Private Sector Hub

Private Sector Hub
The United States, through Feed the Future, is engaging the private sector in a meaningful, comprehensive way to develop models that are integral to core business strategies and meet the global food security challenge. These “win-win” partnerships will advance the impact of sustainable development and will foster private sector-led growth in emerging markets, critical to reducing poverty, fighting hunger, and improving nutrition.
To be considered for funding, proposed alliances must demonstrate good partnership principles:
  • Have clearly-defined objectives agreed to by all partners. 
  • Mobilize significant new, non-public resources — whether money, technologies, or expertise — to address significant international development challenges.
  • Operate in a country where USAID has a field office (known as a Mission) and must address one or more strategic development objectives. For proposed alliances in countries where USAID does not have a field office, applicants should consult with the regional Mission or USAID Office in Washington, D.C., responsible for that country.
  • Contribute to one or more of USAID's high priority initiatives, including Feed the Future.
  • Commit to achieve significant development impact directly and attributably through the alliance. Possible measures could include the number of jobs created, number of people given access to products, services, technology, etc., or amount invested by the private sector in public goods.
  • Be feasible from a technical, economic, financial, and social perspective.


Information on the first Forum and links to discussion papers, agenda, summary report, and more!
Fact sheet (pdf, 194kb) on private sector engagement under Feed the Future.
View this grant opportunity on Through this Addendum USAID/Bureau for Food Security, Research Division is making a special call for the submission of concept papers related to the Feed the Future Initiative’s Global...
The Global Development Alliance (GDA) invites prospective partner organizations to form public-private alliances to carry out activities in support of USAID's international development objectives. GDA uses its Annual Program...

Partnership Models

Farmers in Haiti
This partnership combines the expertise of Swiss Re, a global leader in innovative risk management solutions, with two USAID efforts: the Global Climate Change Initiative,which aims in part to increase resilience to extreme climate events and accelerate the global transition to a sustainable, low-carbon economy, and the Feed the Future Initiative.
A Ghanaian farmer in a soy field
The Africa Lead Agribusiness Leadership Program supports capacity building under the Feed the Future initiative and the African Union's Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme. A major component of Africa Lead is collaboration with U.S., international and African agribusinesses on an Agribusiness Leadership Program aimed at training the next generation of agribusiness professionals across the continent.
A Ghanaian farmer examines cashew fruit
USAID partners with the International Fertilizer Development Center to address issues relating to food security, global hunger, environmental protection and self-sufficiency. The Virtual Fertilizer Research Center, a global research initiative by IFDC, will ensure long-term sustainability of critical programs through research on new fertilizer products and technology commercialization of efficient, environmentally sound fertilizers.
Zambian workers with bananas
The Enabling Agricultural Trade project supports legal and institutional reform through agricultural policy analysis, implementation support for USAID, and practical guidance on how policies and governments can enable agribusiness. EAT offers a suite of targeted and customizable analytical tools and implementation support to identify, diagnose and reform agribusiness enabling environment constraints that hinder start up and growth across the sector.
A Guatemalan farmer
This initiative supports partnerships between academic researchers and the private sector to develop and utilize index insurance as a tool to enhance risk management, access to finance, and technology adoption among smallholder agricultural producers in developing countries. The initiative currently has seven pilot activities addressing risk and index insurance in Peru, Kenya, Mali, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, and Guatemala.
A Haitian farmer
USAID partners with PepsiCo to improve yields, production and availability of healthy food in East Africa. This pilot program, Enterprise EthioPEA, focuses on improving the production of chickpeas in Ethiopia. This existing value chain has potential not only as a nutritious staple food, but also as an export crop and a flexible ingredient for many processed foods.
Nigerian farmers harvest rice
The USAID-DSM partnership leverages the organizations' respective competencies, expertise, products, and services to meet the micronutrient needs of populations in the developing world. The initial focus of the collaboration will be on rice fortification; support of the 1,000 Days efforts to jump start the Scaling Up Nutrition Road Map; and improvement of nutritional value, quality, shelf life, and methods for testing food aid commodities.
Farmers till a field
The World Economic Forum's Realizing a New Vision for Agriculture initiative directly aligns with the United States' renewed commitment to agriculture-led development. The initiative addresses the major challenges of global food and agricultural sustainability based on a vision of agriculture as a positive contributor to food security, environmental sustainability and economic opportunity.
Water irrigation system
The Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania is an innovative public-private partnership that helps link farmers to modern supply chains and make agriculture a profitable activity, incorporating small-scale farmers. The initiative is supported by a public-private partnership of global agriculture businesses, international development agencies, farmers' groups, and the government of Tanzania.
A farmer sorts tomatoes
The USAID-Walmart regional agreement supports small rural farmers in Central America, connecting them to the retailer's regional and international supply chains. The partnership builds on experience gained from previous collaborations in the region. It aims to help small rural farmers earn more from their fresh fruit and vegetable production. Consumers will benefit from greater access to diverse, locally grown produce.
A farmer holds corn kernels
The African Alliance for Improved Food Processing is designed to assist in the transformation of the food processing sector in African countries. The Alliance offers technical support and training designed to improve the business performance of food processing firms. These efforts will increase the availability of high quality nutritious and safe foods to local populations, including the most vulnerable.