Datastream : RL

Raman lidar (RL): raw backscattered profiles at 355, 387, and 408 nm

Active Dates
1996.06.03 - 2012.09.22

Measurement Categories
Aerosols, Cloud Properties

Originating Instrument
Raman Lidar (RL)


Only measurements considered scientifically relevant are shown below by default.

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Measurement Units Variable
Nominal number of seconds of data acquired seconds acquisition_time ( time )
altitude meters above Mean Sea Level alt
Base time in Epoch seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00:00 0:00 base_time
Cloud value check flag unitless cloud_value_check ( time )
Summed analog signal in the high depolarization channel mV depolarization_analog_high ( time, high_bins )
Number of photons counted in the high depolarization channel counts depolarization_counts_high ( time, high_bins )
Summed analog signal in the high elastic channel mV elastic_analog_high ( time, high_bins )
Summed analog signal in the low elastic channel mV elastic_analog_low ( time, low_bins )
Number of photons counted in the high elastic (aerosol) channel counts elastic_counts_high ( time, high_bins )
Number of photons counted in the low elastic (aerosol) channel counts elastic_counts_low ( time, low_bins )
Flag indicating the filters (or lack of) added to the instrument unitless filter ( time )
Laser head in use laser_head ( time )
north latitude degrees lat
Summed analog signal in the liquid water channel mV liquid_analog_high ( time, high_bins )
Number of photons counted in the liquid water channel counts liquid_counts_high ( time, high_bins )
east longitude degrees lon
N2 cloud check value unitless n2_cloud_check_value ( time )
Summed analog signal in the high nitrogen channel mV nitrogen_analog_high ( time, high_bins )
Summed analog signal in the low nitrogen channel mV nitrogen_analog_low ( time, low_bins )
Number of photons counted in the high nitrogen channel counts nitrogen_counts_high ( time, high_bins )
Number of photons counted in the low nitrogen channel counts nitrogen_counts_low ( time, low_bins )
Laser pulse energy milliJoules (mJ) pulse_energy ( time )
Relative humidity inside the instrument enclosure % rh ( time )
Supplemental 1 s1 ( time )
Supplemental 2 s2 ( time )
Supplemental 3 s3 ( time )
Supplemental 4 s4 ( time )
Supplemental 5 s5 ( time )
Supplemental 6 s6 ( time )
Supplemental 7 s7 ( time )
Supplemental 8 s8 ( time )
Supplemental 9 s9 ( time )
Supplemental 10 s10 ( time )
Number of laser shots recorded for the high depolarization channel unitless shots_summed_depolarization_high ( time )
Number of laser shots recorded for the high elastic channel unitless shots_summed_elastic_high ( time )
Number of laser shots recorded for the low elastic channel unitless shots_summed_elastic_low ( time )
Number of laser shots recorded for the liquid water channel unitless shots_summed_liquid_high ( time )
Number of laser shots recorded for the high nitrogen channel unitless shots_summed_nitrogen_high ( time )
Number of laser shots recorded for the low nitrogen channel unitless shots_summed_nitrogen_low ( time )
Number of laser shots recorded for the temperature 1 channel unitless shots_summed_t1_high ( time )
Number of laser shots recorded for the temperature 2 channel unitless shots_summed_t2_high ( time )
Number of laser shots recorded for the high water channel unitless shots_summed_water_high ( time )
Number of laser shots recorded for the low water channel unitless shots_summed_water_low ( time )
Summed analog signal in the temperature 1 channel mV t1_analog_high ( time, high_bins )
Number of photons counted in the temperature 1 channel counts t1_counts_high ( time, high_bins )
Summed analog signal in the temperature 2 channel mV t2_analog_high ( time, high_bins )
Number of photons counted in the temperature 2 channel counts t2_counts_high ( time, high_bins )
Temperature 1 inside the instrument enclosure degC temp1 ( time )
Temperature 2 inside the instrument enclosure degC temp2 ( time )
Temperature 3 inside the instrument enclosure degC temp3 ( time )
Temperature 4 inside the instrument enclosure degC temp4 ( time )
Temperature 5 inside the instrument enclosure degC temp5 ( time )
Temperature 6 inside the instrument enclosure degC temp6 ( time )
Time offset from midnight time ( time )
Time offset from base_time time_offset ( time )
Summed analog signal in the high water vapor channel mV water_analog_high ( time, high_bins )
Summed analog signal in the low water vapor channel mV water_analog_low ( time, low_bins )
Number of photons counted in the high water vapor channel counts water_counts_high ( time, high_bins )
Number of photons counted in the low water vapor channel counts water_counts_low ( time, low_bins )


  • Southern Great Plains (SGP)
    • Central Facility, Lamont, OK (C1)
  • Tropical Western Pacific (TWP)
    • Central Facility, Darwin, Australia (C3)


Rob Newsom
(509) 372-6020

John Goldsmith
(925) 2942432