Table 7.3
Discharges aged 12 and older from detoxification.
Characteristics at admission, by treatment completion/transfer: 2009
Number, percent distribution, treatment completion/transfer rate, and median length of stay (LOS)
[Based on linked admission and discharge data reported by the 44 States and jurisdictions that offered substance abuse detoxification and reported these data to TEDS.]
Characteristics at admission No. of
tion discharges
Completed treatment
or transferred to
further treatment
(percent distribution)
Did not complete
treatment or transfer
to further treatment
(percent distribution)
Rate of treatment
completion or
transfer to further
Median LOS
(days) among
  326,365      77.0       4
Male 242,820  74.5  74.2  77.1       4
Female  83,529  25.5  25.8  76.8       4
Total  326,349 100.0 100.0  77.0       4
Age at admission
12 to 20 years  13,634   4.0   4.9  73.0       5
21 to 30 years  76,138  21.8  28.3  72.1       5
31 to 40 years  76,128  22.8  25.2  75.2       4
41 to 50 years 105,391  33.4  28.7  79.6       4
Over 50 years  55,074  18.1  12.8  82.5       4
Total  326,365 100.0 100.0  77.0       4
White (non-Hispanic) 187,477  57.3  61.3  76.1       4
Black (non-Hispanic)  69,387  22.2  19.4  79.6       4
Hispanic origin  47,117  14.7  14.3  77.8       4
Other  18,139   5.8   4.9  80.1       3
Total  322,120 100.0 100.0  77.3       4
Primary substance
Alcohol 178,070  57.6  44.5  81.3       4
Opiates 101,400  28.3  40.5  70.1       5
Marijuana/hashish   6,486   1.9   2.1  75.2       6
Cocaine  23,437   7.1   7.3  76.5       4
Stimulants   9,695   2.9   3.1  76.1       4
Other/unknown   7,277   2.2   2.4  75.4       6
Total  326,365 100.0 100.0  77.0       4
Frequency of use
No use in the past month   5,682   1.7   1.8  75.9       6
Some use  73,908  25.3  14.2  85.7       3
Daily use 245,176  73.0  84.0  74.4       5
Total  324,766 100.0 100.0  77.0       4
No. of prior treatment episodes
None  77,626  32.1  42.6  71.4       4
1 or more 147,333  67.9  57.4  79.7       4
Total  224,959 100.0 100.0  76.9       4
Treatment referral source
Criminal justice/DUI  34,572  11.1   9.4  79.9       3
Self or individual 198,401  58.9  69.8  73.9       5
Health care/community  90,010  30.0  20.8  82.8       4
Total  322,983 100.0 100.0  77.0       4
Employment status1
Employed  42,766  14.4  11.7  80.7       4
Unemployed/Not in labor force 267,743  85.6  88.3  76.6       4
Total  310,509 100.0 100.0  77.2       4
Years of education1
Fewer than 12 years  90,523  28.8  30.7  76.1       4
12 years (or GED) 141,909  45.6  46.7  76.7       4
More than 12 years  77,086  25.6  22.6  79.3       4
Total  309,518 100.0 100.0  77.2       4
1 Includes only discharges aged 16 and above for employment status and aged 18 and older for years of education.
NOTE: In LOS calculations, missing values of the associated variables were excluded.
SOURCE: Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS). Data received through 10.10.11.

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