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High Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure Quiz

A nurse checking a patient’s blood pressure
  1. Blood pressure changes throughout the day. It…
    1. is highest while you sleep.
    2. rises when you awaken.
    3. is lower when you take a bath.
  2. Blood pressure is measured in an upper number and lower number. These are called…
    1. systolic and diastolic.
    2. numerator and denominator.
    3. a ratio.
  3. A blood pressure reading below 120/80 is considered…
    1. pre-hypertension.
    2. normal.
    3. too low.
  4. If not treated, high blood pressure can lead to…
    1. stroke.
    2. kidney failure.
    3. heart attack and heart failure.
    4. all of the above.
  5. Anyone can develop high blood pressure, but your chances of getting it are greater if you…
    1. are overweight or obese.
    2. are underweight.
    3. are under the age of 45.
  6. Many people get high blood pressure…
    1. from others who have it.
    2. as they age.
    3. when they lose weight.
  7. In the U.S., high blood pressure occurs more often in…
    1. people under 30 years of age.
    2. athletes.
    3. African Americans.


  1. B is the correct answer. Your blood pressure is lowest when you are sleeping and rises when you awaken.
  2. A is the correct answer. Blood pressure is always given as two numbers, the systolic and diastolic pressures. Both are important. Usually they are written one above or before the other—for example, 120/80 mmHg. The top, or first, number is the systolic and the bottom, or second number, is the diastolic. If your blood pressure is 120/80, you say that it is "120 over 80."
  3. B is the correct answer. A blood pressure reading below 120/80 is considered normal. In general, lower is better. However, very low blood pressures can sometimes be a cause for concern and should be checked out by a doctor.
  4. D is the correct answer. If left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to stroke, kidney failure, heart attack and heart failure
  5. A is the correct answer. Anyone can develop high blood pressure. But your chances of getting high blood pressure are higher if you are overweight or obese.
  6. B is the correct answer. About 72 million American adults—nearly 1 in 3—have high blood pressure. Many people get high blood pressure as they get older. In fact, over half of all Americans age 60 and older have high blood pressure.
  7. C is the correct answer. In the U.S., high blood pressure occurs more often in African Americans. Compared to other groups, blacks tend to get high blood pressure earlier in life and usually have more severe high blood pressure. They also have a higher death rate from stroke, heart disease, and kidney failure.

Fall 2011 Issue: Volume 6 Number 3 Page 14