
-03/18/10  China-Taiwan: Recent Economic, Political and Military Developments Across the Strait and Implications for the United States;  Deputy Assistant Secretary David B. Shear, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs; Testimony Before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission; Washington, DC
-03/17/10  U.S.-Japan Relations: Enduring Ties, Recent Developments; Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Joseph Donovan, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs; Statement Before the House Foreign Affairs Committee Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and the Global Environment; Washington, DC
-03/12/10  Press Availability in Bangkok, Thailand;  Assistant Secretary Kurt M. Campbell, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs; Government House; Bangkok, Thailand
-03/10/10  Press Availability in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;  Assistant Secretary Kurt M. Campbell, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
-03/09/10  Interview on Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation;  Senior Official for APEC Kurt Tong, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs; Washington, DC
-03/03/10  Regional Overview of East Asia and the Pacific;  Assistant Secretary Kurt M. Campbell, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs; Statement Before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, and the Global Environment; Washington, DC


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