ATF Form F 3210.1 – No Longer Available

Effective immediately, ATF is no longer making the Application for Restoration of Firearms Privileges (ATF Form 3210.1) available on the website due to Congressional appropriation restrictions that have been in effect since October 1992.

Therefore, the following alternatives are recommended for individuals seeking relief of Federal firearms disabilities:

If You Have A State Conviction:
Persons convicted of State offenses should contact the Attorney General’s Office, in the state where their conviction occurred, for information related to available restoration programs.
If You Have A Federal Conviction:
Persons convicted of Federal offenses must apply for a Presidential Pardon via the Pardon Attorney’s Office of the Department of Justice in Washington, DC. Call (202) 616-6070 for more information on the necessary procedures.
If You Have A State And A Federal Conviction:
Follow the instructions above for Federal convictions.