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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Image of Board Seal
  • Ph.D., Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011
  • M.Sc., Economics, London School of Economics, 2004
  • Current Research Topics

  • Deleveraging
  • Large-Scale Asset Purchases
Fields of Interest
    • Economist

      Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    • 2011 - present
    • Junior Professional Associate

      The World Bank

    • 2004 - 2006
    • Summer Analyst (New York)

      Santander Central Hispano

    • 2003
  • seminar


    MIT, Federal Reserve Board, Michigan, Berkeley-Haas (Finance), Maryland-Smith (Finance), Boston University, New York Fed, Richmond Fed, Boston College

    A Model of Deleveraging

  • conference

    June 2011

    IFN Entrepreneurship Conference, Stockholm, Sweden

    A Model of Deleveraging

  • discussion

    June 2011

    IFN Entrepreneurship Conference, Stockholm, Sweden

    Discussion: Andrew Ellul et al., "Transparency, Tax Pressure and Access to Finance"

  • discussion

    January 2012

    AEA Chicago

    Discussion: Nick Bloom and Scott Baker, "Does Uncertainty Cause Business Cycles? Panel Estimation from Fifty Countries"

  • seminar

    March 2012

    World Bank Macro and Growth seminar

    Deleveraging Dynamics


  • 2011

    Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation

    Kauffman Dissertation Fellowship

  • 2006

    National Science Foundation (NSF)

    Graduate Research Fellowship

  • 2003

    Alumni and Friends of the LSE

    LSE Scholarship

Conference Organization

  • Fall 2009 NBER, Cambridge, Massachusetts

    NBER Organizational Economics working group

    Program committee


  • Journal of the European Economic Association
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Last update: March 30, 2012