Indonesia Ratifies the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty

Press Statement
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
December 6, 2011


The United States welcomes Indonesia’s ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). We thank President Yudhoyono and the Government of Indonesia for their leadership in this global effort to reinforce the nuclear nonproliferation regime. Ratification by Indonesia – one of the countries whose ratification is required for the Treaty’s entry into force – reinforces the international norm against nuclear explosive testing and sends an encouraging message to the global effort to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.

The United States, which has observed a moratorium on nuclear explosive testing since 1992, is committed to the ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty and to its early entry into force. We will continue to work closely with all members of the United States Senate to help achieve advice and consent to this important international agreement. The United States calls on all governments to declare or reaffirm their commitment not to conduct explosive nuclear tests, and we urge all states that have not yet ratified the treaty to join us in this effort.

PRN: 2011/2069


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