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Federal Highway Administration > Publications > Public Roads > Vol. 75 · No. 6 > Articles

May/June 2012
Vol. 75 · No. 6

Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-12-004


Making the Journey a Destination

by Tracy Hadden Loh and Andréa Livi Smith

Infusions of art into transportation infrastructure can help generate a sense of place, engage communities, and support economic development. Here's how you can make it happen.

Defense Access Roads

by Darcel M. Collins and Darryl D. Hampton

A little-known DOD program helps reduce the impacts on State and local roadways caused by base realignments and other changes at military installations.

The Fast 14 Project

by Jack Moran

Massachusetts used accelerated bridge construction to replace more than a dozen aging structures on a major interstate—5 years of work in just 10 weekends.

Learning from Japan's Ordeal

by Hideo Tokuyama

A colleague across the Pacific has quite a story to tell about the 2011 earthquake and tsunami—and some valuable tips for U.S. transportation agencies.

Where These Drivers Went Wrong

by David A. Morena and Tracie J. Leix

An innovative Michigan study sheds light on engineering strategies to curtail the number and severity of wrong-way crashes on freeways.

Moving the Nation's Goods

by Ed Strocko and George Schoener

FHWA and the I–95 Corridor Coalition examine institutional arrangements to improve the performance of multistate freight corridors. Check out these organizational options.

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration