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Cadet Awards

The following cadets have received awards for their outstanding performance in mathematics. Congratulations!
Top Gun Award Recipients - AY2012 Fall
Course Top Gun
MA100 Kirenga, Alain
MA103 Zimmerman, Ryan
MA103 Sears, Dan
MA103 Brown, Daniel
MA103 Czarnecki, Stefan
MA153 Chacko, David B.
MA153 Adams, Courtland
MA153 Levy, Isaiah R.
MA153 Junta, Lisa M.
MA104 Marx, Peter
MA205 Song, Kaoru
MA205 Strick, Matthew
MA206 Gebner, Adam
MA255 Oliver, Rachel
MA364 Taephanitcharoen, Ponpat
MA371 Hubbard, Steven
MA371 Bieletto, Eliot
MA372 Delaney, Robert
MA376 Hubbard, Steven F.
MA381 Marchant, Derek
MA383 Beason, William (left USMA)
MA383 Grigsby, Carolyn
MA383 Harris, Austin
MA386 Hansen, Spencer
MA391 Cassidy, Kelley
MA391 McDonnell, Maxwell
MA461 Delaney, Robert
MA484 Hansen, Spencer
MA488 Schmidt, William
MA488A Kunst, Kailee
First Class Academic Excellence Award
Cadet John Rollinson

General of the Army Omar N. Bradley Award for Excellence In Mathematics Electives
Cadet John Rollinson

Hromadka Memorial Award
Cadet Mathew Robinson

Military Applications Society Award
Cadet Chris Moon

Second Lieutenant Zachariah Miller Memorial Award
Cadet Ryan Brod

Laura Winkel Memorial Applied Math Award
Cadet Thomas Mussman

Second Class Academic Excellence Award
Cadets David Bierbrauer, John Fernandes, Spencer Hansen, and Kalan Snyder

Hollis Award
Cadets Mathew Vane, Casey Tuggle, Quinton Fenley, and John Gomber

Annual Student Mathematics Award (4th Class)
Cadets William Beason, Calla Glavin, Brian Kloiber, Charles Llewellyn, Erin Mauldin, Kevin Updike, Joshua Williams, Diana Zybko, Kelley Lewis, Kevin Keyes, Joshua Flemings, and Kyle Cotner

“The Problem of the Week” Mathematics Problem Solving Competition
Fall 2010:
CDT Jonathan Maginot, Dr. Amanda Hager

Spring 2011:
CDT Jonathan Maginot, Dr. Amanda Hager

The 2011 Mathematical Competition in Modeling Teams

FINALISTS (top 1%)
Nolan Miles, Andrew Lopez, Ben Garlick
(Advisor: MAJ Seidel)

Liz Olcese, Ethan Muhs, Kevin Updike
(Advisor: MAJ Evans)

Thomas Mussman, Adam Leemans, Steven Fowler (Advisor: MAJ Hung)

Pongpat Taephanitchareon, Joseph Todaro, Elaine Gill
(Advisor: Dr. Wooster)

The 2011 Interdisciplinary in Modeling Teams

William Beason, Brain Kloiber, Calla Glavin
(Advisor: Dr. Mikhalov)