Datastream : SKYRAD60S

Infrared Thermometer: Sky brightness temperature, averaged 60-second

Active Dates
1996.10.09 - 2012.09.21

Measurement Categories

Originating Instrument
Infrared Thermometer (IRT)


Only measurements considered scientifically relevant are shown below by default.

Show all measurements

Measurement Units Variable
Altitude above mean sea level m alt
Base time in Epoch seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00:00 0:00 base_time
Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer1 W/m^2 down_long_hemisp1 ( time )
Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer1, Maxima W/m^2 down_long_hemisp1_max ( time )
Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer1, Minima W/m^2 down_long_hemisp1_min ( time )
Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer1, Standard Deviation W/m^2 down_long_hemisp1_std ( time )
Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer2 W/m^2 down_long_hemisp2 ( time )
Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer2, Maxima W/m^2 down_long_hemisp2_max ( time )
Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer2, Minima W/m^2 down_long_hemisp2_min ( time )
Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer2, Standard Deviation W/m^2 down_long_hemisp2_std ( time )
Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer W/m^2 down_short_diffuse_hemisp ( time )
Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Maxima W/m^2 down_short_diffuse_hemisp_max ( time )
Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Minima W/m^2 down_short_diffuse_hemisp_min ( time )
Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Standard Deviation W/m^2 down_short_diffuse_hemisp_std ( time )
Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer W/m^2 down_short_hemisp ( time )
Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Maxima W/m^2 down_short_hemisp_max ( time )
Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Minima W/m^2 down_short_hemisp_min ( time )
Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Standard Deviation W/m^2 down_short_hemisp_std ( time )
Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Case Thermistor Temperature, Pyrgeometer1 K inst_down_long_hemisp1_case_temp ( time )
Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Dome Thermistor Temperature, Pyrgeometer1 K inst_down_long_hemisp1_dome_temp ( time )
Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Thermopile, Pyrgeometer1 W/m^2 inst_down_long_hemisp1_tp ( time )
Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Case Thermistor Temperature, Pyrgeometer2 K inst_down_long_hemisp2_case_temp ( time )
Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Dome Thermistor Temperature, Pyrgeometer2 K inst_down_long_hemisp2_dome_temp ( time )
Instantaneous Downwelling Pyrgeometer Thermopile, Pyrgeometer2 W/m^2 inst_down_long_hemisp2_tp ( time )
North latitude degree_N lat
Logger temperature C logger_temp ( time )
East longitude degree_E lon
Quality check results on field: Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer1 unitless qc_down_long_hemisp1 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer1, Maxima unitless qc_down_long_hemisp1_max ( time )
Quality check results on field: Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer1, Minima unitless qc_down_long_hemisp1_min ( time )
Quality check results on field: Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer2 unitless qc_down_long_hemisp2 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer2, Maxima unitless qc_down_long_hemisp2_max ( time )
Quality check results on field: Downwelling Longwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyrgeometer2, Minima unitless qc_down_long_hemisp2_min ( time )
Quality check results on field: Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer unitless qc_down_short_diffuse_hemisp ( time )
Quality check results on field: Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Maxima unitless qc_down_short_diffuse_hemisp_max ( time )
Quality check results on field: Downwelling Shortwave Diffuse Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Minima unitless qc_down_short_diffuse_hemisp_min ( time )
Quality check results on field: Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer unitless qc_down_short_hemisp ( time )
Quality check results on field: Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Maxima unitless qc_down_short_hemisp_max ( time )
Quality check results on field: Downwelling Shortwave Hemispheric Irradiance, Pyranometer, Minima unitless qc_down_short_hemisp_min ( time )
Quality check results on field: Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrheliometer unitless qc_short_direct_normal ( time )
Quality check results on field: Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrheliometer, Maxima unitless qc_short_direct_normal_max ( time )
Quality check results on field: Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrheliometer, Minima unitless qc_short_direct_normal_min ( time )
Quality check results on field: Sky/Cloud Infrared Temperature unitless qc_sky_ir_temp ( time )
Quality check results on field: Sky/Cloud Infrared Temperature Maxima unitless qc_sky_ir_temp_max ( time )
Quality check results on field: Sky/Cloud Infrared Temperature Minima unitless qc_sky_ir_temp_min ( time )
Quality check results on field: Time offset from midnight unitless qc_time ( time )
Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrheliometer W/m^2 short_direct_normal ( time )
Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrheliometer, Maxima W/m^2 short_direct_normal_max ( time )
Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrheliometer, Minima W/m^2 short_direct_normal_min ( time )
Shortwave Direct Normal Irradiance, Pyrheliometer, Standard Deviation W/m^2 short_direct_normal_std ( time )
Sky/Cloud Infrared Temperature K sky_ir_temp ( time )
Sky/Cloud Infrared Temperature Maxima K sky_ir_temp_max ( time )
Sky/Cloud Infrared Temperature Minima K sky_ir_temp_min ( time )
Sky/Cloud Infrared Temperature Standard Deviation K sky_ir_temp_std ( time )
Time offset from midnight time ( time )
Time offset from base_time time_offset ( time )
Battery voltage V vBatt ( time )


  • North Slope Alaska (NSA)
    • Central Facility, Barrow AK (C1)
    • Central Facility, Barrow AK (C1)
    • Central Facility, Atqasuk AK (C2)
    • Central Facility, Atqasuk AK (C2)
  • Tropical Western Pacific (TWP)
    • Central Facility, Manus I., PNG (C1)
    • Central Facility, Manus I., PNG (C1)
    • Central Facility, Nauru Island (C2)
    • Central Facility, Nauru Island (C2)
    • Central Facility, Darwin, Australia (C3)
    • Central Facility, Darwin, Australia (C3)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (FKB)
    • Black Forest, Germany (M1)
    • Black Forest, Germany (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (GAN)
    • Gan Airport, Gan Island, Maldives (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (GRW)
    • Graciosa Island, Azores, Portugal (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (HFE)
    • Shouxian, Anhui, China (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (NIM)
    • Niamey, Niger (M1)
    • Niamey, Niger (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (PGH)
    • ARIES Observatory, Nainital, Uttarkhand, India (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (PVC)
    • Highland Center, Cape Cod MA; AMF 1 (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (PYE)
    • Point Reyes, CA (M1)
    • Point Reyes, CA (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (SBS)
    • Steamboat Springs CO, Valley Site (M1)
  • SHEBA (Surface HEat Budget of the Arctic) (SHB)
    • Ice Station SHEBA (C1)
    • Ice Station SHEBA (C1)


Tom Stoffel
(303) 275-2919

Bev Kay
(303) 384-6388

Aron Habte
(303) 384-6389

Nicki Hickmon
(630) 252-7662

Michael Ritsche
(630) 252-1554

Mary Anderberg

Peter Gotseff
(303) 384-6327

Victor Morris
(509) 372-6144

Mark Kutchenreiter