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Federal Screening

Once a federal agency has reported excess property to GSA, GSA generally holds a 21-day federal screening of the property. During this three-week screening period, the following organizations and people can inspect and freeze items of interest:

  • Federal agencies
  • Cost-reimbursable contractors
  • Grantees
  • Public airports
  • State Agencies for Surplus Property (SASP)
  • Nonprofit educational and public health activities
  • Service educational activities

If the agency plans to use the property until the time of transfer, GSA will need to screen the property while it is in use and make it available to inspection. The agency’s National Utilization Officer (NUO), DoD Accountable Property Officer, or DoD Contracting Officer will oversee this process.

Available to State Agencies and Public Organizations

If  no federal agency selects the property in this timeframe, it will be made available for donation to state and local governments and public organizations. Both excess and surplus customers can screen personal property simultaneously, though items are available for selection first to federal agencies. After the 21-day federal screening period, state agencies and non-profit organizations have 5 days to select the surplus property.

Available to the General Public

If none of these organizations show interest in the property during the allotted screening period, GSA will offer the property for sale to the general public, unless the agency chooses another approved Sales Center .


Christopher Willett
(703) 605-2873

Personal Property Management Contacts

GSA Personal Property Management Offices

GSA Area Property Officers

Federal Agency National Utilization Officers

State Agencies for Surplus Property

screening, personal property, federal screening, excess property