Information Resources and Technology Management


You are invited to read the definitions of terms used in this data standard.

Organization Code
Unique five-digit numeric codes assigned by the Washington Office, Division of Financial Management, to Service organizations where personnel are assigned and all unstaffed land management units. Organization codes may also be assigned to meet an administrative requirement. 
NNNNN, where each N represents a number from 0 through 9, and the first digit represents the Region to which the organization reports. 
Recommended Field Name ORGCODE
The official values to be used for this data element are provided in the Source. The procedures for assignment of organization codes are described in the Reference.
As of December 29, 2008, the Service has 1626 official organization codes assigned to organizations with assigned staff, as well as to land management units that are currently unstaffed. A list of the Service's 1626 official five-digit organization codes is available at this site, and includes the official organization names that correspond with the official five-digit organization codes.

An ASCII delimited file of the official organization codes and organization names is also available at this site. This file was downloaded from the Corporate Master Table (CMT) System, the official repository of administrative data on Service organizations. Since the information in the CMT System is dynamic, these source files do not reflect any additions, changes, or deletions made on or after December 29, 2008.

For the most current data on the Service's official organization codes and organization names, please contact Andrey Andreyev, CMT System Administrator, by electronic mail ( or phone (303-275-2310).


Part 270, FW 6, Data Management and Standards, dated September 30, 2002.

Part 020 FW 2, Organization Standards and Codes, dated June 20, 1995 (Revision in Progress).

Use Instructions
As of the approval date, this data element will be used in any new automated system, data set, database, or information application, including new Geographic Information System (GIS) data and applications. This data element will also be used in any major modifications to existing systems or versions of these data-related items that use the official five-digit numeric organization codes to identify and track (1) Service organizations where personnel are assigned (i.e., the Washington Office, Regional Offices, field stations, and field units); (2) designated, but unstaffed, land management units (e.g., units of the National Wildlife Refuge System); and (3) an administrative requirement.

To ensure compliance with the Service Enterprise Architecture (SEA), Service staff are strongly encouraged to utilize this data element in existing systems, data sets, databases, and information applications. Where existing systems and data-related items are not in compliance, they should be modified to achieve compatibility and implement this data standard.

The Service data standard for Organization Name can be viewed at this site. When appropriate, the official five-digit organization code will be used in conjunction with the official organization name. Organization codes and organization names will be handled as separate data fields in any new or modified automated system, and will not be combined in a single data field.

Phase Adopted
Approval Date
December 8, 2000
Validation Date
January 5, 2009
Data Steward
Lisa Ngo, Financial Analyst, Division of Financial Management


Last updated: January 26, 2009