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The North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s (NERC) mission is to ensure the reliability of the North American bulk power system. NERC is the electric reliability organization (ERO) certified by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to establish and enforce reliability standards for the bulk power system. NERC develops and enforces reliability standards; assesses adequacy annually via a 10-year forecast, and summer and winter forecasts; monitors the bulk power system; and educates, trains and certifies industry personnel. ERO activities in Canada related to the reliability of the bulk power system are recognized and overseen by the appropriate governmental authorities in that country.

Cauley Speaks to WECC Board on Anniversary of September 2011 Outage

ATLANTA -- One year ago, a power outage affected nearly three million customers in Southwest California, Arizona and Baja California, Mexico. Since the September 8, 2011 event, activities have been underway to address the causes of the outage and to take steps to prevent similar future events. NERC President and Chief Executive Officer Gerry Cauley spoke at the WECC board meeting on September 6 reiterating his support of WECC's actions taken to date, while recognizing that more remains to be done.

[Release] [July CEO letter]

NERC Realigns Management Team to Better Fit Changing Needs of ERO

NERC Board Approves Reliability Issues Steering Committee Charter; Adopts Two Standards

Make Plans to Attend NERC's Second Grid Security Conference in October

Make Plans to Attend NERC's Cause Analysis and Data Workshop in Atlanta in July

NERC's 2011 Annual Report Released

FERC-NERC Staff Report on Northeast Transmission Outage Stresses Vegetation Management