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Human Resources Forms

The following is a list of forms in fillable PDF format which new employees are required to complete.

Some of the files link directly to the U.S. Office of Peronnel Management (OPM) or Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) websites. The "Due Date" column provides instructions to adhere before your start date. Please bring completed forms with you to your orientation.

Form Number & Title Due Date Special Instructions
HR/Payroll Forms
SF-1199a Direct Deposit Bring completed form to orientation. Please provide a voided check or complete the bank information at the bottom of the form.
Provide only one copy of the form.
I-9 Employee Eligibility Verification Bring completed form to orientation. Bring acceptable identification documents (see p. 5 of form) to orientation, and we will complete the employer portion on your first day.
State Tax Withholding Form Bring completed form to orientation. See below for links to forms for DC, Virginia and Maryland. Employees who will be living outside the DC-VA-MD area should contact the Human Resources Staff for assistance in obtaining the correct form. Employees living outside of the District of Columbia must also complete the DC Non-residential form - listed below on the Washington, DC link
W-4 Tax Withholding Bring completed form to orientation. IRS Calculator
AD 349 Employee Address Bring completed form to orientation. Your address must be in the state from which you are having state tax withheld. There is no longer an option to receive checks in the mail, so blocks 8 through 12 on the form cannot be filled in.
Employee Locator Form Please complete all sections except Office Address before orientation. Complete Office Address and return form to HR after your first day.  
SF-256Self-Identification of Disability Bring completed form to orientation. Requested for statistical use only.
Privacy Act Protected
SF-181 Race & National Origin Identification Bring completed form to orientation. Requested for statistical use only.
Privacy Act Protected
Uniform Service Component Bring completed form to orientation. Complete even if you have no military background.
SF-144 Statement of Prior Federal Service Complete prior to your start date and bring to orientation Complete even if you have no prior government service.
Financial Disclosure Form (OGE Form450) Complete and submit to your section chief within 30 days of your start date. Attorneys only.
Benefit Forms
Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) Brochure   FERS coverage is automatic unless you were previously a federal employee under CSRS.
Insurance Benefit List for New/Newly Eligible Employees Discuss with your HR Specialist List of health-dental-vision-life-long term care insurance, and more.
SF-2809 Federal Employees Health Benefits No later than 60 days after your start date Effective the pay period after you submit the form to HR

FEHB Comparison Booklet
SF-2817 Life Insurance Election No later than 31 days after your start date You are automatically covered for Basic Life Insurance.

FEGLI Handbook
SF-2823 FEGLI (Life Insurance) Designation of Beneficiary Optional form --
If enrolled in life insurance you may submit form any time after start date
You and your witnesses must sign before submitting to HR.
SF-2808 Designation of Beneficiary, CSRS Submit form any time after start date You and your witnesses must sign before submitting to HR. Applicable only to CSRS employees, not to FERS employees.
SF-1152 Designation of Beneficiary for Unpaid Compensation Optional form --
May submit form any time after start date
You and your witnesses must sign before submitting to HR.
SF-3102 FERS Designation of Beneficiary Optional form --
May submit form any time after start date
You and your witnesses must sign before submitting to HR.
TSP-1 Thrift Savings Plan Election May submit election form any time after start date TSP Summary Booklet
TSP-3 TSP Designation of Beneficiary Optional form --
Submit election form to the TSP address once TSP contributions are deducted from pay
Do not send without witness signatures.
Send directly to the address on the second page.
TSP-60 Request for a Transfer Into the TSP Optional form --
May submit form any time after start date
Allows employees to roll over money from an IRA or other eligible plan into their TSP account.

TSP Summary Booklet
Other Forms
DOJ Application for Transit Benefit May submit at any time Complete and submit to your supervisor for signature, then submit signed original to Angela Williams, Room 10133C-PHB.
RI 20-97 Estimated Earnings During Military Service Optional Military Form  Vet Guide
SF-813 Verification of a Military Retiree's Service In Nonwartime Campaign or Expeditions Applicable only if you are retired military Send original to the appropriate Branch of Service address located on page two of the form and one copy to the HR Rep.
OPM 1482 Reemployed Annuitants Bring with you on your start date For reemployed annuitants only.

We have also provided for your convenience, links to state and local government websites within the Washington, DC area so that you may access and retrieve other necessary forms. Just click the down arrow and select the appropriate state.

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General Information Office of the Tax Division
Kathryn Keneally
Assistant Attorney General
Tax Division
(202) 514-2901
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