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Radiation and Biomolecular Physics Division

The Radiation and Biomolecular Physics Division is a division of the Physical Measurement Laboratory at NIST. We develop, maintain and disseminate the national standards for ionizing radiations and radioactivity, and research and develop the measurement methods and models to address problems in biophysics. The Division fulfills its mission to support the measurement and standards needs of the health care, biotechnology, security and defense, energy, and other industries through activities in four technical groups:
  • Biophysics,
  • Dosimetry,
  • Neutron Physics,
  • and Radioactivity.

The Division advances measurement tools, science and applications in ionizing and non-ionizing radiation to support U.S. security, industry, protection, and trade and develops, maintains, and disseminates national measurement standards for these physical quantities and assesses their comparability internationally. The Division also conducts theoretical and experimental research on the fundamental physical interactions of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation with matter, including the development and evaluation of the key physical measurements needed in the study of biological systems and their functions as well as research on the basic mechanisms involved in radiation-induced chemical transformations and the parameters that influence the yields of short-lived intermediates, final chemical products, and biological effects.  We develop and operate well-characterized sources and beams of electrons, photons, and neutrons for primary radiation standards, calibrations, research on radiation interactions, and measurement methods development.  In addition to publications in the scientific community, the Division’s products are disseminated through highly accurate standard reference data for ionizing radiation and radioactive materials, Standard Reference Materials (SRMs), calibrations, and measurement quality assurance providing measurement traceability to users such as hospitals, industry, states, and other Federal agencies. 



Karam 003

Lisa R. Karam, Division Chief
301-975-5561 Telephone
301-975-5524 Division Secretary
301-869-7682 Facsimile

100 Bureau Drive, M/S 8460
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8460