Presidential Elections in Senegal

Press Statement
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
March 26, 2012


Yesterday, the people of Senegal exercised their rights and made their voices heard through a peaceful, democratic election. This election was an important step forward for democracy in Africa and for the Senegalese people. I would like to congratulate Macky Sall on his victory and his hard-fought campaign. I also want to thank Abdoulaye Wade for his twelve years of leadership and dedicated service to the Senegalese people.

The United States applauds the people of Senegal for conducting a peaceful and well-managed presidential election. We congratulate all the Senegalese authorities and institutions responsible for the organization of the election process, which international and domestic observers agree was credible, orderly, and transparent. We look forward to continuing to strengthen our partnership with the people and government of Senegal, and we wish all the Senegalese people a future filled with peace and prosperity.

PRN: 2012/466


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