Special Advisor for International Children's Issues Susan Jacobs Travels to East Asia

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
January 10, 2012


Ambassador Susan Jacobs will visit the Republic of Korea, China, Vietnam, and Cambodia January 11-22, 2012.

In all four countries, she will discuss the protection of children in the intercountry adoption process with stakeholders both inside and outside of government. She will also meet with officials to discuss the importance of joining the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction.

More information about intercountry adoption is available at adoption.state.gov. Additional information regarding international parental child abduction can be found at travel.state.gov/abduction.

Follow Ambassador Jacobs’s trip updates on Twitter at http://twitter.com/childrensissues.

For press inquiries, please contact CAPRESSREQUESTS@state.gov or (202) 647-1488.

PRN: 2012/031


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