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Check out our sale of outstanding multi-faith DVDs, books, and other resources to help your advocates, counselors, educators, faith and lay leaders enhance their cultural competencies and strengthen your domestic violence prevention program. Read more...

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Please join us for a free public lecture!

Rev. Dr. Marie M. Fortune will present a free public lecture, "Wolves In Shepherds' Clothing: The Institutional Crisis of Clergy Sexual Abuse," at Vanderbilt Divinity School, Nashville, TN on Sunday, October 28, 2012 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Read more...


Recent Blog Posts

Déjà Vu All Over Again

Now it’s the Boy Scouts. They have been forced by the court to release the “Perversion Files”: over 1200 reports of sexual abuse by scoutmasters from 1965-85. Admittedly the record is mixed. Some allegations were investigated and some scoutmasters were banned from scouting. Some reappeared with another troop after a hiatus. Hardly any were reported to law enforcement.



Fifty Shades of Depressing

First, a confession: I have not read Fifty Shades of Grey nor do I intend to. When I choose a novel to read, I pay attention to reviews or suggestions of my friends. The thought of spending time reading second rate prose about dominant-submissive heterosexual sex just doesn't seem very appealing. Life is too short.



Responding to Clergy Abuse of Children: Not Rocket Science, Part 2

Kansas City Bishop Robert Finn has been convicted of failure to report suspected child abuse; he is the first Bishop to be held accountable for shielding a pedophile priest. He received no jail time or fine; rather he was sentenced to two years of court-supervised probation.


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