Datastream : 30EBBR

Energy Balance Bowen Ratio (EBBR) station: surf. heat flux and related data, 30-min

Active Dates
1993.07.04 - 2012.09.21

Measurement Categories
Radiometric, Surface Properties

Originating Instrument
Energy Balance Bowen Ratio Station (EBBR)


Only measurements considered scientifically relevant are shown below by default.

Show all measurements

Measurement Units Variable
Altitude above mean sea level m alt
Atmospheric pressure kPa atmos_pressure ( time )
Base time in Epoch seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00:00 0:00 base_time
Bowen ratio unitless bowen_ratio ( time )
Soil heat flow 1, corrected for soil moisture W/m^2 corr_soil_heat_flow_1 ( time )
Soil heat flow 2, corrected for soil moisture W/m^2 corr_soil_heat_flow_2 ( time )
Soil heat flow 3, corrected for soil moisture W/m^2 corr_soil_heat_flow_3 ( time )
Soil heat flow 4, corrected for soil moisture W/m^2 corr_soil_heat_flow_4 ( time )
Soil heat flow 5, corrected for soil moisture W/m^2 corr_soil_heat_flow_5 ( time )
Change in energy storage 1, 0-5 cm soil layer W/m^2 energy_storage_change_1 ( time )
Change in energy storage 2, 0-5 cm soil layer W/m^2 energy_storage_change_2 ( time )
Change in energy storage 3, 0-5 cm soil layer W/m^2 energy_storage_change_3 ( time )
Change in energy storage 4, 0-5 cm soil layer W/m^2 energy_storage_change_4 ( time )
Change in energy storage 5, 0-5 cm soil layer W/m^2 energy_storage_change_5 ( time )
AEM position indicator 0 to 15 mins mV home_signal_15 ( time )
AEM position indicator 15 to 30 mins mV home_signal_30 ( time )
North latitude degree_N lat
Latent heat flux W/m^2 latent_heat_flux ( time )
East longitude degree_E lon
Net radiation W/m^2 net_radiation ( time )
Quality check results on field: Atmospheric pressure unitless qc_atmos_pressure ( time )
Quality check results on field: Bowen ratio unitless qc_bowen_ratio ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil heat flow 1, corrected for soil moisture unitless qc_corr_soil_heat_flow_1 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil heat flow 2, corrected for soil moisture unitless qc_corr_soil_heat_flow_2 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil heat flow 3, corrected for soil moisture unitless qc_corr_soil_heat_flow_3 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil heat flow 4, corrected for soil moisture unitless qc_corr_soil_heat_flow_4 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil heat flow 5, corrected for soil moisture unitless qc_corr_soil_heat_flow_5 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Change in energy storage 1, 0-5 cm soil layer unitless qc_energy_storage_change_1 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Change in energy storage 2, 0-5 cm soil layer unitless qc_energy_storage_change_2 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Change in energy storage 3, 0-5 cm soil layer unitless qc_energy_storage_change_3 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Change in energy storage 4, 0-5 cm soil layer unitless qc_energy_storage_change_4 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Change in energy storage 5, 0-5 cm soil layer unitless qc_energy_storage_change_5 ( time )
Quality check results on field: AEM position indicator 0 to 15 mins unitless qc_home_signal_15 ( time )
Quality check results on field: AEM position indicator 15 to 30 mins unitless qc_home_signal_30 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Latent heat flux unitless qc_latent_heat_flux ( time )
Quality check results on field: Net radiation unitless qc_net_radiation ( time )
Quality check results on field: Bottom relative humidity (fractional) unitless qc_rh_bottom_fraction ( time )
Quality check results on field: Top relative humidity (fractional) unitless qc_rh_top_fraction ( time )
Quality check results on field: Sensible heat flux unitless qc_sensible_heat_flux ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil heat capacity 1 unitless qc_soil_heat_capacity_1 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil heat capacity 2 unitless qc_soil_heat_capacity_2 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil heat capacity 3 unitless qc_soil_heat_capacity_3 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil heat capacity 4 unitless qc_soil_heat_capacity_4 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil heat capacity 5 unitless qc_soil_heat_capacity_5 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil heat flow 1 unitless qc_soil_heat_flow_1 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil heat flow 2 unitless qc_soil_heat_flow_2 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil heat flow 3 unitless qc_soil_heat_flow_3 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil heat flow 4 unitless qc_soil_heat_flow_4 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil heat flow 5 unitless qc_soil_heat_flow_5 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil moisture 1, gravimetric unitless qc_soil_moisture_1 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil moisture 2, gravimetric unitless qc_soil_moisture_2 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil moisture 3, gravimetric unitless qc_soil_moisture_3 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil moisture 4, gravimetric unitless qc_soil_moisture_4 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil moisture 5, gravimetric unitless qc_soil_moisture_5 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil temperature 1 unitless qc_soil_temp_1 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil temperature 2 unitless qc_soil_temp_2 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil temperature 3 unitless qc_soil_temp_3 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil temperature 4 unitless qc_soil_temp_4 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Soil temperature 5 unitless qc_soil_temp_5 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Surface soil heat flux 1 unitless qc_surface_soil_heat_flux_1 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Surface soil heat flux 2 unitless qc_surface_soil_heat_flux_2 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Surface soil heat flux 3 unitless qc_surface_soil_heat_flux_3 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Surface soil heat flux 4 unitless qc_surface_soil_heat_flux_4 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Surface soil heat flux 5 unitless qc_surface_soil_heat_flux_5 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Surface soil heat flux, average of fluxes 1-5 unitless qc_surface_soil_heat_flux_avg ( time )
Quality check results on field: Bottom air temperature unitless qc_temp_air_bottom ( time )
Quality check results on field: Top air temperature unitless qc_temp_air_top ( time )
Quality check results on field: Reference temperature in enclosure unitless qc_temp_reference ( time )
Quality check results on field: Bottom T/RH sensor temperature unitless qc_temp_trh_bottom ( time )
Quality check results on field: Top T/RH sensor temperature unitless qc_temp_trh_top ( time )
Quality check results on field: Time offset from midnight unitless qc_time ( time )
Quality check results on field: Bottom vapor pressure unitless qc_vapor_pressure_bottom ( time )
Quality check results on field: Top vapor pressure unitless qc_vapor_pressure_top ( time )
Quality check results on field: Wind direction vector mean unitless qc_wdir_vec_mean ( time )
Quality check results on field: Wind direction vector mean standard deviation unitless qc_wdir_vec_std ( time )
Quality check results on field: Wind speed arithmetic mean unitless qc_wspd_arith_mean ( time )
Quality check results on field: Wind speed vector mean unitless qc_wspd_vec_mean ( time )
Bottom relative humidity (fractional) fraction rh_bottom_fraction ( time )
Top relative humidity (fractional) fraction rh_top_fraction ( time )
Sensible heat flux W/m^2 sensible_heat_flux ( time )
Soil heat capacity 1 MJ/m^3/degC soil_heat_capacity_1 ( time )
Soil heat capacity 2 MJ/m^3/degC soil_heat_capacity_2 ( time )
Soil heat capacity 3 MJ/m^3/degC soil_heat_capacity_3 ( time )
Soil heat capacity 4 MJ/m^3/degC soil_heat_capacity_4 ( time )
Soil heat capacity 5 MJ/m^3/degC soil_heat_capacity_5 ( time )
Soil heat flow 1 W/m^2 soil_heat_flow_1 ( time )
Soil heat flow 2 W/m^2 soil_heat_flow_2 ( time )
Soil heat flow 3 W/m^2 soil_heat_flow_3 ( time )
Soil heat flow 4 W/m^2 soil_heat_flow_4 ( time )
Soil heat flow 5 W/m^2 soil_heat_flow_5 ( time )
Soil moisture 1, gravimetric % soil_moisture_1 ( time )
Soil moisture 2, gravimetric % soil_moisture_2 ( time )
Soil moisture 3, gravimetric % soil_moisture_3 ( time )
Soil moisture 4, gravimetric % soil_moisture_4 ( time )
Soil moisture 5, gravimetric % soil_moisture_5 ( time )
Soil temperature 1 degC soil_temp_1 ( time )
Soil temperature 2 degC soil_temp_2 ( time )
Soil temperature 3 degC soil_temp_3 ( time )
Soil temperature 4 degC soil_temp_4 ( time )
Soil temperature 5 degC soil_temp_5 ( time )
Surface soil heat flux 1 W/m^2 surface_soil_heat_flux_1 ( time )
Surface soil heat flux 2 W/m^2 surface_soil_heat_flux_2 ( time )
Surface soil heat flux 3 W/m^2 surface_soil_heat_flux_3 ( time )
Surface soil heat flux 4 W/m^2 surface_soil_heat_flux_4 ( time )
Surface soil heat flux 5 W/m^2 surface_soil_heat_flux_5 ( time )
Surface soil heat flux, average of fluxes 1-5 W/m^2 surface_soil_heat_flux_avg ( time )
Bottom air temperature degC temp_air_bottom ( time )
Top air temperature degC temp_air_top ( time )
Reference temperature in enclosure degC temp_reference ( time )
Bottom T/RH sensor temperature degC temp_trh_bottom ( time )
Top T/RH sensor temperature degC temp_trh_top ( time )
Time offset from midnight time ( time )
Time offset from base_time time_offset ( time )
Bottom vapor pressure kPa vapor_pressure_bottom ( time )
Top vapor pressure kPa vapor_pressure_top ( time )
Wind direction vector mean degree wdir_vec_mean ( time )
Wind direction vector mean standard deviation degree wdir_vec_std ( time )
Wind speed arithmetic mean m/s wspd_arith_mean ( time )
Wind speed vector mean m/s wspd_vec_mean ( time )


  • Southern Great Plains (SGP)
    • Pawhuska, OK (E12)
    • Lamont, OK (Extended) (E13)
    • Ringwood, OK (E15)
    • Morris, OK (Extended) (E18)
    • El Reno, OK (E19)
    • Hillsboro, KS (Extended) (E2)
    • Meeker, OK (Extended) (E20)
    • Cordell, OK (E22)
    • Seminole, OK (E25)
    • Cement, OK (E26)
    • Earlsboro, OK (E27)
    • Medford, OK (E32)
    • Maple City, KS (E34)
    • Tryon, OK (E35)
    • Marshall, OK (E36)
    • Plevna, KS (E4)
    • Elk Falls, KS (E7)
    • Coldwater, KS (E8)
    • Ashton, KS (E9)


David Cook
(630) 252-5840

Edwin Campos