Remarks With New York Stock Exchange Chief Executive Officer Duncan Niederauer At Signing of Guest Book at the New York Stock Exchange Before Ringing the Opening Bell

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
New York Stock Exchange
New York, NY
September 21, 2009


I’m just going to say a word or two. It is such a delight for us to have you back with us. You served us well as First Lady, and you served those of us who live and work here, particularly while as U.S. Senator to New York, and now to have you back here as Secretary of State is an honor. We think, as we were talking at breakfast, where we were a year ago; we’ve come a long way. And I think as we just discussed at breakfast, we’ve got a long way to go. But we are very confident that that with people like you leading the way, the sky’s the limit to what we can accomplish. So thank you for your time this morning, and we hope this isn’t the last time you grace us with your presence here in our home.

Date: 09/21/2009 Description: Secretary Clinton visits the New York Stock Exchange and rings the Opening Bell. © State Dept Image by Michael Gross


SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you. Well, thank you, Duncan. It’s an honor to be back. I was here just about a year ago in my capacity as Senator, so coming back as Secretary of State after all that we’ve done in the last year to try to pull ourselves out of this economic downturn is very exciting (inaudible).

MR. NIEDERAUER: So we’re going to go ahead and open the NYSE not only for this morning, but this week. And what better way to kick off UNGA week than have you to be here.


MR. NIEDERAUER: Thank you, everybody.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Thanks, everyone.


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