Assistant Secretary Esther Brimmer's Travel to Belgium and Turkey

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
March 22, 2012


Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs Esther Brimmer will travel to Brussels, Belgium, and Ankara, Turkey, March 22-27.

In Brussels, Assistant Secretary Brimmer will participate in the German Marshall Fund’s 7th annual Brussels Forum to be held March 23-25. In Brussels, she will meet with European Union and Belgian officials. She will also attend policy sessions at the Brussels Forum with officials from North America, Europe, and others from around the globe as well as political, corporate, and think tank leaders to address pressing challenges currently facing the international community.

In Ankara, Assistant Secretary Brimmer will meet with Turkish government officials to discuss multilateral affairs and engagement in areas of mutual interest. Assistant Secretary Brimmer will deliver remarks to students at Bilkent University on the U.S. role in international organizations, and she will also meet with representatives from several Turkish NGOs.

For updates, follow Assistant Secretary Brimmer on Twitter: @State_IO.

For press inquiries, please contact Megan Mattson at 202-647-6889 or

PRN: 2012/426


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