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Instructions for Completing Nomination Form

  1. This form should be used by nominees who work in agencies outside of the Department of Justice and are applying for courses held at the National Advocacy Center or sponsored by the Office of Legal Education. Employees of the Department of Justice will receive information on the nomination process via e-mail to their offices' training contact.
  2. Only one nomination form is provided. Please copy as many as you need for each course. Submit only one name, one course, and one course date per nomination form.  Please type or neatly print ALL information. The return address must be typed to ensure delivery to your office. Incomplete forms will not be considered.
  3. OLE does not maintain a waiting list of nominees who are not accepted into a course.  If you are notified that you were not accepted, you must re-apply the next time the course is offered.
  4. The name of the OLE course contact listed with each course description must appear in the block labeled "OLE Course Contact." The nomination cannot be processed without this information. Indicate "Videotape" if the course is a videotape presentation.
  5. Nominations are due 9 weeks prior to the start of the course.  (There are a few exceptions to this time frame.  Announcements for courses requiring completion of pre-course assignments, such as Appellate Advocacy and writing skills courses, will be sent out one month earlier, so nominations for those courses will be due one month earlier.)  Forms must be received at OLE by the due date in order to be considered.  Forms submitted after the due date will be considered on a space available basis only and forms received early will be held until 9 weeks prior to the course before they are processed.
  6. Each office must designate a nominating official, and keep the Office of Legal Education informed of who that person is. The nominating official will coordinate all nominations from that office. If nominations are received without the signature of the nominating official, the nominee WILL NOT be accepted into the course.
  7. Notice of acceptance or non-selection will be mailed to the address typed in the address box. You should receive notification approximately seven weeks before the course begins. All course information will be provided at that time. If you do not receive a notice of acceptance or non-selection, ask your nominating official to contact our office. You cannot be admitted into the course without written notification of acceptance.
  8. All accepted nominees (including instructors) must complete a confirmation form.  The form is sent with the acceptance notice and must be completed and faxed to OLE to guarantee sleeping accommodations for all students.
  9. The Office of Legal Education will pay all travel-related expenses for students attending courses at the National Advocacy Center in Columbia, South Carolina. Detailed information on how to make travel arrangements will be provided to students when they are accepted for a course.
  10. The Office of Legal Education would prefer that you email your completed form to the course contact listed with the description of the class. Otherwise, you can fax it to (803) 705-5110.
  11. Please notify this office at least two weeks in advance if the nominee has physical needs requiring special attention. Due to the increasing number of nominees, we must ask that only nominations for those who are certain to attend be submitted.


Modified: September 30, 2010