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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Photo of May X. Liu
  • Ph.D., Statistics, Yale University, 1998
  • M.A., Statistics, Yale University, 1993
  • B.S., Probability and Statistics, Beijing University, 1989
    • Economist

      Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    • 1998 - present
  • Gerdes, Geoffrey R., and May X. Liu (2010). "Estimating Technology Adoption and Aggregate Volumes from U.S. Payments Surveys in the Presence of Complex Item Nonresponse," In Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section. American Statistical Association, pp. 5347-5358.
  • Gerdes, Geoffrey R., May X. Liu, and Darrel W. Parke (2009). "Sample Design and Estimation of Volumes and Trends in the use of Paper Checks and Electronic Payment Methods in the United States," In Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section. American Statistical Association, pp. 2284-2295.
  • Gerdes, Geoffrey R., Jack K. Walton II, May X. Liu, and Darrel W. Parke (2005). "Trends in the use of Payment Instruments in the United States," Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol. 91, no. 2, pp. 180-201.
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Last update: March 30, 2012