Petroleum & Other Liquids

Refining & Processing

Weekly Petroleum Status Report

The petroleum supply situation in the context of historical information and selected prices. (archived versions)

Petroleum Supply Annual, Volume 2

Released: August 30, 2012

Final monthly statistics for the supply and disposition of crude oil and petroleum products (archived versions)

Petroleum Supply Monthly

Released: August 30, 2012

Supply and disposition of crude oil and petroleum products on a national and regional level. The data series describe production, imports and exports, movements and inventories. (archived versions)

Petroleum Supply Annual, Volume 1

Released: August 30, 2012

Final annual data for the supply and disposition of crude oil and petroleum products. (archived versions)

Working and Net Available Shell Storage Capacity

Released: August 30, 2012

Working and Net Available Shell Storage Capacity is the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) report containing storage capacity data for crude oil, petroleum products, and selected biofuels. The report includes tables detailing working and net available shell storage capacity by type of facility, product, and Petroleum Administration for Defense District (PAD District). Net available shell storage capacity is broken down further to show the percent for exclusive use by facility operators and the percent leased to others. Crude oil storage capacity data are also provided for Cushing, Oklahoma, an important crude oil market center. Data are released twice each year near the end of May (data for March 31) and near the end of November (data for September 30). (archived versions)

Monthly Energy Review - Petroleum Section

Released: August 29, 2012

Recent statistics on petroleum supply and demand.

Gulf of Mexico Fact Sheet

Released: July 10, 2012

Updated data and maps of energy infrastructure in the Gulf of Mexico, and updated information on past energy disruptions in the U.S. (archived versions)

Refinery Capacity Report

Released: June 22, 2012

Data series include fuel, electricity, and steam purchased for consumption at the refinery; refinery receipts of crude oil by method of transportation; and current and projected atmospheric crude oil distillation, downstream charge, and production capacities. Respondents are operators of all operating and idle petroleum refineries (including new refineries under construction) and refineries shut down during the previous year, located in the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and other U.S. possessions. The 2012 Refinery Capacity Report does not contain working and shell storage capacity data. This data is now being collected twice a year as of March 31 and September 30 on the Form EIA-810, "Monthly Refinery Report", and is now released as a separate report Working and Net Available Shell Storage Capacity. (archived versions)

U.S. Fuel Ethanol Plant Production Capacity

Released: May 30, 2012

U.S. Fuel Ethanol Plant Production Capacity is the first release of U.S. Energy Information Administration data on fuel ethanol production capacity. Future capacity data will be released annually near the end of September (data for January 1). This new report contains production capacity data for all operating U.S. fuel ethanol production plants as of January 1, 2011.

What's changing in East Coast fuels markets?

Released: April 17, 2012

The U.S. East Coast petroleum product market is undergoing fundamental changes from the standpoint of supply and demand. In addition to the announced idling and potential closure of several major refineries, a number of Northeastern states plan a transition to ultra-low sulfur diesel for heating oil use beginning with New York in the summer of 2012. This article provides an overview of EIA's recent analyses related to East Coast fuels markets.

Potential Impacts of Reductions in Refinery Activity on Northeast Petroleum Product Markets

Released: February 27, 2012

Potential Impacts of Reductions in Refinery Activity on Northeast Petroleum Product Markets is an update to a previous EIA report, Reductions in Northeast Refining Activity: Potential Implications for Petroleum Product Markets, released in December 2011. This update analyzes possible market responses and impacts in the event Sunocos Philadelphia refinery closes this summer, in addition to the recently idled refineries on the East Coast and in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Reductions in Northeast Refining Activity: Potential Implications for Petroleum Product Markets

Released: December 23, 2011

This report is EIA's initial effort to provide information and analysis on the potential impacts on petroleum product markets from reductions in Northeast petroleum refining activity.

Annual Energy Review - Petroleum Section

Released: October 19, 2011

Annual statistics on petroleum supply, demand, and price.

Market Assessment of Refinery Outages Planned for March 2011 through June 2011

Released: May 2, 2011

This report reviews the supply implications of planned refinery outages for March 2011 through June 2011, which covers the seasonal increase in driving consumption.

Annual Energy Outlook - Petroleum Section

Released: April 26, 2011

Petroleum projections to 2035.

Financial News for Major Energy Companies

Released: January 5, 2011

The "Financial News for Major Energy Companies" is issued quarterly to report recent trends in the financial performance of the major energy companies. (archived versions)

Market Assessment of Refinery Outages Planned for October 2010 through January 2011

Released: November 29, 2010

As required under Section 804 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (Pub. L. 110-140), this report reviews the supply implications of refinery outages planned for October 2010 through January 2011, which covers the seasonal increase in middle distillate supply (diesel fuel, heating oil, jet fuel and kerosene) over the winter.

Increasing Distillate Production at U.S. Refineries

Released: November 18, 2010

Paper explores the potential for U.S. refiners to create more distillate and less gasoline without major additional investments beyond those already planned.

Atlantic Basin Refining Dynamics from U.S. Perspective

Released: October 7, 2010

Talk focusing on refining dynamics in the Atlantic Basin that looks at potential changes affecting refiners over the next 5 years.

Financial News for Independent Energy Companies

Released: September 21, 2010

The report reviews recent trends in the financial performance of independent energy companies, which are typically smaller than the majors and do not have integrated production/refining operations. (archived versions)

Historical/Selected Significant U.S. Energy Disruptions

Released: August 31, 2010

Special reports of selected significant energy disruption events:

Market Assessment of Refinery Outages Planned for March 2010 through June 2010

Released: April 16, 2010

This report reviews the supply implications of refinery outages planned for March through June 2010, which covers the seasonal increase in gasoline demand. Refinery outages are the result of both planned maintenance and unplanned unit shutdowns. Maintenance is usually scheduled during the times when demand is lowest, i.e., in the first quarter and again in the fall. Unplanned outages can occur at any time and for any reasons such as mechanical failure, fire, or flood.

Comparison of Selected EIA-782 Data With Other Data Sources

Released: April 1, 2010

This article compares annual average prices reported from the EIA-782 survey series for residential No. 2 distillate, on-highway diesel fuel, retail regular motor gasoline, refiner No. 2 fuel oil for resale, refiner No. 2 diesel fuel for resale, refiner regular motor gasoline for resale, and refiner kerosene-type jet fuel for resale with annual average prices reported by other sources. In terms of volume, it compares EIA-782C Prime Supplier annual volumes for motor gasoline (all grades), distillate fuel oil, kerosene-type jet fuel and residual fuel oil with annual volumes from other sources. (archived versions)

Downstream Petroleum Mergers and Acquisitions by U.S. Major Oil Companies

Released: December 2, 2009

A summary presentation of mergers and acquisitions by U.S. major oil companies (including the U.S. affiliates of foreign major oil companies). The presentation focuses on petroleum refining over the last several years through late 2009.

Genealogy Of Major U.S. Refiners

Released: December 2, 2009

A summary presentation iof mergers and acquisitions by U.S. major oil companies (including the U.S. affiliates of foreign major oil companies). The presentation focuses on petroleum refining over the last several years through late 2009.

Market Assessment of Refinery Outages Planned for October 2009 through January 2010

Released: November 24, 2009

As required under Section 804 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (Pub. L. 110-140), this report reviews the supply implications of refinery outages planned for October 2009 through January 2010, which covers the seasonal increase in heating oil demand.

Trends, Cycles, and Kinks

Released: October 19, 2009

This presentation given at the OPIS 11th National Supply Summit looks at the impacts of the recent resession and changing market trends on refinery investment and trade patterns in the Atlantic Basin.

Aspects of Holly Corporation's Acquisition of Sunoco Inc.'s Tulsa, Oklahoma Refinery

Released: April 22, 2009

The Energy Information Administration has produced a review of aspects of the Holly's acquisition of Sunoco's 85,000-barrels-per-day Tulsa refinery

Market Assessment of Planned Refinery Outages, March 2009

Released: April 8, 2009

Reviews planned U.S. refinery outages from March 2009 though June 2009 in order to identify any regions where outages might create enough supply pressure to impact prices significantly.

Refinery Investments and Future Market Incentives

Released: March 25, 2009

Presentation given at the Annual NPRA Meeting that discusses factors affecting refinery investments. Refiners have plunged from a seeming "golden age" investment environment to a world with excess capacity, flat to declining demand, and weak margins. What is happening to refining investments in this turbulent and uncertain situation?

Market Assessment of Upcoming Planned Refinery Outages

Released: December 23, 2008

This report reviews planned U.S. refinery outages from December 2008 though March 2009 in order to identify any regions where outages might create enough supply pressure to impact prices significantly.

Refinery Investments and Future Market Incentives

Released: October 7, 2008

Presentation given at the Platts 2nd Annual Refining Marktets Conference that explored three major factors affecting incentives for refiners to invest in bottoms upgrading or expansion capacity and demand, light-heavy price differentials, and margins.

Hurricane Impacts on the U.S. Oil and Natural Gas Markets

Released: September 26, 2008

Report on hurricane impacts on the U.S. oil and natural gas markets

Insights into Spring 2008 Gasoline Prices

Released: April 4, 2008

Gasoline prices rose rapidly in spring 2007 due a variety of factors, including refinery outages and lower than expected imports. This report explores those factors and looks at the implications for 2008.

Petroleum Gasoline & Distillate Needs Including the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) Impacts

Released: March 11, 2008

This presentation describes the projections for petroleum-based gasoline and distillate in the Update AEO 2008, which includes the impacts of the Energy Independence and Security Act.

Are Refiners Entering a Golden Age or a Short Cycle?

Released: April 19, 2007

A presentation exploring the factors driving higher prices, margins, and light-heavy price differentials in today's market, and what these observations may imply about future profitability in the refining industry.

Refinery Outages: Description and Potential Impact on Petroleum Product Prices

Released: March 27, 2007

This report responds to a July 13, 2006 request from Chairman Jeff Bingaman of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources requested that EIA conduct a study of the impact that refinery shutdowns have had on the price of oil and gasoline.

Impacts of Rising Construction and Equipment Costs on Energy Industries (released in AEO2007)

Released: February 22, 2007

Costs related to the construction industry have been volatile in recent years. Some of the volatility may be related to higher energy prices. Prices for iron and steel, cement, and concretecommodities used heavily in the construction of new energy projects rose sharply from 2004 to 2006, and shortages have been reported. How such price fluctuations may affect the cost or pace of new development in the energy industries is not known with any certainty, and short-term changes in commodity prices are not accounted for in the 25-year projections in AEO2007. Most projects in the energy industries require long planning and construction lead times, which can lessen the impacts of short-term trends.

Aspects of Western Refining, Inc.'s Proposed Acquisition of Giant Industries, Inc.

Released: September 12, 2006

Presentation of company-level, non-proprietary data and relevant aggregate data for U.S. refinery capacity and gasoline marketing of Western Refining and Giant Industries to inform discussions of Western Refining Inc.'s proposed acquisition of Giant Industries Inc. for a total of $1.5 billion, which was announced August 28, 2006.

Ethanol, Gasoline, and Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Supply Issues in 2006

Released: August 7, 2006

Presentation at the 2006 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference in North Falmouth, Massachusetts, discussing the impact of changing product specifications on U.S. gasoline and diesel fuel supply.

Impact of Tropical Cyclones on Gulf of Mexico Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production, The

Released: June 7, 2006

This is a special analysis report on hurricanes and their effects on oil and natural gas production in the Gulf of Mexico region.

Changing World Product Markets and Potential Refining Capacity Increases

Released: March 20, 2006

The presentation explores potential refinery capacity increases over the next 5 years in various world regions, based on changing demand patterns, changing price incentives, and capacity expansion announcements.

Eliminating MTBE in Gasoline in 2006

Released: February 22, 2006

A review of the market implications resulting from the rapid change from MTBE- to ethanol-blended RFG on the East Coast and in Texas. Strains in ethanol supply and distribution will increase the potential for price volatility in these regions this summer.

Changing Trends in the Refining Industry (released in AEO2006)

Released: February 1, 2006

There have been some major changes in the U.S. refining industry recently, prompted in part by a significant decline in the quality of imported crude oil and by increasing restrictions on the quality of finished products. As a result, high-quality crudes, such as the WTI crude that serves as a benchmark for oil futures on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), have been trading at record premiums to the OPEC Basket price.

Comparisons of Independent Petroleum Supply Statistics

Released: October 24, 2005

Compares final petroleum data published in the PSA with similar petroleum data obtained from other sources. Data comparisons are presented for 1994 through 2003. (archived versions)

2004: Sign of the Future for Refiners?

Released: March 14, 2005

A presentation to the NPRA Annual Meeting discussing the major factors that drove petroleum prices, price differentials, and margins in 2004, and what this might mean for refiners as we look towards the future.

U.S. Refining Capacity

Released: July 15, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality Committee on Energy and Commerce U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC July 15, 2004

Update of Summer Reformulated Gasoline Supply Assessment for New York and Connecticut

Released: May 1, 2004

In October 2003, EIA published a review of the status of the methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) ban transition in New York (NY) and Connecticut (CT) that noted significant uncertainties in gasoline supply for those States for the summer of 2004. To obtain updated information, EIA spoke to major suppliers to the two States over the past several months as the petroleum industry began the switch from winter- to summer-grade gasoline.

Challenging Times for Making Refinery Capacity Decisions

Released: March 1, 2004

This presentation was given at the National Petrochemical and Refiners Association's annual meeting in March 2004. The presentation covers a wide range of refining issues from near term to long term, and focuses on refining capacity and factors affecting decisions to alter that capacity.

Summary Impacts of Modeled Provisions of the 2003 Conference Energy Bill

Released: February 1, 2004

This service report was undertaken at the February 2, 2004, request of Senator John Sununu to perform an assessment of the Conference Energy Bill of 2003. This report summarizes the CEB provisions that can be analyzed using the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) and have the potential to affect energy consumption, supply, and prices. The impacts are estimated by comparing the projections with the CEB provisions to the AEO2004 Reference Case.

Preparations for Meeting New York and Connecticut MTBE Bans

Released: October 1, 2003

In response to a Congressional request, EIA examined the progress being made to meet the bans on the use of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) being implemented in New York and Connecticut at the end of 2003.

Impact of Environmental Compliance Costs on U.S. Refining Profitability 1995-2001

Released: May 1, 2003

This report assesses the effects of pollution abatement requirements on the financial performance of U.S. petroleum refining and marketing operations during the 1995 to 2001 period. This study is a follow-up to the October 1997 publication entitled The Impact of Environmental Compliance Costs on U.S. Refining Profitability, that focused on the financial impacts of U.S. refining pollution abatement investment requirements in the 1988 to1995 period.

Status and Impacts of State MTBE Bans

Released: March 1, 2003

This paper describes legislation passed in 16 States banning or restricting the use of MTBE in gasoline. Analysis of the status and impact of these State MTBE bans is provided concerning the supply and potential price changes of gasoline.

Supply Impact of Losing MTBE and Using Ethanol

Released: October 1, 2002

Presented by: Joanne Shore Presented to: OPIS National Supply Summit San Antonio, Texas October 2002

Supply Impacts of an MTBE Ban

Released: September 1, 2002

This paper analyzes the supply impacts of removing MTBE from gasoline.

Refining Challenges: Changing Crude Oil Quality & Product Specifications

Released: September 1, 2002

Presented by: Joanne Shore World Fuels Conference Washington, DC September 2002

Gasoline Type Proliferation and Price Volatility

Released: September 1, 2002

This paper focuses on the potential effect/role of implementation of a national menu of fuels to address the proliferation of boutique fuels.

Potential Supply Impacts of Removal of 1-Pound RVP Waiver

Released: September 1, 2002

This paper provides background on the 1-pound waiver and how It can affect gasoline volumes.

Reformulated Gasoline Use Under the 8-Hour Ozone Rule

Released: September 1, 2002

This paper focuses on the impact on gasoline price and supply when additional ozone non-attainment areas come under the new 8-hour ozone standard.

Renewable Motor Fuel Production Capacity Under H.R.4

Released: September 1, 2002

This paper analyzes renewable motor fuel production capacity with the assumption that ethanol will be used to meet the renewable fuels standard.

Review of Transportation Issues & Comparison of Infrastructure Costs for a Renewable Fuels Standard

Released: September 1, 2002

This paper analyzes the inter-regional transportation issues and associated costs for increased distribution of renewable fuels with the assumption that ethanol will be used to meet the standards.

Impact of Renewable Fuels Standard/MTBE Provisions of S. 1766

Released: March 12, 2002

This service report addresses the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS)/methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) provisions of S. 1766. The 'S. 1766' Case reflects provisions of S. 1766 including a renewable fuels standard (RFS) reaching five billion gallons by 2012, a complete phase-out of MTBE within four years, and the option for States to waive the oxygen requirement for reformulated gasoline (RFG).

What Factors Are Affecting Gasoline And Natural Gas Markets?

Released: May 15, 2001

Testimony before the Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality.

Oil Market Basics

Released: March 1, 2001

An overview of oil markets and how they function.

U.S. Refining Industry: Developments and Outlook, 1998-2001, The

Released: August 11, 2000

Presented by: Neal Davis Presented to: Valve Manufacturers Association of America Chicago, IL August 10-11, 2000

Supply of Chicago/Milwaukee Gasoline Spring 2000

Released: August 9, 2000

Presented by: Joanne Shore August 9, 2000

U.S. Independent Oil and Gas Producers, 1993 - 1998: Survivors and Nonsurvivors

Released: May 1, 2000

Presented by: Jon Rasmussen May 2000

Demand and Price Outlook for Phase 2 Reformulated Gasoline, 2000 (Released in the STEO August 1999)

Released: August 1, 1999

This article presents projections of demand and the market price premium for Phase 2 RFG in the year 2000. The projections in this article are based on forecasts in the Short-Term Energy Outlook, which is published monthly by the Energy Information Administration.

U.S. Petroleum Refining and Gasoline Marketing Industry, The

Released: July 15, 1999

Overviews petroleum refining and gasoline marketing for the years 1987 to 1997, focusing on 1997.

Petroleum: An Energy Profile 1999

Released: July 1, 1999

Explains in laymen's terms the major components and operations of the U.S. petroleum industry that include: petroleum products, resources and reserves, drilling and exploration, refining, storage and transportation, imports, exports, and petroleum marketing

High Propane Stocks: Structural Change or Cycle - OPIS NGL Supply Summit

Released: May 18, 1999

Presented by: Dr. John S. Cook, Director, Petroleum Division EIA's Office of Oil and Gas May 17-18, 1999

Statement Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Power, House Committee on Commerce

Released: March 10, 1999

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Washington, DC March 10, 1999

Environmental Regulations and Changes in Petroleum Refining Operations (Released in the STEO June 1998)

Released: June 1, 1998

Changes in domestic refining operations are identified and related to the summer Reid vapor pressure (RVP) restrictions and oxygenate blending requirements. This analysis uses published EIA survey data and linear regression equations from the Short-Term Integrated Forecasting System (STIFS). The STIFS model is used for producing forecasts appearing in the Short-Term Energy Outlook.

Oxygenate Supply/Demand Balances in the Short-Term Integrated Forecasting Model (Released in the STEO March 1998)

Released: March 1, 1998

The blending of oxygenates, such as fuel ethanol and methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), into motor gasoline has increased dramatically in the last few years because of the oxygenated and reformulated gasoline programs. Because of the significant role oxygenates now have in petroleum product markets, the Short-Term Integrated Forecasting System (STIFS) was revised to include supply and demand balances for fuel ethanol and MTBE. The STIFS model is used for producing forecasts in the Short-Term Energy Outlook. A review of the historical data sources and forecasting methodology for oxygenate production, imports, inventories, and demand is presented in this report.

Reformulated Gasoline Foreign Refinery Rules (Released in the STEO January 1998)

Released: January 2, 1998

On August 27, 1997, the EPA promulgated revised the rules that allow foreign refiners to establish and use individual baselines, but it would not be mandatory (the optional use of an individual refinery baseline is not available to domestic refiners.) If a foreign refiner did not establish and use an individual baseline, the gasoline they export to the U.S. would be regulated through the importer, and subject to the importer's baseline (most likely the statutory baseline). Specific regulatory provisions are implemented to ensure that the option to use an individual baseline would not lead to adverse environmental impacts. This involves monitoring the average quality of imported gasoline, and if a specified benchmark is exceeded, remedial action would be taken by adjusting the requirements applicable to imported gasoline.

Refiners Switch to RFG Complex Model

Released: January 2, 1998

On January 1, 1998, domestic and foreign refineries and importers must stop using the "simple" model and begin using the "complex" model to calculate emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC), toxic air pollutants (TAP), and nitrogen oxides (NOx) from motor gasoline. The primary differences between application of the two models is that some refineries may have to meet stricter standards for the sulfur and olefin content of the reformulated gasoline (RFG) they produce and all refineries will now be held accountable for NOx emissions. Requirements for calculating emissions from conventional gasoline under the anti-dumping rule similarly change for exhaust TAP and NOx. However, the change to the complex model is not expected to result in an increase in the price premium for RFG or constrain supplies.

Impact of Environmental Compliance Costs on U.S. Refining Profitability

Released: October 1, 1997

Assesses the effects of pollution abatement requirements on the financial performance of U.S. petroleum refining and marketing operations. The analysis draws heavily on financial and operating data from the Energy Information Administration's Financial Reporting System (FRS).

Petroleum 1996: Issues and Trends

Released: September 1, 1997

Examines historical trends and focuses on major petroleum issues and the events they represent. It analyzes different dimensions of the petroleum industry and related markets in terms of how they relate to the volatility in petroleum markets.

Reformulated Gasoline Market Affected Refiners Differently, 1995

Released: January 1, 1996

This article focuses on the costs of producing RFG as experienced by different types of refiners and on how these refiners fared this past summer, given the prices for RFG at the refinery gate.

U.S. Refining Capacity Utilization

Released: October 1, 1995

This article briefly reviews recent trends in domestic refining capacity utilization and examines in detail the differences in reported crude oil distillation capacities and utilization rates among different classes of refineries.


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