Knowledge Management Support

Connecting People; Working Smarter; Getting Results

USAID, a recognized leader in development, provides foreign assistance and humanitarian relief to the developing world. The scope and span of this development work puts USAID in a prominent position to promote continuous knowledge sharing and collaboration among;public and private enterprises, NGOs, host governments, and civil society.

What is Knowledge Management (KM)

The focus of USAID's Knowledge Management Program is to connect people to the processes and technology that will help them to work effectively with partners to accomplish USAID's mission. The KM principles of knowlege capture, sharing and application helps the Agency to adapt to rapidly changing events by incorporating lessons learned and past experiences into decision-making and program planning decisions.

KM Strategic Framework

The Knowledge Management Framework seeks to synthesize and promote knowledge sharing activities and resources through a continuous learning cycle. The Framework supports current KM initiatives while providing guidance for the development of future KM processes and systems.

Knowledge Management Framework
Knowledge Management Framework

What KM Does

  • Connects people to timely, relevant and accurate information
  • Captures the creation of knowledge generated by USAID programs and staff expertise
  • Applies captured knowledge, such as lessons learned and proven results, to replicate success
  • Provides an environment where information sharing, learning and collaboration are encouraged
  • Retains and shares institutional memory

Why is KM Important

USAID is known for its rich international development experience. Its people work worldwide, generating knowledge and sharing expertise. The Agency’s continuing success depends on staff’s ability to access timely, accurate information wherever they are to make informed decisions and take necessary actions. USAID’s knowledge can be found in reports in a mission in Zagreb, in databases in Cairo, in the expertise and skills of a Honduran employee, or in the head of a Washington staffer. This knowledge can be lost as people move from one post to another or retire. KM supports the capture, retention and sharing of USAID’s collective knowledge through the connecting of people to information, experience and expertise regardless of location.

Who We Are

USAID's Knowledge Management Program is based in the Management Bureau, Office of the Chief Information Officer. A Knowledge Management Reference Group made up of representatives from USAID Bureaus and interested external persons meets on a bi-monthly basis. The purpose of the USAID KM Reference Group is to obtain Agency-wide input on USAID's Knowledge Management Program.

Contact the KM Team to obtain more information, provide feedback, request KM services, or share your knowledge:




U.S. Agency for International Development

1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20523

Last updated: August 31, 2012
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