Algerian Cultural Entrepreneurs Visit the United States To Discuss Economic Growth Through the Creative Industries

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
July 27, 2012


As part of the U.S. – North Africa Partnership for Economic Opportunity (NAPEO) Creative and Cultural Economy Incubator, a delegation from Algeria visited Washington DC, Jacksonville, Santa Fe, Detroit, and New York from July 7-29. The group discussed the role of the creative sector in economic development and in building international economic and cultural partnerships between the United States, Algeria, and the Maghreb region.

The delegates met with a wide range of U.S. organizations and experts in the for-profit, government, and not-for-profit sectors. The meetings explored themes such as building the infrastructure for creative industries; promoting cultural tourism through the arts; connecting artists to global markets; supporting entrepreneurship in the creative sectors; and business education for the arts.

The members of the delegation represented the North Africa Partnership for Economic Opportunity Local Advisory Board in Algeria and included: the art director and photographer for, the graphic designer and founder of Outsiders T-Shirt Company, a teacher for the Algerian National Orchestra, the founder and director of Artissimo Art School, and the chief executive officer of BlueCorp Advertising and Marketing Agency.

The State Department supported the delegation through the International Visitor Leadership Program within the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The visit advanced the goals of the Partnership to foster entrepreneurship, innovation, and exchange in the Maghreb creative industries.

The program is a collaboration of the U.S. Department of State and the Aspen Institute NAPEO Secretariat; Americans for the Arts and Creative Leaps International are co-leading the NAPEO Creative and Cultural Economy Incubator. The goals are to help develop and sustain arts and culture small-and-medium enterprises and to build a vibrant creative and cultural infrastructure through public-private sector partnerships.

PRN: 2012/1232

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