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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are Federal Real Property Policies?

    Federal Real Property Policies are applicable to GSA and federal agencies with GSA delegated real property authority. The policies are contained in Federal Management Regulation (FMR) Parts 102-71 through 102-83. FMR Chapter 102 contains the regulatory requirements on managing property and administrative services. These policies, which were previously located in the Federal Property Management Regulations (FPMR), were officially transferred to the FMR's in 2002.

  2. What subjects do the real property policies cover?

    Subjects covered by real property policies include:

    • Delegation Of Authority
    • Real Estate Acquisition
    • Facility Management
    • Real Property Disposal
    • Design And Construction
    • Art-In-Architecture
    • Assignment & Utilization of Space
    • Historic Preservation
    • Safety And Environmental Management
    • Utility Services
    • Security
    • Location of Space
  3. What other sources are there for real property-related information?

    Non-regulatory guidance, procedures, and information previously in the FPMR's is now available from other sources such as handbooks, brochures, and customer services guides.

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Regulations Management (FAQ)