Federal Aviation Administration

Part 139 Airport Certification

Certification Process


Any airport operator that desires to serve air carrier operations specified in Part 139 must comply with the requirements of the revised rule. The actions required by an airport operator to comply will vary depending on the type of air carrier operations served, whether the airport operator currently holds a Part 139 Airport Operating Certificate (AOC), and the status of the individual airport's Airport Certification Manual (ACM).

Airport Certification Manual

The ACM is a written document that details how the airport operator will comply with the requirements of Part 139. Airport operators that currently hold a Part 139 Airport Operating Certificate already have an ACM. Airport operators that currently hold a Part 139 Limited Airport Operating Certificate have a modified version on an ACM, known as an Airport Certification Specifications (ACS). Under the revised rule, all ACSs must be converted to ACMs. Airport operators applying for an AOC will need to develop an ACM and submit it with the AOC application.

ACM Submission Deadlines

Airport operators may continue to serve air carrier operations as they currently do until the deadlines for submitting new or revised ACMs to FAA. After these dates, airport operators that have not submitted their ACMs for approval will no longer be able to serve applicable air carrier operations.

Page Last Modified: 09/07/12 15:21 EDT

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/airports/airport_safety/part139_cert/?p1=process