Datastream : AOSCCN100

Aerosol Observing System (AOS): cloud condensation nuclei data

Active Dates
2010.10.08 - 2012.09.21

Measurement Categories
Aerosols, Cloud Properties

Originating Instrument
Aerosol Observing System (AOS)


Only measurements considered scientifically relevant are shown below by default.

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Measurement Units Variable
AOS CCN set point temperature for the optical partical counter (OPC) degrees C CCN_OPC_set ( time )
AOS CCN sample pressure hPa CCN_P_sample ( time )
AOS CCN volumetric flowrate of sample air cm^3/minute CCN_Q_sample ( time )
AOS CCN volumetric flowrate of sheath air cm^3/minute CCN_Q_sheath ( time )
AOS CCN temperature of the optical particle counter degrees C CCN_T_OPC ( time )
AOS CCN temperature of sample air at entrance to instrument degrees C CCN_T_inlet ( time )
AOS CCN set point temperature for the inlet manifold degrees C CCN_T_inlet_set ( time )
AOS CCN Nafion temperature degrees C CCN_T_nafion ( time )
AOS CCN set temperature for the Nafion humidifier degrees C CCN_T_nafion_set ( time )
AOS CCN temperature of sample air entering the column degrees C CCN_T_sample ( time )
CCN alarm code expressed as a summation of powers of 2. 0 indicates no detected problem unitless CCN_alarm_code ( time )
AOS CCN voltage used by DMT for OPC diagnostic purposes volt CCN_baseline_monitor ( time )
First stage monitor voltage V) CCN_first_stage_monitor_voltage ( time )
AOS CCN set point temperature for the inlet manifold degrees C CCN_inlet_set ( time )
AOS CCN OPC laser current mA CCN_laser_current ( time )
AOS CCN set temperature for the Nafion humidifier degrees C CCN_nafion_set ( time )
Number of particles that are larger than 10um count CCN_overflow ( time )
CCN Proportional valve voltage V CCN_proportional_valve_voltage ( time )
AOS CCN sample saturation setpoint value reported by instrument % CCN_ss_set ( time )
AOS CCN super saturation (calculated) % CCN_super_saturation_calculated ( time )
AOS CCN observed temperature at top of column degrees C CCN_t_read_TEC1 ( time )
AOS CCN observed temperature at middle of column degrees C CCN_t_read_TEC2 ( time )
AOS CCN (read) temperature at bottom of column degrees C CCN_t_read_TEC3 ( time )
AOS CCN set point for temperature at top of column degrees C CCN_t_set_TEC1 ( time )
AOS CCN set point for temperature at middle of column degrees C CCN_t_set_TEC2 ( time )
AOS CCN set point for temperature at bottom of column degrees C CCN_t_set_TEC3 ( time )
Hexadecimal flag, non-zero value means instrument is not operating stably unitless CCN_temp_unstable_flag ( time )
CCN temperature gradient degrees C CCN_temperature_gradient ( time )
Standard deviation of CCN temperature gradient (CCN_t_read_TEC3 - CCN_t_read_TEC1) degrees C CCN_temperature_std ( time )
Size of upper limit of each CCN bin um CCN_upper_size_limit ( num_bins )
AOS number concentration of CCN 1/cm^3 N_CCN ( time )
AOS bin number of lowest channel of OPC include in summation of N_CCN unitless N_CCN_bin_number ( time )
AOS CCN number concentration by bin count N_CCN_dN ( time, num_bins )
Altitude above mean sea level m alt
Base time in Epoch seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00:00 0:00 base_time
North latitude degree_N lat
East longitude degree_E lon
Time offset from midnight time ( time )
Time offset from base_time time_offset ( time )


  • North Slope Alaska (NSA)
    • Southern Great Plains (SGP)
      • Central Facility, Lamont, OK (C1)
      • Central Facility, Lamont, OK (C1)
    • ARM Mobile Facility (PGH)
      • ARIES Observatory, Nainital, Uttarkhand, India (M1)
      • ARIES Observatory, Nainital, Uttarkhand, India (M1)
    • ARM Mobile Facility (PVC)
      • Highland Center, Cape Cod MA; AMF 1 (M1)
      • Highland Center, Cape Cod MA; AMF 1 (M1)
    • ARM Mobile Facility (SBS)
      • Steamboat Springs CO, Christie Peak (S2)
      • Steamboat Springs CO, Christie Peak (S2)