ARM SGP During AFWEX*
Poellot, M.R.
A Tale of Two Cirrus*
Evaluation of Cirrus Cloud Simulations Using ARM Data - Development of a Case Study Data Set*
Further Estimates of the Error in the Retrieval of Cloud Radar Effective Radius
Simulation of Post-Frontal Boundary Layers Observed During the ARM 2000 Cloud IOP
The March 9, 2000, Cirrus Cloud System: A 4D Illustration of Jet Stream Cirrus Observed by Scanning and Airborne Cloud Radar
Pommier, J.
Spectral Characterization of the Scattering and Absorption of Solar Radiation by Aerosols and Clouds: Results from Several Recent Field Studies*
Posselt, D.
Comparisons of a Cloud Resolving Model and ARM Data*
Potter, G.L.
CCPP-ARM GCM Analysis of Tendency Errors (CAGATE): Part I Method*
CCPP-ARM GCM Analysis of Tendency Errors (CAGATE): Part II Results*
Powell, D.
Clear-Sky Model and Measurement Comparisons from the First Diffuse Irradiance IOP - Fall 2001*
Protat, A.
SIRTA: A French Observation Site for Atmospheric Remote Sensing*
Puckrin, E.
Comparison of ARM AERI with Trent FTS Spectra for Measurement of Greenhouse Radiative Fluxes
Quinn, G.M.
Introducing WEB_MADS*
Rabbette, M.
Spectral Characterization of the Scattering and Absorption of Solar Radiation by Aerosols and Clouds: Results from Several Recent Field Studies*
Racette, P.
Combination of Temperature and Humidity Profiles from a Scanning 5-mm Radiometer and MWR-Scaled Radiosondes During the 1999 Winter NSA/AAO Radiometer Experiment*
Rael, F.P.
Procedure for Generating Data Quality Reports for SIRS Radiometric Measurements
Randall, D.A.
Comparison of Cloud-Resolving with Single Column Simulations of Summertime Midlatitude Convection*
Similarity of Deep Convection During the ARM Summer 1997 IOP: CRM Study
Rapp, A.D.
A Climatology of Cloud & Radiative Properties Derived from GMS-5 Data Over the Tropical Western Pacific*
An Improved Technique for Retrieval of Cloud Properties at Night and in Low Sun Conditions*
Cloud Thickness Estimation from GOES-B Satellite Data Over the ARM-SGP Site
Evaluation of a 5-Year Cloud and Radiative Property Dataset Derived from GOES-8 Data over the Southern Great Plains
Near-Real-Time Retrieval of Cloud Properties Over the ARM CART Area from GOES Data
Use of Multi-Resolution Imager Data to Account for Partially Cloud-Filled Pixels
Razenkov, I.
A High Spectral Resolution Lidar for the Arctic - A Progress Report*
Reda, I.
Establishing the Clear Sky Diffuse Reference for BORCAL Using EPLAB Model 8-48 Pyranometers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Improved Methods for Broadband Outdoor Radiometer Calibration (BORCAL)*
Maintaining Radiometer Calibration Traceability to the World Radiometric Reference: Results of the NREL Pyrheliometer Comparisons in 2001*
Comparison of Diffuse Shortwave Irradiance Measurements
Remer, L.
Evaluation of Terra Aerosol and Water Vapor Measurements Using ARM SGP Data*
Revercomb, H.E.
Analysis of the AERI/LBLRTM QME
Comparisons of a Cloud Resolving Model and ARM Data*
Introducing WEB_MADS*
Overview of the ARM/FIRE Water Vapor Experiment (AFWEX)
Reynolds, R.M.
The TAO Buoy Solar Radiation Array - Implementation, Calibration, and Results*
Ricchiazzi, P.J.
Aerosol Properties During the Cerro Grande Fire and the Mongolian Dust Event of April 2001*
Importance and Parameterization of Longwave Radiative Scattering by Mineral Aerosols*
Richardson, S.J.
Radiosonde Scaling Using a Chilled Mirror Hygrometer*
The Vaisala Radiosonde Dry-Bias Correction Redux
Riley, W.J.
From Crops to Boundary Layer and Back Down Again: the ARM Carbon Project in the Southern Great Plains*
Spatial Heterogeneity in Mid-Summer Fluxes of Carbon, Water and Energy in Agricultural Plots Near the SGP Central Facility*
Roback, V.E.
Aircraft Measurements of Spectral and Broadband Shortwave Albedo from the NASA Langley OV-10*
Rocken, C.
GPS Water Vapor Projects within the ARM Southern Great Plains Region
Romashova, E.V.
Estimation of the Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo over ZSS from MFRSR Data
Rose, F.G.
The Surface and Atmospheric Radiation Budget and Aerosol Forcing with a New Formulation for Ocean Surface Albedo
Roskovensky, J.K.
Detection of Thin Cirrus Using MODIS 1.38 Micron Reflection*
Rossow, W.B.
Preferred Modes of Surface-Atmosphere Interaction in the Polar Regions*
Rothman, L.S.
Millenium HITRAN Compilation
Rutan, D.A.
Interannual Variation In The Observed Shortwave Record from ARM/SGP*
The Surface and Atmospheric Radiation Budget and Aerosol Forcing with a New Formulation for Ocean Surface Albedo
Rutledge, C.K.
Aircraft Measurements of Spectral and Broadband Shortwave Albedo from the NASA Langley OV-10*
The Surface and Atmospheric Radiation Budget and Aerosol Forcing with a New Formulation for Ocean Surface Albedo
Sachse, G.
LASE Characterization of Water Vapor Over the ARM SGP During AFWEX*
Sakerin, S.M.
Some Results of Joint Measurements of Aerosol Extinction of Solar Radiation on Horizontal and Slant Paths
Sassen, K.
3D Remote Sensing of Cirrus Cloud Parameters Using AVHRR and MODIS Data Coupled With Radar and Lidar Measurements*
Evaluation of Cirrus Cloud Simulations Using ARM Data - Development of a Case Study Data Set*
Heating Rates in Mid-latitude Cirrus Cloud Calculated from Retrieved Cirrus Microphysical Properties
Reconciling Infrared Absorption Parameterizations for Midlatitude Cirrus Clouds
Sauvage, L.
SIRTA: A French Observation Site for Atmospheric Remote Sensing*
Schlemmer, J.A.
The ARM Aerosol Optical Thickness VAP
Comparison of Diffuse Shortwave Irradiance Measurements
Schmid, B.
ARM Aerosol IOP May 2003*
Schmidlin, F.J.
LASE Characterization of Water Vapor Over the ARM SGP During AFWEX*
NASA/GSFC Scanning Raman Lidar Measurements of Water Vapor and Cirrus Clouds During WVIOP2000 and AFWEX*
Schmit, T.J.
Validation of GOES and MODIS Atmospheric Products and Radiances Using Department of Energy Atmospheric Radiation (DOE ARM) Measurement Data*
Schmitt, C.
Testing of the Modified Anomalous Diffraction Approximation with Laboratory Measurements and T-Matrix Calculations
Schroeder, J.
Millenium HITRAN Compilation
Schuster, G.L.
Use of AERONET Aerosol Retrievals to Calculate Clear-Sky Irradiance at the Surface
Schwartz, S.E.
ARM Aerosol IOP May 2003*
Sekelsky, S.M.
Automated W-band/S-band Radar Profilers for the ARM SGP 2001
Characterization of Radar Boundary Layer Data Collected During the Multi-Frequency Radar IOP
Sample Observations from the 2001 Multi-Frequency Radar IOP
The March 9, 2000, Cirrus Cloud System: A 4D Illustration of Jet Stream Cirrus Observed by Scanning and Airborne Cloud Radar
Sellar, R.G.
A New Hyperspectral Imaging Interferometer for Measurements of Surface Albedo*
Sengupta, M.
Climatology of Stratus Clouds at the SGP: A Radiation Based Study*
Relative Importance of Size Distribution and Liquid Water Path to Solar Radiation in the Presence of Continental Stratus*
Shaw, J.A.
Recent Progress in Retrieving Air Temperature Profiles and Air-Sea Temperature Differences from Infrared and Microwave Scanning Radiometer Data
Infrared Cloud Imager Deployment at the North Slope of Alaska During Early 2002
Shepard, M.W.
An Update on Radiative Transfer Model Development at Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc.
Shi, Y.
Techniques and Methods used to Determine the Best Estimate of Radiation Fluxes at the SGP Central Facility
Shippert, T.R.
Interpolation Uncertainties Across the ARM SGP Area
The Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP
Shukurov, A.Kh.
On the Results of Measurements of the Direct Sun Radiation Flux by Actinometer and Maximal Polarization of Sky Brightness
Shukurov, K.A.
On the Results of Measurements of the Direct Sun Radiation Flux by Actinometer and Maximal Polarization of Sky Brightness
Shupe, M.D.
An Annual Cycle of Arctic Cloud Microphysics
Cloud Radiative Heating Rate Forcing Using Profiles of Radiative Arctic Cloud Microphysics
Further Estimates of the Error in the Retrieval of Cloud Radar Effective Radius
Retrievals of Vertical Profiles of Cloud Ice Mass and Particle Characteristic Size from MMCR Data*
The Influence of Clouds on the Arctic Surface
Stratus Cloud Drizzle Retrieval During SHEBA from MMCR Doppler Moments
Sisterson, D.L.
Status, Accomplishments and Recent Developments at the Southern Great Plains (SGP) Cloud and Radiation Testbed (CART)*
Slater, D.W.
A Comparison of the TSI/WSI Cloud Fraction Estimates at the SGP*
Smith, W.L.
A Satellite-Based Assessment of Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor Measurements During AFWEX*
AERI and Raman Lidar Cirrus Cloud Optical Depth Retrieval to Validate Aircraft-Based Cirrus Measurements*
Aircraft Measurements of Spectral and Broadband Shortwave Albedo from the NASA Langley OV-10*
An Improved Technique for Retrieval of Cloud Properties at Night and in Low Sun Conditions*
Evaluation of a 5-Year Cloud and Radiative Property Dataset Derived from GOES-8 Data over the Southern Great Plains
Near-Real-Time Retrieval of Cloud Properties Over the ARM CART Area from GOES Data
The Surface and Atmospheric Radiation Budget and Aerosol Forcing with a New Formulation for Ocean Surface Albedo
Use of Multi-Resolution Imager Data to Account for Partially Cloud-Filled Pixels
Soden, B.J.
A Satellite-Based Assessment of Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor Measurements During AFWEX*
Correction of Sonde Upper Tropospheric Humidity Through Radiance Assimilation*
Sommerville, R.C.J.
Sensitivity of Radiative Fluxes and Heating Rates to Cloud Microphysics
Sensitivities of SCMs to New Parameterizations of Cloud-Radiative Interactions
Sonntag, K.L.
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program Data Quality Inspection and Assessment Activities: A Streamlined Approach
DQ.ARM.GOV: Future Development of the ARM Data Quality Health and Status Website*
The March 9, 2000, Cirrus Cloud System: A 4D Illustration of Jet Stream Cirrus Observed by Scanning and Airborne Cloud Radar
Spangenberg, D.A.
Nighttime Cloud Detection over the Arctic using AVHRR Data
Spinhirne, J.D.
MPL-net at ARM Sites*
Springer, M.
ARM's Climate Change Educational Outreach On the North Slope of Alaska
Stamnes, K.H.
Cloud Properties Over the North Slope of Alaska: A Comparison of Ground-Based and Space-Based Retrievals*
Comparisons Between Measured and Modeled Longwave Irradiances During Arctic Winter: Results from the Second International Pyrgeometer and Absolute Sky-Scanning Radiometer Comparison (IPARSC-II)*
Representing a Spheroidal Particle by a Collection of Equal Volume to Surface Area Spheres: A Comprehensive Study of the Applicability to Radiative Transfer*
Use of NSA/ARM Data to Validate/Improve the Retrieval of Arctic Cloud and Surface Properties from AVHRR
Starr, D.
Evaluation of Cirrus Cloud Simulations Using ARM Data - Development of a Case Study Data Set*
Stephens, G.L.
A Composite and Microphysical Study of Jet Stream Cirrus Over the ARM Site
Assessing Cloud Overlap Parameterizations of Global Climate Models Using ARM Data
Stoffell, T.L.
Comparisons Between Measured and Modeled Longwave Irradiances During Arctic Winter: Results from the Second International Pyrgeometer and Absolute Sky-Scanning Radiometer Comparison (IPARSC-II)*
Effects of Radiometer Cleaning Frequency on the Accuracy of SIRS Measurements*
Establishing the Clear Sky Diffuse Reference for BORCAL Using EPLAB Model 8-48 Pyranometers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Maintaining Radiometer Calibration Traceability to the World Radiometric Reference: Results of the NREL Pyrheliometer Comparisons in 2001*
Procedure for Generating Data Quality Reports for SIRS Radiometric Measurements
Comparison of Diffuse Shortwave Irradiance Measurements
Stone, R.S.
Performance of Radiative Transfer Codes Under Arctic Conditions*
Storvold, R.
Cloud Properties Over the North Slope of Alaska: A Comparison of Ground-Based and Space-Based Retrievals*
Comparisons Between Measured and Modeled Longwave Irradiances During Arctic Winter: Results from the Second International Pyrgeometer and Absolute Sky-Scanning Radiometer Comparison (IPARSC-II)*
Use of NSA/ARM Data to Validate/Improve the Retrieval of Arctic Cloud and Surface Properties from AVHRR
Stramler, K.L.
Preferred Modes of Surface-Atmosphere Interaction in the Polar Regions*
SunMack, S.
Validation of CERES/MODIS Cloud Property Retrievals Using Ground-Based Measurements Obtained at the DOE ARM SGP Site*
Sviridenkov, M.A.
Estimation of the Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo over ZSS from MFRSR Data
Takano, Y.
3D Remote Sensing of Cirrus Cloud Parameters Using AVHRR and MODIS Data Coupled With Radar and Lidar Measurements*
Takara, E.E.
Broadband Longwave Radiative Cooling Rates in Inhomogeneous Stratocumulus Clouds
Initial Testing of Longwave Parameterizations for Broken Water Cloud Fields - Accounting for Transmission*
Large-Eddy Simulation of PBL Stratocumulus: Comparison of Multi-dimensional and IPA Longwave Radiative Forcing
Talus, C.E.
ARM's Climate Change Educational Outreach On the North Slope of Alaska
Tanamachi, R.
AERIplus Retrieval Algorithm Improvements: Increased Vertical Resolution, Automated Moisture Flux, and Turbulence LES Studies
Comparisons of a Cloud Resolving Model and ARM Data*
Teske, J.J.
Status, Accomplishments and Recent Developments at the Southern Great Plains (SGP) Cloud and Radiation Testbed (CART)*
Thurairajah, B.
Infrared Cloud Imager Deployment at the North Slope of Alaska During Early 2002
Tikhomirov, A.B.
Investigations of the Absorption Properties of Near-Ground Aerosol by the Methods of Optical-Acoustic Spectrometry and Diffuse Extinction
Tikhomirov, B.A.
Investigations of the Absorption Properties of Near-Ground Aerosol by the Methods of Optical-Acoustic Spectrometry and Diffuse Extinction
Tobin, D.
A Satellite-Based Assessment of Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor Measurements During AFWEX*
Analysis of the AERI/LBLRTM QME
Comparisons of a Cloud Resolving Model and ARM Data*
Overview of the ARM/FIRE Water Vapor Experiment (AFWEX)
Radiosonde Scaling Using a Chilled Mirror Hygrometer*
Validation of GOES and MODIS Atmospheric Products and Radiances Using Department of Energy Atmospheric Radiation (DOE ARM) Measurement Data*
Tooman, T.P.
A Comparison of the TSI/WSI Cloud Fraction Estimates at the SGP*
NASA/GSFC Scanning Raman Lidar Measurements of Water Vapor and Cirrus Clouds During WVIOP2000 and AFWEX*
Raman Lidar Profiling of Aerosols and Water Vapor Over the Southern Great Plains*
Torn, M.S.
From Crops to Boundary Layer and Back Down Again: the ARM Carbon Project in the Southern Great Plains*
Spatial Heterogeneity in Mid-Summer Fluxes of Carbon, Water and Energy in Agricultural Plots Near the SGP Central Facility*
Torn, R.
AERIplus Retrieval Algorithm Improvements: Increased Vertical Resolution, Automated Moisture Flux, and Turbulence LES Studies
Trishchenko, A.P.
Asymmetry in the Diurnal Cycle of Atmospheric Downwelling Radiation at the ARM SGP CF Site Over 1995-2001 Period
Atmospheric Correction of Satellite Signal In Solar Domain: Impact of Improved Molecular Spectroscopy
Developing a Multi-Year Surface Radiation Budget Dataset in Support of Model Development*
Towards Development of a Synthesized Database of Spatial and Temporal Surface Spectral Reflectivity Over the ARM SGP CART Area
Turner, D.D.
A Satellite-Based Assessment of Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor Measurements During AFWEX*
AERI and Raman Lidar Cirrus Cloud Optical Depth Retrieval to Validate Aircraft-Based Cirrus Measurements*
Analysis of the AERI/LBLRTM QME
Cloud Phase Determination in the Arctic Using AERI Data
Comparisons of a Cloud Resolving Model and ARM Data*
Correction of Sonde Upper Tropospheric Humidity Through Radiance Assimilation*
Evaluation of Terra Aerosol and Water Vapor Measurements Using ARM SGP Data*
LASE Characterization of Water Vapor Over the ARM SGP During AFWEX*
Lidar Remote Sensing of Cirrus Clouds at the Southern Great Plains Site: Comparisons of Extinction and Backscatter Coefficients Derived Using Raman and Backscatter Lidar Technique*
NASA/GSFC Scanning Raman Lidar Measurements of Water Vapor and Cirrus Clouds During WVIOP2000 and AFWEX*
Overview of the ARM/FIRE Water Vapor Experiment (AFWEX)
Raman Lidar Profiling of Aerosols and Water Vapor Over the Southern Great Plains*
Uttal, T.
An Annual Cycle of Arctic Cloud Microphysics
Nighttime Cloud Detection over the Arctic using AVHRR Data
Cloud Radiative Heating Rate Forcing Using Profiles of Radiative Arctic Cloud Microphysics
Uzhegov, V.N.
Some Results of Joint Measurements of Aerosol Extinction of Solar Radiation on Horizontal and Slant Paths
Valero, F.P.J.
Further Analysis of the Thermal Offset in Pyranometers*
Van Hove, T.
GPS Water Vapor Projects within the ARM Southern Great Plains Region
Varanasi, P.
Infrared Absorption Spectrum of Water Vapor as Applicable to ARM*
Vernon, E.N.
Interactive Uses of the NSDL: Atmospheric Visualization Collection
Using ARM Radar Data to Parameterize the Moments of Cirrus Cloud Properties in Terms of Cloud Layer Thickness and Temperature
Vogelmann, A.M.
A Satellite-Based Assessment of Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor Measurements During AFWEX*
Wagener, R.
ARM External Data: Recent Developments and Future Plans*
Web-Based Tools for IOP Administration Tasks and IOP Questionnaire Handling*
Wang, Y.
Evaluation of Cirrus Cloud Simulations Using ARM Data - Development of a Case Study Data Set*
Wang, Z.
Heating Rates in Mid-latitude Cirrus Cloud Calculated from Retrieved Cirrus Microphysical Properties
Reconciling Infrared Absorption Parameterizations for Midlatitude Cirrus Clouds
Weaver, C.P.
Towards Parameterization of Frontal Mesoscale Circulations and Cloudiness in GCMs Based on ARM Observations*
Welton, E.J.
MPL-net at ARM Sites*
Westwater, E.R.
Combination of Temperature and Humidity Profiles from a Scanning 5-mm Radiometer and MWR-Scaled Radiosondes During the 1999 Winter NSA/AAO Radiometer Experiment*
Ground-Based Microwave Radiometer Measurements and Radiosonde Comparisons During the WVIOP2000 Field Experiment
Radiometric Observations at 20, 30, and 90 GHz During EPIC*
Recent Progress in Retrieving Air Temperature Profiles and Air-Sea Temperature Differences from Infrared and Microwave Scanning Radiometer Data
Wetzel-Seeman, S.
Validation of GOES and MODIS Atmospheric Products and Radiances Using Department of Energy Atmospheric Radiation (DOE ARM) Measurement Data*
Whiteman, D.N.
A Satellite-Based Assessment of Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor Measurements During AFWEX*
AERI and Raman Lidar Cirrus Cloud Optical Depth Retrieval to Validate Aircraft-Based Cirrus Measurements*
LASE Characterization of Water Vapor Over the ARM SGP During AFWEX*
NASA/GSFC Scanning Raman Lidar Measurements of Water Vapor and Cirrus Clouds During WVIOP2000 and AFWEX*
Widener, K.B.
CRYSTAL FACE: An Intensive Field Campaign for the Study of Tropical Cirrus
Nauru Island Effect Study - Installation and Preliminary Data
New ARM Data Stream: Surface Images at NSA/AAO Sites in Barrow and Atqasuk
Wilcox, S.M.
Improved Methods for Broadband Outdoor Radiometer Calibration (BORCAL)*
Williams, C.R.
Automated W-band/S-band Radar Profilers for the ARM SGP 2001
Characterization of Radar Boundary Layer Data Collected During the Multi-Frequency Radar IOP
Sample Observations from the 2001 Multi-Frequency Radar IOP
Williamson, D.
CCPP-ARM GCM Analysis of Tendency Errors (CAGATE): Part I Method*
CCPP-ARM GCM Analysis of Tendency Errors (CAGATE): Part II Results*
Wiscombe, W.J.
CIMEL Measurements of Zenith Radiances at the ARM SGP Site
Exploration of Statistical Angular Radiance Closure in Cloudy Skies*
Wolf, A.B.
Observed Regimes of Midlatitude and Tropical Cirrus Microphysical Behavior
Wood, N.B.
Assessing Cloud Overlap Parameterizations of Global Climate Models Using ARM Data
Woolf, H.H.
AERIplus Retrieval Algorithm Improvements: Increased Vertical Resolution, Automated Moisture Flux, and Turbulence LES Studies
Wu, X.
Radiative Effects of Cloud Inhomogeneity and Geometric Association over the Tropical Western Pacific Warm Pool
Xie, S.C.
Comparison of Cloud-Resolving with Single Column Simulations of Summertime Midlatitude Convection*
Developing Continuous SCM/CRM Forcing Using NWP Products Constrained by ARM Observations
Integrated Measurements from ARM SCM IOPs Relevant to GCM Parameterizations*
Xiong, X.
Cloud Properties Over the North Slope of Alaska: A Comparison of Ground-Based and Space-Based Retrievals*
Use of NSA/ARM Data to Validate/Improve the Retrieval of Arctic Cloud and Surface Properties from AVHRR
Xu, K.-M.
Cloud Resolving Models as Scaffolding for Cloud Parameterizations in Large-Scale Models*
Cloud-Resolving Simulations of Boundary-Layer Cloud Regimes with a Third-Order Turbulence*
Comparison of Cloud-Resolving with Single Column Simulations of Summertime Midlatitude Convection*
Impact of Intermodel Differences in Cloud Microphysics on Radiation: Diagnosis from Case 3 CRM Intercomparison Data*
Using Cloud Resolving Model Simulations of Deep Convection to Inform Cloud Parameterizations in Large-Scale Models
Yager, E.
Characterization and Calibration of the Commercial RSS Slated for Permanent Deployment at SGP*
Yio, J.J.
Comparison of Cloud-Resolving with Single Column Simulations of Summertime Midlatitude Convection*
Developing Continuous SCM/CRM Forcing Using NWP Products Constrained by ARM Observations
Integrated Measurements from ARM SCM IOPs Relevant to GCM Parameterizations*
Young, D.F.
Near-Real-Time Retrieval of Cloud Properties Over the ARM CART Area from GOES Data
Use of Multi-Resolution Imager Data to Account for Partially Cloud-Filled Pixels
Young, S.A.
Darwin ARCS3
Younkin, K.
Results of the Dutton et al. IR Loss Correction VAP: Statistical Analysis of Corrected and Uncorrected SW Measurements*
Zak, B.D.
Cloud Properties Over the North Slope of Alaska: A Comparison of Ground-Based and Space-Based Retrievals*
The North Slope of Alaska CART and Arctic Change 2002*
Use of NSA/ARM Data to Validate/Improve the Retrieval of Arctic Cloud and Surface Properties from AVHRR
ARM's Climate Change Educational Outreach On the North Slope of Alaska
Zhang, M.H.
Developing Continuous SCM/CRM Forcing Using NWP Products Constrained by ARM Observations
Effect of Subgrid Cloud Variability on Parameterization of Indirect Aerosol Effect in Large-Scale Models
Integrated Measurements from ARM SCM IOPs Relevant to GCM Parameterizations*
Zhang, S.
A Calculation of Forcing by Carbonaceous Aerosols*
Zhang, T.P.
Aircraft Measurements of Spectral and Broadband Shortwave Albedo from the NASA Langley OV-10*
The Broadband Heating Rate Profile (BBHRP) VAP
Zhang, Y.
Sensitivities of SCMs to New Parameterizations of Cloud-Radiative Interactions
Zhu, P.
Large Eddy Simulations of Fair-Weather Cumulus Case at SGP Site*
The Parameterization of Shallow Cumulus Convection*
Zhuravleva, T.B.
Mixed-Phase Clouds: Simulation of Optical and Radiative Properties
Zirzow, J.A.
The North Slope of Alaska CART and Arctic Change 2002*
Zuev, V.V.
Reconstruction of Paleobehavior of Ozonosphere Based on Response to UV-B Radiation Effect in Dendrochronologic Signal
Zuidema, P.
Cloud Radiative Heating Rate Forcing Using Profiles of Radiative Arctic Cloud Microphysics