Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board Releases Annual Report Online "Celebrating Fulbright at 65: A Gift to the World"

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
June 14, 2012


The J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board released its 47th Annual Report this week at the Board’s public quarterly meeting held in New York City.The Board, established by the U.S. Congress and appointed by the President of the United States, sets policies and selects the participants for the Fulbright Program, the U.S. government’s renowned educational exchange program.

In the report, Anita B. McBride, 2010-2011 Chair of the Board, hails the Fulbright Program as a model of diversity, cost-effectiveness and adaptability to U.S. priorities and global concerns. She notes that the program has earned its status as a blue-chip investment that has emphasized the expansion of a cost-sharing model significantly leveraging the U.S. government investment.

Titled “Celebrating Fulbright at 65: A Gift to the World,” the report shows that 65 years of investment has rendered a world of Fulbrighters committed to the values of freedom and opportunity, as well as empathy for other nations. That “world” comprises over 310,000 alumni, among them presidents, prime ministers, poets, Nobel Laureates, teachers, scientists, artists, journalists, entrepreneurs, economists, financiers, cabinet officials and Members of Congress. Today, as Fulbrighters address global challenges, advance knowledge, and empower future generations, they continue to fulfill the mission envisioned by Senator Fulbright. The report features some of their stories, including several firsthand accounts.

The report also features the winner of the 2010-2011 J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board Annual Cover Design Contest. Dr. Marianne E. Weizmann of Germany, who was a 2003 Visiting Fulbright Student at State University of New York at Buffalo, was selected for her hand drafted design titled “J. William Fulbright - building bridges between people.”

To access the report online, visit http://exchanges.state.gov/media/oagp/pdfs/fsb/annual-reports/2010_2011fsbannualreport.pdf..

To request the report in hard copy (available in July 2012), please write to FSB@state.gov.

The Fulbright Program, sponsored by the Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, is supported by the United States and partner countries around the world. Since 1946, over 310,000 Fulbrighters from more than 155 countries have studied, taught, conducted research, exchanged ideas and contributed to finding solutions to shared international concerns.

Media Contact: Catherine Stearns, StearnsCL@state.gov, cell (202) 431-1594.

PRN: 2012/989

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