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FAQs From Dislocated Worker Service Integration Forums

Early in 2004 the Department of Labor (DOL) held a series of state and local forums designed to help program operators think through ways to better integrate services for dislocated workers. The following information grows out of those forums and from questions which we continue to receive as a result of them.

Q&A Disclaimer
These Questions and Answers are provided as a public service by DOL. They represent an ongoing best effort to provide program operators with useful information in a timely manner. None of the following answers should be considered a statement of official policy until the Department has released it in a Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL). Please check the list of officially issued TEGLS at to verify whether a particular answer has been issued as policy. Subsequent to this initial posting as of May 14, 2004, new questions/answers will be added as received and answered. They will be indicated with a date, so that readers can easily see which have been added since their last visit. If you have any questions regarding application of a Q&A to your particular circumstances, please contact your ETA regional office.