In his State of the Union Address, President Obama outlined his vision for a single, streamlined website where Americans can access information that will improve their job prospects — a resource to help turn our unemployment system into a reemployment system that puts people to work. The American Job Center website will consolidate information and services from across the government – access to job retraining and education opportunities, skills and career development and counseling -- into a single online resource for both job seekers and for businesses looking to tap into the vast resource of skilled and dedicated workers around the country.

Sign up to be the first to know when the American Job Center website is live.

In the meantime, if you're looking for a job or you're a company looking for workers, check out these great resources.

For Job Seekers

Check out tools to help you explore careers, investigate salary and benefit information, research education and training opportunities, plan a job search and browse job sites, write and improve resumes and cover letters, prepare for a job interview, and search for jobs.

Match your occupational skills and experiences with the skills needed in other occupations.

Take an online interest assessment and one-page profile of each occupation highlighting important knowledge, skills, abilities, technologies used, simplified salary and outlook information, and links to find specific training and employment opportunities.

America’s Service Locator

Find a local office providing training and employment services near you.

Check out tools for young adults to plan their next steps including information about colleges, careers and military service.

Find new educational opportunities to help advance your career.

National Training and Education Resource Center

Find easy access to online courses to help boost your skill set.

For Employers

Resources for employers to learn about hiring and retention efforts and supports workers and students in career planning by accessing key data for identifying and developing workplace skills.

Business USA

BusinessUSA is a platform that consolidates information and services from across the government into a single, integrated network for American business owners and entrepreneurs.