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Articles with keyword "Publishing"

Photo portrait of Barbara Tuchman


The Dramatist

By Meredith Hindley

Barbara Tuchman saw history as a grand tragedy

James Agee portrait, standing in a window.


Let Us Now Praise James Agee

By Danny Heitman

The journalist who pioneered serious film criticism showed a cinematic touch in all of his writing.

"Disatisfied": a woodblock illustration by Lafcadio Hearn


Lafcadio Hearn in New Orleans

By Danny Heitman

The misfit journalist felt at home in the marginalized world he wrote about.


Photo portrait of Philip Larkin


"Moving and Memorable"

By Francis-Noël Thomas

The complete poems of Philip Larkin

Civil War-era group portrait of blacks near the James River in Virginia


Reading the Civil War

By Adam Kirsch

The moral and political dilemmas of the time seem so clear in retrospect.

Hurston playing with children


Zora's Place

By Anne Trubek

To understand her, you need to understand Eatonville—and vice versa.

open King James Bible


The Everlasting Bible

By Paul Gutjahr

New translations of the Bible have sought to make it accessible to everyone.

business letter in Audubon's handwriting


Audubon the Writer

By Danny Heitman

The celebrated bird portraitist was also a great artist of the written word.



Words of America

By Michael Adams

The final volume of the Dictionary of American Regional English approaches


Baskerville Hounded

From The Most Disreputable Trade: Publishing the Classics of English Poetry 1765–1810 by Thomas F. Bonnell, published by Oxford University Press, 2008.