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Articles with keyword "Translation"

The hero of Gilgamesh ruled the ancient city of Uruk circa 2750 BCE.


Lessons from a Demigod

By Philip Freeman

Gilgamesh was a brutal tyrant who foolishly tried to defeat death.

Plaque with face of Stefan Zeromski


Żeromski the Magnificent!

By Steve Moyer

The novelist who captured Polish life even as it was changing

Book jacket for "Apocryphal Lorca: Translation, Parody, Kitsch"


Lorca, American Style

By Steve Moyer

In spite of generations of poets and translators' efforts to categorize Federico García Lorca, his talent remains untamed.


Found in Translation

By Steve Moyer

About soldiers-turned-defendants, a novelist-turned-interpreter, and French-turned-English.

open King James Bible


The Everlasting Bible

By Paul Gutjahr

New translations of the Bible have sought to make it accessible to everyone.

Dante Alighieri


Of Circles, Terraces, and Spheres

By Steve Moyer

A little rusty on the Dante you read as an undergraduate? Like to brush up a bit on some points in the Inferno, like that “mal” something?

The Great Mosque of Cordoba


Thieves of Pleasure

By Jerrilynn D. Dodds, María Rosa Menocal, and Abigail Krasner

A vicious fraternal war rewards Alfonso VI with the artistic and poetic treasures of al-Andalus.

Mo Yan


The Real Mo Yan

The renowned Chinese novelist talks with NEH Chairman Jim Leach.