Federal Aviation Administration

Part 139 Airport Certification

General Aviation Airports


Civilian airports that do not serve scheduled passenger service are typically known as general aviation airports. These airports usually serve private aircraft and small aircraft charter operations.

Revised Part 139 does not apply to general aviation airports because they do not serve the air carrier operations specified in the authorizing statute and the revised regulation (scheduled operations and unscheduled operations of air carrier aircraft with more than 30 seats and scheduled operations of air carrier aircraft with 10 to 30 seats).

While FAA does not certificate general aviation airports under the revised Part 139, the regulation contains many safety procedures and practices FAA recommends for use at all airports.

General Aviation Airports that Accept Federal Assistance

Operators of general aviation airports that accept Federal grant funds or the transfer of Federal property for airport purposes must agree to certain contractual obligations. These obligations require the airport operator to maintain and operate the airport safely, efficiently, and in accordance with specified conditions, including certain maintenance and operational conditions (many of which are similar to those found in the requirements of the revised Part 139). The FAA ensures airport owners comply with these obligations through its Airport Compliance Program.

Page Last Modified: 09/24/12 15:34 EDT

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/airports/airport_safety/part139_cert/?p1=affected&p2=general